It is easy to get scammed by sellers peddling counterfeit RTL-SDR Blog V3 and V4 units. Please ensure that you are getting a Genuine RTL-SDR Blog V3 or V4 by checking the sellers account name. Our official account names are:
Amazon: RTL-SDR Blog
eBay: rtl-sdr-blog
Aliexpress: RTLSDRBlog Store | Store No.4523039 | Alt Store No. 1101427871
99% of other sellers on marketplace websites like eBay and Aliexpress claiming to sell RTL-SDR Blog V3/V4 units are selling fake units with poorer performance, and most are missing features like the HF mode, bias tee and TCXO.
Official local resellers are listed at
The dongles with blue or green cases or square rectangular silver cases with four screws, or those advertised as "Pro" are not ours. Those dongles use poorer quality components, are designed cheaply, and may not have all the V3 features. We cannot provide any support for counterfeits and these do not help support the running of the blog and the design of new products.
From late December 2022 you may start seeing black dongles with the RTL-SDR Blog and RTL-SDR.COM logos. These are legitimate dongles, and in 2023 we will be slowly transitioning into these.
November 2023 note: Cloners have now copied the black enclosure too. Please consult the image below for more information on how to spot these fakes.
2024 Note: Our RTL-SDR Blog V4 has also rapidly been copied and there are multiple clones on the market now. The points for spotting RTL-SDR Blog V4 clones are the same as for the V3 model.