ADSBExchange now using tar1090: Historical Flight Tracks, Military Aircraft Filters and more

ADSBExchange is an aircraft tracking website service which aggregates ADS-B data from contributors running RTL-SDR's or similar receivers worldwide.

However, unlike other flight tracking sites such as flightaware and flightradar24, ADSBExchange sets themselves apart by proudly refusing to censor the tracking of military and private jets that have requested privacy. One area where this refusal to self-censor helps is with the "Dictator Alert" service. This is a service that automatically tracks the movements of private aircraft owned by authoritarian regimes via the ADS-B data collected and shared by ADSBExchange. 

Recently ADSBExchange upgraded their web interface moving from the old Virtual Radar Server system to tar1090 which is a more fully featured open source display for dump1090. This new interface has some great features, like the ability to view the complete flight track history of any aircraft on a particular day, the ability to display only military aircraft and the ability to filter by altitude and aircraft type. new tar1090 interface new tar1090 interface
Viewing the tracks of 1-day of police helicopter activity in the new ADSBExchange tar1090 interface.
Viewing the historic tracks of 1-day of police helicopter activity in the new ADSBExchange tar1090 interface.
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Hoping that the upgrade to tar1090 much better than the old Virtual Radar Server system. I excited to see their interface new features!


I hope this doesn’t sound too dumb but I have not found a Win 10 version of TAR1090. I have dump1090.exe and it works on win 10. Is there a Win version of tar1090?

C. Warren

There isn’t one but if you have a raspberry pi you can run it on there and access the data through a Windows computer there are many guides online for this and the GitHub page for tar1090 also has good info on setting it up


I had a question about a similar topic and just reached out to ADSBExchange. They have a contact form and they responded surprisingly quickly.


The city of Baltimore in USA is using a private company to basically maintain 24/7 video surveillance of the city in the name of preventing crime. Our country is slowly becoming a police state.

Rodney Yeo

Yes… Tar1090 and TimeLapse1090 is installed at my web feeder too… click at Application Sources Services to view it all…