2025 (9)
20.01. - A USB-C Mod for RTL-SDR Blog V3/V4 Dongles (RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, USB-C) 20.01. - Locating an Intermittent Interferer with a KrakenSDR (Applications, KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (krakensdr, radio direction finding, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 09.01. - CCC Conference Talk: Investigating the Iridium Satellite Network (Antennas, Digital Signals, Satellite, Security) (iridium, satellite, security) 09.01. - Setting up a Dual RX System with an SDR and Ham Radio Rig via an SDRSwitch (Amateur Radio, Antennas, RTL-SDR) (ham radio, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, Software-defined radio) 06.01. - A Detailed Guide to Setting up RTL1090 for ADS-B Decoding (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (adsb, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl1090, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 06.01. - Saveitforparts: Testing a 3D Printable Satellite Antenna for NOAA, Meteor and other Polar Orbiting L-Band Satellites (Antennas, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (HRPT, l-band, meteor, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satdump, satellite)
2024 (152)
18.12. - Sn0ren Tests out the KrakenSDR (Applications, KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (krakensdr, radio direction finding, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, rtlsdr) 18.12. - Saveitforparts: Receiving the Bitcoin Blockchain from the Blockstream Satellite Network (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (bitcoin, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 12.12. - Running RTL-SDR in your Browser via an HTML5 App (Applications, RTL-SDR) (HTML5, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, rtlsdr) 12.12. - Updates to Knowle Consultants RTL-SDR Android Apps (Applications, Mobile, RTL-SDR) (adsb, android, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 03.12. - DragonBridge: Streaming IQ Data Over 802.11ah HaLow via Two Relay Drones (Antennas, Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (802.11ah, dragonOS, HaLow, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 03.12. - A Tutorial on Setting up a XHSI Cockpit Display with Live Data from an RTL-SDR Receiving ADS-B (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, xhsi) 03.12. - Receiving Starlink Signals with an RTL-SDR and Ku-Band LNB (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (LNB, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, starlink) 26.11. - Open-Weather APT: Updates to the Web Based NOAA APT Image Decoder (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (APT, automatic picture transmission, NOAA) 20.11. - DragonOS: Setting up AISMon with WINE and Virtual Audio Sink for HackRF and RTL-SDR (Applications, HackRF, Marine, RTL-SDR) (AIS, AISMon, automatic identification system, hackrf, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 20.11. - Setting up the Cheapest FlightAware ADS-B Feeder with RTL-SDR and Raspberry Pi 2W (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, flightaware, piaware, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 19.11. - Weather Satellite HRPT and LRPT Megaprojection Project Nov 30 – Dec 1 (RTL-SDR, Satellite) (HRPT, LRPT, megaprojection, Meteor-M2, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 13.11. - SDR and RF Videos from DEFCON 32 (Security) (defcon, security) 13.11. - SDRplay SDRconnect Preview 5 Released (SDRplay) (sdrconnect, sdrplay) 06.11. - Paper on Building a Low Cost RTL-SDR Based Hydrogen Line Radio Telescope (Antennas, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (hydrogen line, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 05.11. - Setting up an ADS-B Radar in a Vehicle Android Head Unit (Airband, Applications, Mobile, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 05.11. - A Video on Radar-TUI: A Terminal User Interface Based ADS-B Display (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 05.11. - Guglielmo FM and DAB Receiver Software Updated to Version 0.6 (Airspy, Applications, Broadcast Radio, HackRF, LimeSDR, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (DAB, digital audio broadcast, FM, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 30.10. - SatDump 1.2.1 Released (Applications, Discovery Dish, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satdump, satellite) 24.10. - Building an “HF Helper” for Improving RTL-SDR HF Reception (Amateur Radio, Antennas, HF, RTL-SDR) (filter, HF, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 22.10. - Project H Line 3D: YouTube Talk (Antennas, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (hydrogen line, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 22.10. - Seeve: A 95% Smaller RFNM Board (RFNM) (5G, FPV, RFNM) 17.10. - ARMSDR.COM: Tracking Support for Windows 11 ARM64 Compatible SDR Applications (Applications, RTL-SDR) (ARM CPU, armsdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, Win11 ARM64, Windows on ARM) 08.10. - mmng-ui: A Text User Interface for Multimon-NG (Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (flex, multimon-ng, pagers, POCSAG, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 08.10. - Updates to the Lego Pi Radio Project (Broadcast Radio, RTL-SDR) (DAB, FM radio, lego pi, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 13.09. - WarDragon: Real-Time Drone Remote ID Tracking with Snifflee, TAR1090 and ATAK (Other, Security) (ATAK, bluetooth, bluetooth long range, drone, drone ID, remote ID, TAK, UAV) 13.09. - DeepRad – Modular RTL-SDR System Now Crowdfunding on Crowd Supply (News, RTL-SDR) (crowd supply, deeprad, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 28.08. - HackRF and Portapack Featured in Recent Linus Tech Tips Video (Flipper Zero, HackRF, Security) (flipper zero, hackrf, security, tempest) 21.08. - Moving on from WXtoIMG for NOAA APT Weather Satellite Decoding (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (NOAA-APT, satdump, weather satellite, wxtoimg) 16.08. - Receiving Weather Images from NOAA Weather Satellites with an RTL-SDR Blog V4 and Multipurpose Dipole Antenna Kit (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR) (dipole, dipole antenna, rtl-sdr, rtl-sdr blog V4, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 15.08. - Easvesdropping on HDMI with TEMPESTSDR and SDRplay (Applications, RTL-SDR, SDRplay, Security) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdrplay, tempest. tempestsdr) 14.08. - Tech Minds: Reviewing the Raspberry Pi 5 For Radio Amateurs Book by Elektor (Applications, RTL-SDR) (raspberry pi 5, rtl-sdr, rtl-sdr blog v3, rtl-sdr blog V4, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 14.08. - A Video Review of FobosSDR (Other) (fobossdr, sdr#, sdrsharp) 13.08. - Tracking Down an ATIS Tower with KrakenSDR (KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (ATIS, krakensdr, radio direction finding, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 06.08. - RadioWorld Magazine Article about Software Defined Radios for Shortwave Listening (HF, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdrplay, shortwave) 06.08. - SignalsEverywhere: Using HackTV to Transmit Analog Television with a HackRF (Applications, FL2K-SDR, HackRF) (analog TV, hackrf, hacktv, NTSC, PAL) 05.08. - Using the RTL-SDR Blog V3 as a DVB-T Receiver in OpenPli Enigma2 (Applications, RTL-SDR) (DVB-T, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, set-top boxes, tv#) 30.07. - Exploring HD Radio and Other Signals While on Holiday (Applications, Broadcast Radio, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (HD Radio, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 26.07. - KrakenSDR: Kraken Pro Cloud Mapper and Other Updates (KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (krakensdr, radio direction finding, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 24.07. - Deep-Tempest: Eavesdropping on HDMI via SDR and Deep Learning (Applications, RTL-SDR, Security) (deep tempest, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, tempest, TempestSDR, unintentional emissions) 23.07. - Monitoring Aircraft Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) with LimeSDR (Airband, Applications, LimeSDR) (Distance Measuring Equipment, DME, limesdr) 23.07. - Ham Radio for Hackers (Amateur Radio) (amateur radio, ham radio) 16.07. - Reading Electric Meters with RTL-SDR and HomeAssistant (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (itron, rtl_amr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, smart meters) 12.07. - Transmitting and Receiving Meshtastic with SDR (Applications, Digital Signals) (airspy, hackf, meshtastic, rtl-sdr, rtl2832) 10.07. - A Great Video Introduction to RTL-SDR (RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 10.07. - SignalsEverywhere: Monitoring Itron ERT Smart Meters on Android (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (rtl_arm, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, smart meters) 04.07. - Tech Minds: Testing an Inmarsat L-Band Helix for Offset Satellite Dishes (Airspy, Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR) (AERO, inmarsat, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satdump, scytale-c, std-c) 28.06. - GOES-U Satellite Launched and on the way to Geostationary Orbit (Discovery Dish, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (GOES-19, GOES-U, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, weather satellite) 27.06. - An Inspiring Video about Getting Hooked on SDRs (RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 27.06. - SDR# Big Guide Book: 2024 Edition Released (Airspy, Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#) 27.06. - Tech Minds: Testing the NooElec FlyCatcher RTL-SDR ADS-B+UAT Raspberry Pi Hat (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (nooelec flycatcher, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 10.06. - Decoding Meshtastic in Realtime with an RTL-SDR and GNU Radio (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (meshtastic, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 10.06. - An Atmega328 + SI5351 Based WSPR Beacon (Amateur Radio, Applications, HF) (HF, Weak Signal Propagation Reporter, WSPR) 10.06. - Artemis 4 Released: Offline Signal Identification Database (Applications, Other, RTL-SDR) (artemis, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, sigidwiki, signal identification) 30.05. - SignalsEverywhere: Build an RTL-SDR Based OP25 Radio Scanner with a Mobile Control Head Android App (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (digital radio, OP25, P25, public safety, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 30.05. - A 3D Printed Enclosure with USB Hub for RTL-SDR Blog Units (RTL-SDR) (3d print, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 30.05. - uSDR Software Updated to V1.7.0 (Applications, RTL-SDR) (fobossdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, usdr) 20.05. - Airspy HF+ Ranger: A New Airspy Product Teased (Airspy, News) (airspy, airspy hf+ ranger) 13.05. - YouTube Video Series on Iridium Satellite Decoding with an Airspy, RTL-SDR Blog Patch Antenna and DragonOS (Airspy, RTL-SDR, Satellite, Security) (airspy, iridium, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, security) 10.05. - SDRplay RSPdx-R2 Released (News, SDRplay) (sdrplay) 10.05. - DeepRad: Upcoming Modular RTL-SDR System to be CrowdFunded (News, RTL-SDR) (crowd supply, deeprad, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 03.05. - QCSuper: Capture 2G/3G/4G/5G Radio Frames with Qualcomm Phones (Other, RTL-SDR) (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, GSM, qcsuper, qualcomm, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 30.04. - SDR# Version 1920 Released (Applications, RTL-SDR) (airspy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#) 18.04. - Gypsum: A Software-Defined GPS Receiver written in Python + A Writeup on How it Was Made (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (global positioning system, GPS, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 17.04. - Discovery Dish April Manufacturing Update (Antennas, Applications, Discovery Dish, RTL-SDR) (discovery dish, HRPT, l-band, meteor, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832u rtl2832, satellites) 10.04. - The Latest Talks from the Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, SARA, Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers) 10.04. - Tech Minds: Review of the KiwiSDR 2 (HF, KiwiSDR) (HF, kiwisdr) 09.04. - Testing a WiFi Grid Antenna for L-Band Satellites (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (HRPT, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, weather satellite) 02.04. - EM Eye: Eavesdropping on Security Camera via Unintentional RF Emissions (Security) (rtl2832u, rtlsdr, security, unintentional emissions, unintentional radio emissions, usrp) 02.04. - Saveitforparts: Receiving and Decoding L-Band Weather Satellites (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (HRPT, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, weather satellite) 26.03. - A Review of WarDragon: A Portable SDR Kit (Airspy, RTL-SDR, Security) (airspy, dragonOS, wardragon) 24.03. - Flipper Zero Starts a Petition To Fight Canada Ban (Antennas, Applications, Flipper Zero, News, Security) (flipper zero, hackrf, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 18.03. - Doing 50 Things with RTL-SDR in One Week (Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 18.03. - Meteor M2-4 has not failed – it is still in the testing phase (News, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (LRPT, meteor m2-4, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satdump, satellite) 14.03. - Great Scott Gadgets URTI: Phase Two Progress Report (HackRF, News, Other) (great scott gadgets, hackrf, Universal Radio Test Instrument, URTI) 13.03. - IndiaRocketGirl Receives NOAA-19 Weather Satellite Images with a Tape Measure Yagi Antenna (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (APT, automatic picture transmission, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellite) 13.03. - KrakenSDR Radio Direction Finding Setup and Tutorial YouTube Video (Applications, KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (krakensdr, radio direction finding, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 11.03. - Airspy HF+ Firmware Updated to R4.0.0 (Airspy) (airspy, airspy HF+, airspy hf+ discovery) 08.03. - WarDragon Running KrakenSDR to TAK Python and Federate TAK Server (Applications, KrakenSDR) (ATAK, krakensdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, TAK) 07.03. - Receiving SSTV From the Russian UmKA-1/RS40S Cubesat (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (cubesat, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, SSTV) 07.03. - SigintOS Version 2.0 Community Edition Released (RTL-SDR, Security) (GSM, IMSI catcher, LTE, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, security, sigint, sigintOS, signals intelligence) 04.03. - KiwiSDR 2 Now Available For Purchase (HF, KiwiSDR, News) (kiwisdr) 04.03. - Meteor M2-4 Successfully Deployed to Orbit and now Transmitting Weather Images (Antennas, Applications, News, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (LRPT, meteor m2-4, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satdump, satellite) 27.02. - IndiaRocketGirl Receives FengYun-2H S-VISSR Satellite Images (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (FengYun, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satdump, satellite, weather satellite) 27.02. - WXCorrector: Updating Keplers for Linux users of WXtoIMG (Antennas, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (APT, automatic picture transmission, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, wxtoimg) 24.02. - Spacewalker LNA 434 MHz In Prelaunch at CrowdSupply (Other, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (cubesat, pocketsat, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, satellite, spacewalker LNA) 22.02. - RTL433 Plugin for SDRSharp Updated (Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (rtl_433, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#, sdrsharp) 22.02. - Marine Vessel AIS and AirNav ShipXplorer (Antennas, Marine, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 21.02. - SatDump V1.1.4 Released (Applications, Discovery Dish, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satdump) 20.02. - WarDragon Passive Radar with Blah2 and ADS-B Delay-Doppler Truth (Applications, KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (hackrf, krakensdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdrplay rspduo, usrp) 12.02. - Windows Binary of GQRX Released (Applications, RTL-SDR) (gqrx, rtl-sdr, rtl2832) 12.02. - Canada Moves to Ban Flipper Zero and Possibly Software Defined Radios (Antennas, Applications, Flipper Zero, HackRF, News, RTL-SDR, Security) (flipper zero, hackrf, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 09.02. - A Low Cost P25 Police Scanner with RTL-SDR, Raspberry Pi 5 and SDRTrunk (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (P25, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdrtrunk) 09.02. - Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Owner of X Account that Tracks her Private Jet via ADS-B (Airband, News, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, taylor swift) 09.02. - FOSDEM 2024 Videos now Available: Synthetic Aperture WiFi RADAR, GPU DSP Acceleration and more (Amateur Radio, Antennas, Applications, News, PlutoSDR, RTL-SDR) (FPGA, GPU, maia sdr, pager, radar, synthetic aperture radar) 30.01. - A KrakenSDR to TAK Interface Converter (Applications, KrakenSDR, Mobile, RTL-SDR) (ATAK, krakensdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, TAK) 29.01. - SDRplay Launches the RSP1B (SDRplay) (RSP1A, rsp1b, sdrplay) 19.01. - Multiple Comprehensive Tutorials on Weather Satellite Decoding (Antennas, Applications, Discovery Dish, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (discovery dish, HRPT, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, weather satellite) 18.01. - SDR++ Android APK now supports the RTL-SDR Blog V4 (Applications, Mobile, RTL-SDR) (android, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#) 18.01. - A Tribute to Amateur Radio Astronomer Job Geheniau (Job’s Radio Telescope) (Antennas, Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (hydrogen line, job's radio telescope, pulsar, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 12.01. - Building a Drone Tracking Radar with the ADALM-PHASER and PlutoSDR (Antennas, Applications, PlutoSDR, RTL-SDR) (ADALM-PHASER, phased array, plutosdr, radar) 12.01. - Tech Minds: Video on DJI Drone Detection on the AntSDR E200 (Applications, Security) (antsdr, AntSDR E200, DJI, drone, droneID, quadcopter) 10.01. - DJI DroneID Detection Running on the AntSDR E200 CPU (Applications, Security) (DJI, drone, droneID, quadcopter)
2023 (157)
22.12. - The Biggest RTL-SDR and Related Stories from 2023 (News, RTL-SDR) (air force, discovery dish, K9YO-15, RFNM, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 22.12. - A WSPR Monitor Running on an old Android TV Box with OpenWebRX and RTL-SDR (Applications, HF, RTL-SDR) (android, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, Weak Signal Propagation Reporter, WSPR) 21.12. - A 3D Printed Enclosure for RTL-SDR Blog V3/V4 Units (RTL-SDR) (3d printed, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 21.12. - A Great Introductory Video to RTL-SDR (RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 20.12. - Tech Minds: Making your own SDR Software With GNU Radio Companion (Applications, HackRF, RTL-SDR) (gnu radio, hackrf, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 19.12. - Downloading Stored Images and Data from the NOAA Weather Satellite GAC Broadcast (Antennas, Applications, HackRF, Satellite) (GAC, global area coverage, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellite) 07.12. - Discovery Dish Updates and Some Cool Hi-Res Images (Antennas, Discovery Dish, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (discovery dish, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, weather satellites) 07.12. - A 3D Printed RTL-SDR Whip Antenna Mount (Antennas, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, whip antenna) 07.12. - Tech Minds: Make your own Aircraft Tracking Antenna with RTL-SDR (Airband, Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 30.11. - Crowd Supply Discovery Dish Teardown Session: Thursday 30 November Noon PST (Antennas, Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (discovery dish, GOES, HRPT, l-band satellite, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, weather satellite) 29.11. - TotalPower: Windows Program for Hydrogen Line Detection and Analysis with an RTL-SDR (Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (hydrogen line, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 29.11. - Modifying a 2.4 GHz WiFi Grid Antenna for Improved 1.7 GHz Reception + DIY Rotator Instructions (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (GOES, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 27.11. - A Technical Overview of the Watch Duty Wildfire Monitoring Project Powered by RTL-SDRs (Applications, RTL-SDR) (public safety, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, watch duty, wildfire) 27.11. - RTL-SDR Blog V4 now in stock at Amazon USA (News, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl-sdr blog V4, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 24.11. - KrakenSDR Black Friday Sale 15% Off on Crowd Supply (KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (krakensdr, radio direction finding, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 23.11. - The Latest Progress on Discovery Dish (Discovery Dish) (discovery dish, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 22.11. - Lab401: HackRF on Windows YouTube Tutorials (Applications, HackRF) (dragonOS, hackrf, pdw, SDR Angel, universal radio hacker) 22.11. - SDRSharp Controller Plugin: Control SDRSharp via any USB Hardware Controller (Applications, RTL-SDR) (plugin, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#, sdrsharp) 16.11. - Saveitforparts: Building an L-Band Satellite Antenna out of an Umbrella (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (GOES, HRPT, meteor, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite dish, weather satellite) 16.11. - TechMinds: One Antenna Four Receivers with an Active Distributor (RTL-SDR) (active distributor, antenna splitter, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 16.11. - DragonOS: Tracking ADS-B, UAT, ACARS, VDL2 with TAR1090 and a KrakenSDR (Applications, KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (acars, ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, krakensdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, UAT, vdl2) 16.11. - DragonOS: Running GNSS-SDR and Obtaining a GPS Position with an RTL-SDR and Patch Antenna (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (dragonOS, GPS, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 15.11. - SDRx.IO – A Public Server Network for RTL_TCP and/or Spyserver Stations (Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl_tcp, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, spyserver) 15.11. - Automating NOAA APT and Meteor M2 LRPT Reception with SatDump 1.1.2 (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (LRPT, Meteor-M2, NOAA-APT, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satdump, weather satellite) 03.11. - Discovery Dish Now Available for Crowd Funding! A Lightweight Dish and Feed for L-Band Weather Satellites, Hydrogen Line and Inmarsat (Antennas, Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (discovery dish, GOES, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, weather satellite) 03.11. - Tech Minds: Testing a High Impedance Amplifier for Software Defined Radio (Amateur Radio, Antennas, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (amplifier, HF, impedance matching, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 03.11. - Radio Field Mixed Reality Visualization with the Quest 3 (Amateur Radio, RTL-SDR) (augmented reality, mixed reality, QUEST 3, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, tinySA-ultra) 20.10. - RTL-SDR Blog V4 Dongle + Antenna Set Back in Stock (News, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl-sdr blog V4, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 20.10. - SatDump Projections Improved (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (projections, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satdump, satellite, weather satellite) 20.10. - Repurposing a Wireless networking Dish for L-Band HRPT Satellite Reception (Antennas, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (HRPT, l-band satellite, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 19.10. - Manuel Tests the RTL-SDR Blog V4 on SDRuno (Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdruno) 16.10. - Raspberry Pi 4 USB Bug Experienced with RTL-SDRs now Fixed with Kernel Update (News, RTL-SDR) (raspberry pi, raspberry pi 4, raspbian, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 10.10. - Wok-The-Hydrogen: A Low Cost Wok Based Hydrogen Line Radio Telescope (Antennas, Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (hydrogen line, radio telescope, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 10.10. - TechMinds: Demonstrating OpenWebRX Plus (Applications, HF, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (openwebrx, rspdx, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdrplay) 10.10. - TechMinds: Using a Software Defined Radio as a Radio Telescope (Airspy, Antennas, Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (airspy, hydrogen line, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 10.10. - Demonstrating the FM Capture Effect – Why Aircraft use AM (Airband, RTL-SDR) (FM capture effect, hackrf, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 06.10. - Chris Reviews the RTL-SDR Blog V4 on the HF Bands (RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl-sdr blog V4, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 04.10. - RTL-SDR Blog V4 Dongle Back in Stock! (News, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl-sdr blog V4, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 30.09. - Discovery Dish Pre-Launch: A Lightweight Dish and Feed for L-Band Weather Satellites and Hydrogen Line Reception (Antennas, Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (discovery dish, GOES, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, weather satellite) 27.09. - Manuel Compares the RTL-SDR Blog V3 vs RTL-SDR Blog V4 (RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl-sdr blog V4, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 25.09. - SatDump Version 1.1.0 Released – Feature Overview (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (GOES, Meteor M2-3, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satdump, weather satellite) 18.09. - M2_LRPT_DECODER Version 59 Released (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (LRPT, M2 LRPT, Meteor-M2, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellite) 15.09. - Creating a Multicarrier Base Station Transceiver For DMR, YSF, M17 and more with MMDVM and LimeSDR (Amateur Radio, Applications, Digital Signals, LimeSDR) (DMR, limesdr, M17, MMDVM, Multi Mode Digital Voice Modem, YSF) 07.09. - Recent Talks from the Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers 2023 Conference (Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 07.09. - Imaging TV Satellites with a DIY Radio Telescope (Antennas, Applications, Satellite) (imaging, radio telescope, satellite) 05.09. - TechMinds: Testing the RTL-SDR Blog V4 (RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl-sdr blog V4, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 05.09. - DragonOS: Decoding Train Telemetry with SoftEOT and RTL-SDR (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (DPU, EOT, HOT, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, telemetry, train) 05.09. - Reminder: GNU Radio Conference 2023 Starts September 5 MST (News, RTL-SDR) (gnu radio, gnu radio conference, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 16.08. - RTL-SDR Blog V4 Dongle Initial Release! (News, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl-sdr blog, rtl-sdr blog V4, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 15.08. - Testing the ATS25 Max-Decoder Receiver (Amateur Radio, HF) (ATS25, ATS25 Max-decoder, FT4, FT8, Hell, HF, RTTY, SSTV) 15.08. - Receiving 2.2 GHz with the RTL-SDR and Nooelec Ham It Down (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (downconverter, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 15.08. - KiwiSDR 2 Pre-Announcement (KiwiSDR) (kiwisdr) 04.08. - KrakenSDR: Finding Multiple GSM Base Station Transmit Towers with the Multi-VFO Feature (Applications, KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (krakensdr, radio direction finding, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 27.07. - Encryption on the TETRA Protocol has been broken (Digital Signals, RTL-SDR, Security) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, security, Terrestrial Trunked Radio, TETRA) 19.07. - Fox Hunting with the KrakenSDR (Amateur Radio, Applications, KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (krakensdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 17.07. - Goestools Now Ported to Run on Windows (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (GOES, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellite) 13.07. - Building a DIY Portable 137 MHz Yagi Antenna for LRPT (Antennas, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (antenna, LRPT, Meteor M2-3, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832m, satellite, Yagi) 13.07. - Hystérésia: An Art Installation that Listens to Zombie Satellites (Antennas, Other) (art, dead satellites, satellites, zombie satellites) 12.07. - RFNM Updates: Motherboard Prototypes Manufactured (News, RFNM) (RFNM, Software-defined radio) 12.07. - TechMinds: Detecting Bats with an Ultrasonic Sensor and Software Defined Radio (Applications, SDRplay) (bats, echolocation, RSP1A, sdrplay, ultrasonic) 11.07. - Receiving the STEREO-A Solar Orbiting Satellite with a 66cm Dish (Antennas, Satellite) (satellite, solar orbit, STEREO-A, sun) 08.07. - SDRSharp 1915 Released: RTL-SDR Crashes Fixed (Airspy, News, RTL-SDR) (rtl2832, rtl2832u, rtlsdr, sdr#, sdrsharp) 07.07. - Receiving Images from the US DoD Coriolis Satellite (HackRF, Satellite) (Coriolis, hackrf, satellite) 07.07. - Receiving Unintentional Voice Transmissions from GPS Satellites (Antennas, Applications, HackRF, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (Beidou, Elektro-L, GLONASS, GPS, l-band, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 06.07. - Video on Meteor M2-3 LRPT, HRPT and Telemetry Reception (Antennas, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (Meteor M2-3, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, weather satellite) 06.07. - André shares his QO-100 Ground Station and HF/VHF/UHF Station (Airspy, Amateur Radio, Antennas, Applications, PlutoSDR, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (airspy, qo-100, satellite dish) 06.07. - Saveitforparts: Receiving Images from the new Russian Satellite Meteor M2-3 (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (Meteor M2-3, rtl-sdr, rtl2832u, rtl2932, satellite, weather satellite) 05.07. - KrakenSDR Low Power FM Transmitter Hunt (Antennas, Applications, KrakenSDR) (krakensdr, radio direction finding, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 30.06. - TechMinds: Building a Handheld MILSAT SATCOM Antenna with 3D Printed Parts and Tape Measures (Antennas, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (milsat, pirates, rspdx, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satcom, sdrplay) 29.06. - Meteor M2-3 Now In Orbit and Transmitting Weather Images (Applications, News, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (Meteor M2-3, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satdump, weather satellite) 26.06. - Testing DAB Decoders: SDRAngel versus Welle.io (Applications, Broadcast Radio, RTL-SDR) (DAB, digital audio broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 26.06. - OpenWebRX+ Updates: HFDL, ISM Band, FLEX, SELCALL decoders added (Airspy, Applications, HackRF, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (airspy, openwebrx, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdrplay) 16.06. - Video showing Flipper Zero Smoking a Smart Meter may be Fake (Digital Signals, Flipper Zero, Security) (flipper zero, security, smart meter) 16.06. - TechMinds: Detecting Meteors With Software Defined Radio (Amateur Radio, Antennas, Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (meteor detection, meteor scatter, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdrplay rspdx) 12.06. - DragonOS: KrakenSDR and DF Aggregator Connected via a 1km WiFi Link (KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (dragonOS, krakensdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 09.06. - An RTL-SDR telemetry decoder for the soon to be launched MRC-100 PocketQube Satellite (RTL-SDR, Satellite) (cubesat, MRC-100, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, SMOG-1) 09.06. - Flipper Zero Self Destructs an Electricity Smart Meter (Digital Signals, Flipper Zero, Security) (flipper zero, security, smart meter) 31.05. - Passive Radar Sensing via Ambient Radio Noise from the Sun and Jupiter (Applications, Radio Astronomy) (passive radar, synthetic aperture radar) 31.05. - A Video Demonstration on Cracking a GSM Capture File (Applications, RTL-SDR) (2G, airprobe, cellular, GSM, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 23.05. - Video Demonstrating Hydrogen Line Detection with an RTL-SDR and WiFi Dish (Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (hydrogen line, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 23.05. - TechMinds: Receiving and Decoding Packets from the GreenCube Cubesat Digipeater (Amateur Radio, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite, SDRplay) (APRS, AX25, cubesat, digipeater, greencube, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, satellite, sdrplay) 23.05. - Building an OpenWebRX Server with an RTL-SDR Blog V3 for HF Monitoring (Applications, HF, RTL-SDR) (direct sampling, HF, openwebrx, rtl-sdr, rtl-sdr blog v3, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 11.05. - RFinder P10 – An Android Tablet with a built in Two Way Radio and RTL-SDR (Amateur Radio, RTL-SDR) (P10, RFinder, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, tablet) 11.05. - Bouncing LoRa Signals off the Moon with a HackRF (Amateur Radio, Applications, HackRF) (earth moon earth, EME, hackrf, moon bounce) 09.05. - Great Scott Gadgets to Develop a Universal Radio Test Instrument (URTI) (HackRF, News, Other) (great scott gadgets, hackrf, Universal Radio Test Instrument, URTI) 09.05. - Decoding the Mexican Seismic Alert System (SASMEX Alerta sísmica) (Applications, RTL-SDR) (early warning system, earthquake, EAS, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, SAME, SASMEX) 04.05. - DeFli: A Decentralized Network of RTL-SDRs on the Blockchain for UAV and Satellite Operators (Applications, Other, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, blockchain, rtl-sd, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, UAV) 04.05. - A Satellite Listening Journey (Antennas, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (APT, automatic picture transmission, LRPT, Meteor-M2, NOAA, qo-100, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 04.05. - Combining ADS-B and VDL2 Data on PlanePlotter (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, planeplotter, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, VDL-2) 02.05. - A Portable RTL-SDR and Raspberry Pi Based ADS-B Alarm for Drone Pilots (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, drones, RC planes, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, UAV, unmanned aerial vehicle) 02.05. - Guglielmo FM and DAB Receiver Software Updated to Version 0.5 (Airspy, Applications, Broadcast Radio, HackRF, LimeSDR, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (DAB, digital audio broadcast, FM, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 28.04. - A GNU Radio DCF77 Time Signal Decoder (Airspy, HF) (airspy hf+ discovery, DCF77, gnu radio) 28.04. - PySDR Guide on DOA & Beamforming (Applications, KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (beam forming, direction of arrival, krakensdr, radio direction finding, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 26.04. - A Simulated Aircraft RADAR with Real Radar Scope Tube and ADS-B Data from an RTL-SDR (Airband, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 26.04. - Maverick-603 Project Suspended Indefinitely (Amateur Radio, Applications, Digital Signals, HF, News) (amateur radio, FT8, maverick-603, weak signal) 12.04. - Amazon Bans the Flipper Zero (Other) (flipper zero) 21.03. - RSGB 2022: The UK Meteor Beacon Project (Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (meteor scatter, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 15.03. - TXAdvance: An RF Transmitter Manager Android App that uses RTL-SDR (Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sound engineering, txadvance) 15.03. - Receiving TPMS Tire Pressure Data from a Mazda CX 5 with an RTL-SDR (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, tire pressure monitoring system, TPMS) 09.03. - TechMinds: Reviewing the ANTSDR E200 (Other, PlutoSDR) (antsdr, plutosdr, USRP b205mini) 09.03. - An OpenWebRX fork with additional built in decoders (Airspy, Applications, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (airspy, openwebrx, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdrplay) 03.03. - Open Source Close Call Monitor for RTL-SDR (Applications, RTL-SDR) (close call, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 03.03. - Hunting for Space Radio Pirates on the US Military Fleet Satcom Satellites (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Security) (FLTSATCOM, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satcom) 16.02. - The US Air Force may have shot down an Amateur Radio Pico Balloon over Canada (Amateur Radio, Applications, RTL-SDR, Security) (amateur radio, APRS, high altitude balloons, WSPR) 10.02. - Listening in on Hollywood Reality TV Show Wireless Microphones with an RTL-SDR (Applications, RTL-SDR, Security) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, wireless microphones) 10.02. - Hacking Beepers at a Fish & Chip Shop with an RTL-SDR and HackRF (Applications, HackRF, RTL-SDR) (beeper, burger pager, hackrf, inspectrum, reverse engineering, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 08.02. - SDRDue Updated: Passive Radar Software for RTL-SDRs (Applications, RTL-SDR) (passive radar, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 08.02. - Job’s Radio Telescope Observes Maser W3(OH) (Antennas, Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (maser, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, star forming region, W3) 08.02. - Tech Minds: Testing an RTL-SDR Wideband Scanner with WebUI (Applications, HackRF, KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (hackrf, krakensdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, scanner) 03.02. - SARCTRAC Mk3b: A $290 Satellite Antenna Rotator (Amateur Radio, Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (antenna rotator, high resolution picture transfer, HRPT, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 03.02. - Using a PlutoSDR as a Monopulse Tracker (Antennas, Applications, PlutoSDR) (beamforming, monopulse, plutosdr, radio direction finding, RDF) 31.01. - Tech Minds: Demonstrating RTL_433 Running on ESP32 Devices (Applications, Digital Signals, Other) (ESP32, ism band, LoRa, rtl_433, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 31.01. - AirNav Systems Launch AIS Aggregator ShipXplorer.com (Applications, Marine, RTL-SDR) (AIS, automatric identification system, marine, radarbox, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 30.01. - Transmitting radio waves without power (Other, RTL-SDR) (backscatter, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, thermal noise) 30.01. - Arinst Dreamkit V2D Reviewed by Fenu-Radio (Other) (arinst, dreamkit, malachite, Software-defined radio) 25.01. - ADS-B Exchange Acquired by Private Firm JETNET (Airband, News, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, ads-b exchange, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 24.01. - The Meteor M2 LRPT Weather Satellite has Failed (RTL-SDR, Satellite) (Meteor-M2, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, weather satellite) 20.01. - rtl_433 ported to ESP32 microcontrollers with CC1101 or SX127X Transceiver Chips (Applications, Digital Signals, Other, RTL-SDR) (ESP32, ism band, LoRa, rtl_433, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 20.01. - YouTube Satellite Decoding Series (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (APT, automatic picture transmission, Meteor-M2, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 20.01. - SIGpi: A Signal Intelligence Focused Linux “Go-Kit” (Applications, RTL-SDR) (raspberry pi, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 13.01. - SDRangel Now Available on Android: Mobile ADS-B, AIS, APT, Digital Voice, POCSAG, APRS, RS41 Radiosonde Decoders (Airband, Airspy, Applications, Broadcast Radio, Digital Signals, HackRF, LimeSDR, Marine, RTL-SDR, Satellite, SDRplay) (ads-b, AIS, APRS, d-star, DAB, digital voice, DMR, dPMR, freedv, LoRa, M17, POCSAG, Radiosonde, rs41, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdrangel, VOR) 10.01. - The SDRSharp ListenInfo Plugin (Applications, Broadcast Radio, HF, RTL-SDR) (HF, listeninfo, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#, sdrsharp, shortwave) 10.01. - AntRunner: Testing A Low Cost Satellite Antenna Rotator (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (antenna rotator, high resolution picture transfer, HRPT, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 10.01. - SDRSharp Big Guide Book Updated to V5.5 (Airspy, RTL-SDR) (airspy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#, sdrsharp) 04.01. - Vitality GOES: A Web Interface for Displaying Weather Images from SatDump and/or goestools (Antennas, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (GOES, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, vitality GOES, weather satellite)
2022 (145)
28.12. - Tech Minds: Testing a Radiosonde Decoder Plugin for SDR++ (Applications, RTL-SDR) (Radiosonde, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather balloon) 28.12. - Real Time Speech to Text from Radio Speech via DragonOS, SDR4Space, Mosquitto and WhisperCPP (Applications, RTL-SDR) (artificial intelligence, openAI, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, whisperCPP) 20.12. - Watch Duty: California Wildfire Watch Driven by RTL-SDRs (Applications, RTL-SDR) (public safety, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, watch duty, wildfire) 16.12. - Elon Musk’s Twitter Suspends Live ADS-B Aircraft Tracking Accounts Including @elonjet and ADS-B Exchange (Airband, News, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, aircraft tracking, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, elon musk, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, twitter) 15.12. - KrakenSDR Locates a Repeater Jammer in 1 Hour (Amateur Radio, Applications, KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (amateur radio, jammer, krakensdr, repeater, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 15.12. - uSDR Updated to Version 1.6.0 (Airspy, Applications, RTL-SDR) (airspy hf+ discovery, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, usdr) 06.12. - DEF CON 30 RF Talks: Biohacking, Designing Antennas, Tracking Military Ghost Helicopters and More (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR) (antennas, biohacking, conference, DEF CON, defcon, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 06.12. - Maverick-603: An Affordable FT8 Receiver with an Open Source RF Chip (Amateur Radio, Applications, Digital Signals, HF) (amateur radio, FT8, maverick-603, weak signal) 01.12. - A Software Based VGA AGC Implementation for the RTL-SDR (RTL-SDR) (AGC, automatic gain control, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 25.11. - RTL-SDR Blog L-Band Patch, Bullseye, YouLoop Sale (News, RTL-SDR) (bullseye, l-band, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, youloop) 17.11. - Raspberry NOAA V2 Edition 2023 Image Released (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (NOAA, raspberry pi, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellites) 04.11. - GNU Radio Conference 2022 Talks Available on YouTube (Other, RTL-SDR) (gnu radio, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 03.11. - Car Hacking in the Mr Robot TV Show Explained (Applications, HackRF, RTL-SDR) (car hacking, mr robot, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 03.11. - Guglielmo FM and DAB Receiver Software Updated to V0.4 (Applications, Broadcast Radio, RTL-SDR) (DAB, digital audio broadcast, FM, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 25.10. - KrakenSDR now in stock in our shop (KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (kerberossdr, krakensdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 25.10. - KrakenSDR Field Reports and Software Updates (Applications, KerberosSDR, KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (kerberossdr, krakensdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832u) 24.10. - More Information about the NOAA-15 AVHRR Failure (News, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (NOAA, NOAA-15, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellite) 21.10. - The NOAA-15 Weather Satellite may be Failing (Again) (News, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (NOAA, NOAA-15, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellite) 21.10. - ADS-B Radar Android App Updated with Open Street Maps (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 05.10. - HackRF Opera Cake Released: A Rapid RF Switching Board (Applications, HackRF) (hackrf, opera cake, psuedo-doppler) 30.09. - A WebUSB Based RTL-SDR Aircraft ADS-B Decoder (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, adsb, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, webusb) 30.09. - A Broad Overview About HF on the RTL-SDR Blog V3 (Antennas, Applications, HF, RTL-SDR) (HF, MLA-30, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 30.09. - Radio Jove Spectrograph Hardware and Software (Amateur Radio, Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (radio astronomy, radio jove, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers) 21.09. - SDRSharp Big Guide Book Updated to V5.3 (Airspy, RTL-SDR) (airspy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#, sdrsharp) 21.09. - Detecting Starlink Satellites with a Portable Raspberry Pi + RTL-SDR (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (LNB, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, starlink) 21.09. - SatDump ReWork Release with Significant Feature and GUI Updates (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (Eletro-L, FengYun, GK-2A, GOES, HRPT, Meteor-M2, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satdump, satellite) 14.09. - Frugal Radio KrakenSDR Part 2: Vehicle Direction Finding Tests (Applications, KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (krakensdr, radio direction finding, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 14.09. - Open Source Military TAK Android App Supports RTL-SDR ADS-B Tracking (Amateur Radio, Applications, RTL-SDR) (Android Tactical Assault Kit, ATAK, CivTak, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 14.09. - An Inside Look into FlightAware’s RTL-SDR (Airband, Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, aircraft, flightaware, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 08.09. - KrakenSDR Locates a TETRA Transmitter (Antennas, Applications, KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (krakensdr, radio direction finding, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 08.09. - IEEE Spectrum: Chasing Weather Balloons with Software Defined Radio (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR) (Radiosonde, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather balloon) 08.09. - Software Defined Radio Academy 2022 Conference Talks (HackRF, Other) (conference, futuresdr, hackrf, software defined radio academy) 07.09. - Running KrakenSDR on the Steam Deck (Applications, KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (krakensdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, steam deck) 07.09. - Frugal Radio KrakenSDR Part 1 – Unboxing, Antennas and Initial Setup (Antennas, Applications, KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (krakensdr, radio direction finding, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 07.09. - SATRAN MK3 Antenna Rotator Hardware Kit Released (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, satellite tracking, satran) 31.08. - KrakenSDR now Shipped to the Majority of Crowd Supply Backers (Applications, KerberosSDR, KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (krakenrf, krakensdr, passive radar, radio direction finding, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 31.08. - Fissure: An Open Source RF Reverse Engineering Framework (HackRF, LimeSDR, RTL-SDR) (hackrf, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, usrp) 31.08. - Video on Receiving HF Signals with the RTL-SDR Blog V3 (Amateur Radio, HF, RTL-SDR) (ham radio, HF, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, shortwave) 30.08. - Tracking and Decoding Guide for NOAA Weather Satellites (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (APT, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellite) 19.08. - Using RTL-SDR to Detect Weak Vibrations in Nanomechanical Resonators Based on Graphene Drums (Applications, Other, RTL-SDR) (graphene nanomechanical resonator, rtl-sdr, rtl2832) 18.08. - Open-Weather: A Browser Based NOAA APT Satellite Image Decoder (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (APT, NOAA, open weather, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 18.08. - An off-grid wind and solar powered APT/LRPT satellite image receiver with RTL-SDR (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (APT, meteor, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellites) 10.08. - SunFounder TS7-Pro Touch Screen Review: Building a Portable RTL-SDR Pi 4 System (Applications, Other, RTL-SDR) (raspad, raspberry pi, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sunfounder, ts-7) 09.08. - SDR# Co-Channel Canceller and Micro Tuner Updates (Airspy, Applications, RTL-SDR) (airspy, rtl-sdr, sdr#) 09.08. - WiFi Grid RTL-SDR Radio Telescopes featured in SARA2022 Conference Talks (Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 04.08. - SI-SDR-UG Recorded Livestream: Corey Explains DF-Aggregator for KrakenSDR and KerberosSDR (Applications, KerberosSDR, KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (DF-aggregator, kerberosssdr, krakensdr) 27.07. - Decoding Inmarsat STD-C with Command Line Decoder STDCDEC and SigDigger (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (inmarsat, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, std-c) 27.07. - APT_COLOR: Add False Color to Black and White NOAA APT Images (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 14.07. - SelfieStick: Combining noisy signals from multiple NOAA APT satellites for clean imagery (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (APT, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellite) 14.07. - TechMinds: Using a LEO Bodnar GPSDO with a PlutoSDR (Applications, PlutoSDR, Satellite) (GPSDO, leo bodnar, plutosdr, qo-100) 08.07. - Watch out for new RTL-SDR Blog V3 Counterfeits (RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 29.06. - MagicSDR: Streaming Audio over UDP to Decoders like Multimon-NG (Applications, RTL-SDR) (magicsdr, multimon-ng, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 29.06. - SDR Academy 2022 Recorded Livestream now Available (News) (conference, software defined radio academy) 29.06. - An Improved ExtIO for RTL_TCP (Applications, RTL-SDR) (EXTIO, hdsdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 28.06. - ESAR – Extraordinarily Simple AIS Receiver written in C (Marine, RTL-SDR) (AIS, automatic identification system, C code, rtl-sdr, rtl2832) 21.06. - Low Cost Shielding Idea for Plastic RTL-SDRs (RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, shielding) 20.06. - TechMinds: Testing the ISM Packet Decoder Plugin for SDR Sharp (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (ism band, rtl_433, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, sdr sharp, sdr#) 20.06. - Probing a Cable Internet + TV Line with RTL-SDR USB (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (cable TV, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 02.06. - LimeSDR 2.0 Mini Now Crowdfunding, Standard LimeSDR Discontinued (bladeRF, HackRF, LimeSDR, PlutoSDR) (bladerf, hackrf, limesdr, limesdr mini, plutosdr) 30.05. - Feeding ACARS Data to Airframes.io (Airband, Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (acars, HFDL, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, vdl2) 26.05. - Frugal Radio: Experimenting with Rdio-Scanner and Trunk Recorder on P25 LSM (Airspy, Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (airspy, P25, rdio-scanner, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, trunk radio) 24.05. - SignalsEverywhere: Playing Classic Games over Amateur Radio with NPR-70 TCP/IP Modems (Amateur Radio, Applications, Digital Signals) (amateur radio, games, TCP/IP) 24.05. - Pulsar B0329+54 Detected with a 1.9m Dish and RTL-SDR (Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (pulsar, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 24.05. - Using an SDR# Plugin to Tune into a Broadcast FM SCA Subcarrier (Radio Reading Service for the Blind) (Applications, Broadcast Radio, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, SCA, Subsidiary communications authority) 11.05. - Using an RTL-SDR to Decode Broadcast FM RDS Data on Android (Applications, Broadcast Radio, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (broadcast FM, radio data system, RDS, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 11.05. - RTL-SDR Virtual Reality Spectrum Display Software Released (Applications, RTL-SDR) (oculus quest 2, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, virtual reality) 11.05. - Frugal Radio: Travelling with SDR & Scanner Gear (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (Radio-Tone RT4, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, uniden BCD325, uniden sds-100) 05.05. - Opening and Starting Honda Civic Vehicles with a HackRF Replay Attack (HackRF, RTL-SDR, Security) (hackrf, honda, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, security) 05.05. - Lon.TV Demonstrates Decoding Various Digital Signals with RTL-SDR (Applications, Digital Signals, HF, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (AERO, APRS, DMR, FT8, JS8, l-band, POCSAG, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 05.05. - Controlling a Toy RC Car with a HackRF (Digital Signals, HackRF) (hackrf, RC car, reverse engineering) 29.04. - SDR# and other Hobbyist Ham Radio Software Spotted in Netflix TV Show Yakamoz S-245 (Airspy, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (funcube, netflix, orbitron, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, RX-SSTV, SATPC-32, SD#) 29.04. - SDRSharp Guide V4.2 Released (Airspy, Applications, RTL-SDR) (airspy, rtl-sdr, rtl23832, rtl2832u, sdrsharp) 22.04. - Financial Times Story about Ukraine Radio Monitoring with WebSDRs (Antennas, KiwiSDR, RTL-SDR, Security) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, russia, ukraine, websdr) 19.04. - Running GR-GSM and IMSI Catcher on a Raspberry Pi 4 with Dragon OS (Applications, Digital Signals, LimeSDR, RTL-SDR, Security) (dragonOS, gnu radio, gr-gsm, IMSI catcher, limesdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 19.04. - Lightweight Windows Software uSDR Updated to Version 1.5.0 (Airspy, Applications, bladeRF, HackRF, LimeSDR, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, usdr) 19.04. - Skies-ADSB: A Browser Based 3D Aircraft Tracker with RTL-SDR ADS-B Receiver (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 05.04. - An RTL-SDR Panadapter for the TECSUN PL660 Shortwave Radio (Applications, HF, RTL-SDR) (panadapter, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, tecsun) 05.04. - Frugal Radio: Testing the YouLoop on VHF & UHF (Antennas, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, youloop) 29.03. - Receiving Analog TV from Turkmenistan Unintentionally Bouncing off a Russian Military Satellite (Antennas, Applications, HackRF, Satellite, Security) (hackrf, meridian, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 29.03. - Testing Tire Pressure Monitoring System Sensors with RTL-SDR and rtl_433 (Applications, RTL-SDR) (rt;-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, tire pressure monitoring system, TPMS) 26.03. - SignalsEverywhere: Review of SDR++ on Android (Airspy, Applications, HackRF, Mobile, RTL-SDR) (hackrf, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#) 26.03. - SDR++ Android App Public Pre-Release Now Available (Airspy, Applications, HackRF, Mobile, RTL-SDR) (airspy, android, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#) 25.03. - New York Times Story on Intercepted Russian Forces Radio Communications (Amateur Radio, Applications, RTL-SDR, Security) (invasion, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, russia, sdr#, ukraine) 17.03. - Detecting Interstellar High-Velocity Clouds with a Radio Telescope and an RTL-SDR (Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (high velocity clouds, hydrogen line, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 17.03. - SignalsEverywhere: Setting up and using SDR++ Server (Airspy, Applications, LimeSDR, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (airspy, limesdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdrplay) 11.03. - Mapping GPS/GNSS Interference Through ADS-B Data (RTL-SDR, Satellite, Security) (GPS, GPS spoofing, jamming, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 11.03. - Receiving NOAA Global Area Cover (GAC) Images with LeanHRPT (Applications, Satellite) (GAC, NOAA, weather satellite) 11.03. - Troubleshooting TV Reception with Spektrum and an RTL-SDR (Antennas, Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (HDTV, rtl-sdr, rtl2832u, rtll2832, TV antennas) 10.03. - SignalsEverywhere: Measuring Filters with RTL-SDR, a Noise Source and Spektrum (Applications, RTL-SDR) (filter, noise source, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, spektrum) 10.03. - Gorizont Linux Updated to 2022.1 Edition (Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 10.03. - Running an RTL-SDR on an old OpenWRT Router (Applications, RTL-SDR) (router, rtl_tcp, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#) 01.03. - Radio Related News Occurring in the Russia-Ukraine Conflict (Amateur Radio, News, Satellite) (APRS, jamming, russia, starlink, ukraine) 22.02. - DAB+ Decoder Welle.io Version 2.4 Released and YouTube Demonstration Video (Applications, Broadcast Radio, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (DAB, digital audio broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 22.02. - Using the New KrakenSDR Software with DF-Aggregator and a KerberosSDR (KerberosSDR, KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (keberossdr, krakensdr, radio direction finding, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 22.02. - New HAM FM and ADS-B Radar Android Apps (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, android, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, ham radio, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 15.02. - Global Area Coverage (GAC) Images Decoded from NOAA Satellites (Applications, Satellite) (GAC, NOAA, weather satellite) 15.02. - Samy Kamkar Talks Hardware Security on Hackster Café (RTL-SDR, Security) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, security, wireless security) 15.02. - rsadsb: Terminal Based Aircraft Radar on the Raspberry Pi (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, aircraft, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 09.02. - Demonstrating the New 3D Maps in SDRAngel (Airband, Applications, Digital Signals, Marine, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (3d maps, ads-b, AIS, APT, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, automatic identification system, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdrangel, weather satellite) 09.02. - Turbine: Capture and Stream all Frequencies in a Trunked Radio System with a HackRF (Applications, Digital Signals, HackRF, RTL-SDR) (ambulance, EMS, fire, hackrf, OP25, P25, police, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, trunked radio, turbine) 09.02. - New GNU Radio Beginners Tutorials Available (Applications, News, RTL-SDR) (gnu radio, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 03.02. - A Warning to Ukraine Based RTL-SDR Hobbyists (News, RTL-SDR, Security) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, ukraine) 03.02. - A List of Crowd Sourced SDR Data Exchanges (Airband, Marine, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (ads-b, AIS, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 26.01. - SDR++ Server Beta Now Available (Airspy, Applications, bladeRF, HackRF, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (rtl_rcp, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr-server, sdr#, spyserver) 26.01. - Video Tutorial: Decoding HD Radio on Windows with nrsc5-gui (Applications, Broadcast Radio, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (HD Radio, nrsc5, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 18.01. - Frugal Radio: Testing a Loop on Ground Antenna with an Airspy HF+ Discovery (Airspy, Amateur Radio, Antennas, Applications, HF) (airspy, airspy hf+ discovery, HF, loop on ground) 18.01. - Reverse Engineering a 30 Year Old Wireless Garage Door Opener with a HackRF and GNU Radio (Applications, HackRF, Security) (garage door, hackrf, reverse engineering, security) 18.01. - Remoticon 2021: Smart Meter Hacking Talk (Applications, Digital Signals, Security) (smart meter, usrp) 14.01. - Observing the NML Cygni Red Supergiant Star with an Airspy Mini SDR and Home Radiotelescope (Airspy, Applications, Radio Astronomy) (airspy, NML cygni, radio astronomy, star) 14.01. - An APRS Tracker with HackRF, WebUSB and WASM (Amateur Radio, Applications, HackRF) (APRS, hackrf, WASM, webusb) 12.01. - Receiving X-Band Images from the Arktika-M1 Arctic Monitoring Satellite (Antennas, Applications, LimeSDR, Satellite) (arktika-m1, HEO, limesdr, satellite, weather satellite) 12.01. - Frugal Radio: Listening in to Live Theatre Wireless Microphones with an SDR (Airspy, Applications, RTL-SDR) (airspy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, theatre, wireless microphones)
2021 (205)
23.12. - A Comprehensive Beginners Guide to HRPT Weather Satellite Reception (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (HRIT, HRPT, LRPT, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, weather satellite) 23.12. - TechMinds: Testing the GA-450 Portable HF Active Loop Antenna (Amateur Radio, Antennas, HF) (active loop antenna, HF, loop antenna, shortwave, SWL) 23.12. - Nils Reviews our RTL-SDR Blog L-Band Active Patch Antenna (Antennas, bladeRF, Digital Signals, Satellite) (bladerf, GNSS, GPS, inmarsat, iridium, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 23.12. - A RS41 and DFM09 Radiosonde Decoder Plugin for SDR++ (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (DFM09, Radiosonde, rs41, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 16.12. - Multiband OpenWebRX Receiver via Multiple RTL-SDR Dongles (RTL-SDR) (openwebrx, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 16.12. - Guglielmo FM and DAB Receiver Software Updated to V0.3 (Applications, Broadcast Radio, RTL-SDR) (DAB, digital audio broadcast, FM, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 16.12. - Browser Based Weather Station Graphs via RTL-SDR, rtl_433 and Dash.plotly (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (rtl_433, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather station) 14.12. - Hacking a La Crosse Weather Station with an RTL-SDR, PlutoSDR and Universal Radio Hacker (Applications, Digital Signals, PlutoSDR, RTL-SDR) (la crosse, plutosdr, reverse engineering, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather station) 09.12. - Nils Critiques the MH370 WSPR Aircraft Scatter Theory (Amateur Radio, Applications, HF, Other) (HF, MH370, WSPR) 09.12. - SDRAngel Features Overview: ADS-B, APT, DVB-S, DAB+, AIS, VOR, APRS, and many more built-in apps (Airband, Airspy, Amateur Radio, Applications, bladeRF, Broadcast Radio, Digital Signals, HackRF, HF, KiwiSDR, LimeSDR, Marine, PlutoSDR, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR, Satellite, SDRplay) (ads-b, airband, AIS, APRS, APT, beacons, DAB, digital voice, graves radar, hydrogen line, NOAA, noise figure, POCSAG, radio astronomy, radio clock, satellite, sdrangel, VOR) 01.12. - Multichannel ALE and GMDSS Decoding with Black Cat Systems Software (Applications, HF, RTL-SDR) (ALE, GMDSS, HF, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 01.12. - Receiving Starlink Beacons with an RTL-SDR and LNB (RTL-SDR, Satellite) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, starlink) 29.11. - SignalsEverywhere: Spectrum Analyzer and Tracking Generator with Pluto SDR (Antennas, Applications, PlutoSDR) (hackrf, plutosdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satsagen, spectrum analyzer) 29.11. - KrakenSDR Crowd Funding Campaign Ends Fully Funded (KerberosSDR, KrakenSDR) (krakensdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 22.11. - Frugal Radio: Choosing a “Step Up” Software Defined Radio (Airspy, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (airspy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdrplay) 22.11. - LeanHRPT – A set of tools for the manipulation of HRPT data (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (FengYun, HRPT, leanhrpt, meteor, Metop, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 22.11. - GNU Radio Conference 2021 Talks Now Available on YouTube (Applications, News, Other, RTL-SDR) (gnu radio, grcon) 18.11. - Lightweight Windows Software uSDR Updated to Version 1.4.0 (Airspy, Applications, bladeRF, HackRF, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, usdr) 16.11. - Tech Minds: Testing the Cloudmarkers SDRuno Community Plugin (Applications, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdrplay sdruno) 10.11. - SignalsEverywhere tests our RTL-SDR Blog Active L-Band Patch Antenna (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (GPS, inmarsat, iridium, l-band, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 03.11. - Imaging the Cassiopeia A Supernova Remnant with an RTL-SDR and Amateur Radio Telescope (Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (Cassiopeia A, hydrogen line, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 03.11. - Improving Reception on the Malachite DSP via USB Grounding (Amateur Radio, HF) (HF, malachite-dsp, shortwave listening, swling) 25.10. - KrakenSDR CrowdFunding Week 1 Updates (KerberosSDR, KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (kerberossdr, krakensdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 25.10. - Imaging the Cygnus Star Forming Region with an RTL-SDR and Amateur Radio Telescope (Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (cygnus-x, hydrogen line, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 20.10. - Snooping Network Traffic from LAN Cables with an RTL-SDR or HackRF (Applications, Digital Signals, HackRF, RTL-SDR, Security) (etherify, ethernet, hackrf, lantenna, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, tempest) 20.10. - dumphfdl: A Multichannel HFDL Decoder for SDR (Airband, Applications, HF, RTL-SDR) (acars, HFDL, high frequency data link, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 14.10. - Release the KrakenSDR! CrowdFunding now on Crowd Supply (KerberosSDR, KrakenSDR) (kerberossdr, krakensdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 13.10. - FutureSDR: An Async SDR Framework Implemented in Rust (Applications, Other) (futuresdr, gnu radio, rust) 06.10. - RasPad 3.0 Review: Building a Portable Raspberry Pi 4 Tablet with Built in RTL-SDR (Applications, Other, Reviews, RTL-SDR) (raspad, raspberry pi, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 04.10. - CCERA Memo on Building Small Introductory 21cm Telescopes for use with SDRs (Antennas, Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (horn antenna, hydrogen line, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 04.10. - Frugal Radio: Decoding Fire, Ambulance MDT and Hospital Pagers with SDR++ and PDW (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (flex, pagers, pdw, POCSAG, rtl-sdr, rtl2832) 28.09. - KrakenSDR Update: New Prototypes, Software Updates, Campaign to Release Soon (Antennas, Applications, KerberosSDR, KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (krakensdr, passive radar, radio direction finding, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 28.09. - TechMinds: Testing SDR++ The Bloat Free SDR Software (Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#) 28.09. - SDR Talks from the SDRMakerspace Online Presentation (Applications, Other, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (android, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, satellite, sdr#, space) 22.09. - TAPR/ARRL DCC 2021 Talks Available on YouTube (Other) (ARRL, conference, DCC, TAPR) 22.09. - SDRUno 1.41 Released: Scheduler and ADS-B Plugins Added (Airband, Applications, SDRplay) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, scheduler, sdrplay, sdruno, shortwave) 16.09. - Is the Titus II Portable Android Tablet Shortwave SDR Close to Release? (Broadcast Radio, News, Other) (DAB, DRM, pantronx, titus ii) 16.09. - Talks and Poster Presentations from the HamSCI 2021 Virtual Workshop (Applications, RTL-SDR, TangerineSDR) (amateur radio, citizen science, hamsci, sdr#, Software-defined radio, space weather station, tangerinesdr) 16.09. - Decoding the RF Output of a VCR with an RTL-SDR (Applications, RTL-SDR) (analog, NTSC, PAL, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, VCR, video tape) 14.09. - Video on Using RF Filters with an RTL-SDR (RTL-SDR) (AM, bandstop, FM, high pass, overload, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 14.09. - Near Field Localization with Machine Learning and 7 Coherent RTL-SDRs (Applications, RTL-SDR) (direction finding, direction of arrival, neural networks, phase coherent, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 07.09. - Installing Remote SDR V2 on a Raspberry Pi 4B (Amateur Radio, Applications, HackRF, PlutoSDR, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (hackrf, orange pi, plutosdr, qo-100, raspberry pi, remote SDR, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 07.09. - Arinst Dreamkit SDR now on sale for $230 + Shipping (Other) (arinst, dreamkit, malachite, Software-defined radio) 06.09. - Viewing the RF Spectrum in Virtual Reality + Augmented Reality EMC Probe (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR) (augmented reality, RF watcher, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, virtual reality) 03.09. - Receiving the ‘Hidden’ Broadcast FM SCA Audio Subcarrier with an RTL-SDR and SDR# (Applications, Broadcast Radio, RTL-SDR) (broadcast FM, radio data service, RDS, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, SCA, sdr#, Subsidiary communications authority) 02.09. - DragonOS: RF Propagation Analysis with Signal Server GUI (Antennas, Applications, Other, RTL-SDR) (dragonOS, signal server) 31.08. - SDRSharp Guide V3.0 Released (Airspy, Applications, RTL-SDR) (airspy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#, sdrsharp) 31.08. - A SDR Digital Voice Hotspot with GNU Radio, MMDVM and QRadioLink (Applications, Digital Signals, HackRF, LimeSDR, PlutoSDR, RTL-SDR) (d-star, digital voice, DMR, hackrf, limesdr, NXDN, P25, plutosdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 27.08. - RTL-SDR Blog Active L-Band Patch Antenna for Inmarsat, Iridium, GPS Back in Stock (Antennas, News, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (GPS, inmarsat, iridium, l-band, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 23.08. - Simple FM Radio and Airband RTL-SDR Android Applications (Airband, Applications, Broadcast Radio, Mobile) (airband, android, broadcast FM, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 23.08. - SDRA2021 Talks: Electrosense, Neural Network Signal Classification, gr-rpitx, Radio Astronomy and More (Applications, News, Other, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (electrosense, neural networks, radio astronomy, rpitx, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 19.08. - TechMinds: Testing the SDRUno ADS-B Plugin Beta (Airband, Applications, SDRplay) (adsb, sdrplay, sdruno) 19.08. - DragonOS: Automated Spectrum Analysis with SDR4Space.lite (Applications, PlutoSDR, RTL-SDR) (plutosdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr4space, spectrum analysis) 10.08. - A Physical LED Vehicle HUD for KerberosSDR Radio Fox Hunting (Amateur Radio, Applications, KerberosSDR, KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (fox hunt, kerberossdr, krakensdr, Radiosonde, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather balloon) 10.08. - SDR Videos from DEFCON 29 (News, RTL-SDR, Security) (conference, defcon, dragonOS, GPS spoofing, keyfob, keyfobs, security, smart meters, tempest, UAVs) 10.08. - SignalsEverywhere: Testing SDR++ A Hands on Overview (Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#) 06.08. - OpenWebRX Updated to V1.1.0 (Applications, Digital Signals, KiwiSDR, News, RTL-SDR) (openwebrx, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 06.08. - Layering Geo-Spatial Fire Data onto GOES Satellite Imagery (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (FIRMS, GK-2A, Himawari-8, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 04.08. - SignalsEverywhere: Decoding HF WEFAX Weather Fax with an Airspy HF+ Discovery SDR (Airspy, Antennas, Applications, HF, Marine) (airspy hf+ discovery, HFFAX, weather fax, WEFAX) 03.08. - Running an RTL-SDR on a QNAP NAS (Applications, RTL-SDR) (NAS, QNAP, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 02.08. - SDR++ Version 1.0.0 Released (Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr plus plus, sdr#) 27.07. - BSides Talk: Hacking RF Breaking what we can’t see (Applications, HackRF, RTL-SDR, Security) (hackrf, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, security) 26.07. - Elektro-L3 Geostationary Weather Satellite: Easy to Receive LRIT Signal Being Tested (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (elektro, full disk, GK-2A, GOES, HRIT, LRIT, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, weather satellite) 26.07. - Decoding HFDL ACARS with a WebSDR and PC-HFDL (Airband, Digital Signals, HF) (acars, airspy, HF, HFDL, websdr) 21.07. - EZNEC Pro Antenna Modelling Software will be free from 2022 (Antennas, Applications, News) (4nec2, antenna modelling, EZNEC, NEC) 17.07. - The KiwiSDR Backdoor Situation (KiwiSDR, News, Security) (kiwisdr, security) 15.07. - Using an RTL-SDR Dongle to Receive Pictures from the ISS (Amateur Radio, Antennas, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (international space station, ISS, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, slow scan television, SSTV) 14.07. - Dump1090 now Available as an Android App (Airband, Applications, Mobile, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, android, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 14.07. - Frugal Radio: HFDL HF ACARS Decoding Tutorial (Airband, Airspy, Amateur Radio, Applications, HF) (acars, airspy, HF, HFDL) 14.07. - Using an RTL-SDR in Dual-Comb Spectroscopy using Diode Lasers (Applications, RTL-SDR) (laser, optics, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, science, spectrometer, spectroscopy) 13.07. - Receiving pH Readings from a Wireless Medical Implant with RTL-SDR (Applications, RTL-SDR, Security) (medical, reverse engineering, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 13.07. - uSDR: A Lightweight Multimode SDR Receiver Program for Windows (Airspy, Applications, bladeRF, HackRF, LimeSDR, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, Software-defined radio, usdr) 29.06. - Frugal Radio: Turning Scrap Wire into an Effective HF Dipole (Airspy, Amateur Radio, Antennas, HF) (airspy HF+, dipole, HF) 29.06. - AIS-Catcher: A Dual Band Multiplatform AIS Receiver for RTL-SDR and Airspy HF+ with Multiple Decoding Models (Applications, Digital Signals, Marine, RTL-SDR) (AIS, automatic identification system, marine, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 24.06. - LibreCellular: Easy 4G Cellular Network with LimeSDR and Intel NUC (Applications, Digital Signals, LimeSDR, Mobile) (4G, cellular, limesdr) 24.06. - Dump1090 with HackRF Windows Support (Airband, HackRF) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, hackrf) 21.06. - SDR4Space: Software Tools for SDR Based Satellite Ground Stations (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr4space) 21.06. - Frugal Radio: How To Decode L band Satellite ACARS and CPDLC messages with JAERO and your SDR (Airband, Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (acars, AERO, inmarsat, JAERO, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 17.06. - Tech Minds: Testing the Pluto Plus SDR (PlutoSDR) (plutosdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 10.06. - A KerberosSDR Based Radio Direction Finding RC Boat (Applications, KerberosSDR, KrakenSDR, RTL-SDR) (kerberossdr, radio direction finding, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 10.06. - Decoding NOAA on an Debian Chrooted Android Smartphone (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (android, APT, debian, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832u, satellite) 10.06. - Decoding and Logging GPS Coordinates From Wireless Smart Meters (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR, Security) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, smart meter, usrp) 10.06. - Tech Minds: Remote SDR V2 with Orange Pi and Transmit Capable (Amateur Radio, Applications, HackRF, PlutoSDR, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (hackrf, orange pi, plutosdr, qo-100, remote SDR, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 08.06. - European GNU Radio Days: Presentation on gr-rpitx (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (raspberry pi, rpitx, rtl-sdr, rtl2832u) 08.06. - Lessons Learned Using SDR in the Classroom (RTL-SDR) (education, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#, Software-defined radio) 07.06. - Frugal Radio: A Review of the NooElec Inmarsat Patch Antenna Bundle (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (AERO, inmarsat, JAERO, l-band, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 01.06. - A Hi-Z to 50 Ohm Impedance Matching Transformer for Improving HF/SW Reception (Antennas, Applications, HF, RTL-SDR) (HF, malachite-dsp, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, shortwave) 31.05. - Frugal Radio: Monitoring HF Aviation Voice Communications with your SDR Radio or a WebSDR (Airband, Applications, HF, RTL-SDR) (airband, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, volmet) 28.05. - Avoiding Fake RTL-SDR Blog V3 Clones + 2021 Supply Chain Updates (News, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, supply chain) 26.05. - Freenode ##rtlsdr IRC Channel Moving to Libera (News, RTL-SDR) (IRC, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 26.05. - Building an Automated NOAA and Meteor Weather Satellite Image Collector with RTL-SDR (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (meteor, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 21.05. - Decoding Multiple Pager Transmissions Simultaneously with GNU Radio (RTL-SDR) (gnu radio, pagers, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 21.05. - Exploring 433 MHz Devices in the Neighborhood with RTL-SDR and rtl_433 (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (ism band, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 13.05. - yellowShoes: A Browser Based HD Radio / NRSC-5 User Interface (Applications, Broadcast Radio, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (HDRADIO, NRSC-5, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 11.05. - Cloning A Garage Key with RTL-SDR, Universal Radio Hacker and an Arduino (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR, Security) (arduino, garage key, reverse engineering, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, universal radio hacker) 06.05. - Raspberry-NOAA V2: Raspberry Pi Automated NOAA and Meteor Weather Satellite Capture (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (NOAA, raspberry pi, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellites) 06.05. - Receiving Unintentionally Radiated Signals from the Computer System Bus with an RTL-SDR (Applications, RTL-SDR, Security) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, system bus radio, tempest, unintentional radio emissions) 05.05. - Decoding NRSC5 HD Radio with GNU Radio and a HackRF (Broadcast Radio, Digital Signals, HackRF) (gnu radio, hackrf, HD Radio, nrsc5) 05.05. - MagicSDR: A new Android and iOS RTL_TCP Client (Applications, RTL-SDR) (android, apple, iOS, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 05.05. - Frugal Radio: Decoding ACARS on VHF with your SDR Radio (Airband, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (acars, aviation, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 30.04. - RTL433 Plugin for SDR# Now Available (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (ism band, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, rtl433, sdr#, sdrsharp) 30.04. - Guglielmo: RTL-SDR FM + DAB Tuner Software for Linux (Applications, Broadcast Radio, RTL-SDR) (DAB, digital audio broadcast, FM, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 28.04. - Evil Crow RF: An Open Source CC1101 Based Device for Pentesting (Applications, Other, Security) (CC1101, CC1111, reverse engineering) 28.04. - SuperSDR: A KiwiSDR + CAT Client for Ham Radio (Amateur Radio, Applications, KiwiSDR, RTL-SDR) (kiwisdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 28.04. - Gorizont Linux 2.0.4 Update (Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 21.04. - NRSC5-DUI: An Updated NRSC-5 HD Radio Decoder for RTL-SDR (Applications, Broadcast Radio, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (HDRADIO, NRSC-5, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 15.04. - Frugal Radio: Monitoring General Aviation VHF Communications (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (airband, general aviation, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 15.04. - STARWAVES DRM SoftRadio: A new Android DRM Decoder for RTL-SDR, Airspy, SDRPlay (Airspy, Applications, HF, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (android, mobile, starwaves) 15.04. - Feeding Audio from SDR# To Multiple PCs over TCP (Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#, TCP streaming) 14.04. - DragonOS: Now with RF Propagation and Calculation Tool (Applications, Other) (dragonOS, signal propagation) 14.04. - Two reviews of our new L-Band Patch Antenna + Stock Update (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (AERO, GNSS, inmarsat, iridium, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, std-c) 12.04. - SpaceX Falcon 9 Video Now Encrypted (Amateur Radio, Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (falcon 9, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, spacex) 03.04. - Frugal Radio: Review of our RTL-SDR Blog L-Band Patch Antenna (Antennas, Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (AERO, airspy, inmarsat, JAERO, l-band, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 31.03. - Tech Minds: Using BaseStation Software with any ADSB Hardware + XRange2 Demonstration (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, airband, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, basestation, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 31.03. - Vector Measurements with an RTL-SDR and HackRF Based System (Applications, HackRF, RTL-SDR) (hackrf, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, vector network analyzer, VNA) 31.03. - Frugal Radio: Monitoring En Route Air Traffic Control, Oceanic Clearances, and Company Frequencies (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (air band, air traffic control, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 30.03. - Demonstrating How Speakers Can Become an Unintentional RF Transmitter (RTL-SDR, Security) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, security, unintentional emissions) 30.03. - Recent Podcasts on Software Defined Radio from Scanner School (RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (raspberry pi, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, scanner, scanning, sdrplay) 30.03. - NOAA-2 Returns from the Dead (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (NOAA-2, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 30.03. - SDR# Updated: Improved Performance and Better RTL-SDR Compatibility (Applications, RTL-SDR) (airspy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#, sdrsharp) 25.03. - Building a GOES-16 Antenna out of Trash, Cardboard and Foil Tape (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (GOES-16, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 25.03. - SMOG-1 PocketQube Satellite Successfully Launched and in Orbit (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, SMOG-1) 23.03. - Preorder Sale: Active L-Band 1525-1660 Inmarsat and Iridium Patch Back In Stock for $44.95 (Antennas, Applications, News, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (AERO, GNSS, inmarsat, iridium, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, std-c) 18.03. - Project Horus 55: Live Video from a High Altitude Balloon (Amateur Radio, Antennas, Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (high altitude balloon, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 18.03. - GPU Accelerated RTL-SDR Radio Interferometer Code For Radio Astronomy (Applications, KerberosSDR, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (interferometer, kerberossdr, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 16.03. - Receiving Video Directly from a SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket + Scott Manley Video (Airspy, Antennas, Applications, Digital Signals, Satellite) (hackrf, spacex, telemetry) 10.03. - Frugal Radio: Monitoring VHF Airband Aviation Frequencies at the Airport (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (airband, ATIS, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 10.03. - GNU Radio Amateur Radio Meeting: A Look at Project 25 (P25) Digital Radio (Airspy, Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (airspy, gnu radio, P25, public safety, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 10.03. - Receiving Shortwave Radiograms with an RTL-SDR and MultiPSK (Applications, HF, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, shortwave radiogram) 09.03. - Receiving SpaceX Falcon 9 Telemetry with a HackRF and 1.2m Satellite Dish (Antennas, Digital Signals, HackRF, Satellite) (hackrf, spacex, telemetry) 09.03. - Controlling a Wireless Ceiling Fan with an RTL-SDR and RPiTX on a Raspberry Pi (Applications, RTL-SDR) (ceiling fan, raspberry pi, rpitx, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 05.03. - Adding an RTL-SDR Antenna Port to a Pinetab Linux Tablet (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR) (pinetab, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 04.03. - Frugal Radio: Monitoring Aviation Communications Part One (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (airband, aviation, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 04.03. - SDRSharp Guide by IZ1MLL Updated (Airspy, Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdrsharp) 24.02. - TechMinds: Testing a DC-160 MHz Panadapter Switch (Amateur Radio, Antennas, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (panadapter, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdrplay) 24.02. - Evaluating LoRaWAN Security with an RTL-SDR (RTL-SDR, Security) (LoRa, lorawan, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 19.02. - Scanner School Podcast + Webinar: This is Why You Need an SDR (RTL-SDR) (dsd, DSDplus, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, scanner school, sdr#, Software-defined radio) 19.02. - Analyzing Frozen Air Traffic in the Hudson Valley (Airband, Applications) (ads-b, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 19.02. - Generating White Noise with an FL2K Dongle (FL2K-SDR) (FL2k, FL2K-SDR, noise, noise generator) 18.02. - Building an 11.2 GHz Radio Telescope with an Airspy and 1.2m TV Satellite Dish (Airspy, Antennas, Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (airspy, gnu radio, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 10.02. - Army Builds Wideband DC to 20 GHz Quantum Receiver (Other) (atomic radio, quantum radio, rydberg atoms) 09.02. - SDR-Server: An Advanced Open Source RTL-SDR Streaming Server (Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr-server, spyserver) 09.02. - SDRSharp Upgraded to .NET5 with New Plugin SDK For Developers (Airspy, Applications, RTL-SDR) (.net5, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#, sdrsharp) 03.02. - Sparse Array Beamforming with a Phase Coherent 21-Channel RTL-SDR Array (Applications, RTL-SDR) (direction finding, direction of arrival, phase coherent, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 03.02. - SATSAGEN Spectrum Analyzer Software Updated: Now Supports RTL-SDR (Applications, HackRF, PlutoSDR, RTL-SDR) (hackrf, plutosdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, spectrum analyzer) 29.01. - Installing and using RTL-SDR and GQRX on a PinePhone (Applications, RTL-SDR) (pinephone, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 29.01. - Using 50 Lines of Python Code to Decode NOAA APT Weather Satellite Images (RTL-SDR, Satellite) (APT, NOAA, python, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, weather satellite) 29.01. - DragonOS: BladeRF-wiphy Demonstration (bladeRF) (bladerf, bladeRF-wiphy, wifi) 27.01. - bladeRF-wiphy: Open Source WiFi Access Point on a BladeRF (Applications, bladeRF) (bladerf, Software-defined radio, wifi) 27.01. - FAASGS: A Setup to Build a Fully Automatic Amateur and APT Weather Satellite Ground Station (Amateur Radio, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (amateur satellite, APT, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellite) 21.01. - DragonOS: Decoding FT8 on Linux with WSJT-X (Amateur Radio, Applications, Digital Signals, HackRF, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (FT8, hackrf, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdrplay) 21.01. - GNU Radio Released (Applications, RTL-SDR) (gnu radio, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 20.01. - Hacking a Ceiling Fan Radio Control Signal with an RTL-SDR (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (ceiling fan, reverse engineering, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 20.01. - FengYun-2G Confirmed to be Receivable with a WiFi Grid Dish (Antennas, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (FengYun, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, weather satellite) 20.01. - SATRAN: An Affordable Motorized Satellite Antenna Rotator (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (antenna rotator, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, satnogs, satran) 12.01. - Using SDR to Investigate Telemetry Still Broadcasting from 1960’s Satellite Transit-5B5 (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 12.01. - Etherify Talk from The rC3 Online Conference (Security) (ethernet, raspberry pi, raspberry pi 4, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, tempest) 08.01. - The R860 will replace the R820T2 – Same chip different name (News, RTL-SDR) (R820T2, r860, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 08.01. - SignalsEverywhere: A Front End GUI Control Head for OP25 (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (digital voice, P25, P25 phase 2, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 08.01. - Frugal Radio: SDR Guide Ep 9 – P25 LSM Trunking with one RTL-SDR V3 and DSDPlus (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (digital voice, DMR, dsd, DSDplus, P25, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 06.01. - Using an RTL-SDR as a Panadapter with an Automatic Antenna Switcher (Amateur Radio, HF, RTL-SDR) (amateur radio, HF, panadapter, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 06.01. - Tech Minds: Decoding Orbcomm Satellites with a Software Defined Radio (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (orbcomm, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite)
2020 (317)
29.12. - New SDR# User Guide Available (Applications, RTL-SDR) (airspy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#, sdrsharp) 29.12. - CalibrateSDR: Calibrating your SDR Frequency Offset with DAB+ (Applications, LimeSDR, RTL-SDR) (calibratesdr, frequency offset, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 29.12. - Explaining the 9A4QV V-Dipole Design for Receiving 137 MHz Weather Satellites (Antennas, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (antenna, APT, meteor, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, V-dipole, weather satellite) 22.12. - Tech Minds tests out the YouLoop HF Passive Loop Antenna (Airspy, Antennas, HF) (airspy, antenna, HF, youloop) 22.12. - Frugal Radio: Filters 101 – Improving Reception for your SDR (RTL-SDR) (filter, RF filter, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 17.12. - DragonOS: OP25 “Boatbod” P25 Phase 1 Running on GNU Radio 3.8 with RTL-SDR (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (OP25, P25, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 16.12. - SSTV from the International Space Station Scheduled for Dec 24 – Dec 31 (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (ISS, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, slow scan television, SSTV) 15.12. - KerberosSDR with DF-Aggregator Direction Finding Attempt (Antennas, Applications, KerberosSDR, RTL-SDR) (coherent radio, coherent sdr, direction finding, kerberossdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 14.12. - Frugal Radio: SDR Guide Ep 8: Overcoming FM Broadcast Interference + Simple DMR Plugin Demo (Applications, RTL-SDR) (bandstop filter, broadcast FM filter, DMR, P25, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 14.12. - Gorizont-RTLSDR Linux Distro Updated to V2.0.3 (Antennas, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 14.12. - DSDPlusUI Now Available as a Plugin for SDR# (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (airspy, digital voice, DMR, dsd, DSDplus, P25, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#) 09.12. - Steve Mould Hacks Into his Car with a HackRF (Applications, HackRF, RTL-SDR, Security) (hackrf, rolljam, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, security) 09.12. - Frugal Radio: SDR Guide Ep 7 – Trunk DMR & NXDN digital with DSDPlus and One RTL-SDR (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (digital voice, DMR, NXDN, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 04.12. - Arecibo Radio Telescope Collapses: A look back at some SDR fun with Arecibo (Antennas, Other) (arecibo, radio astronomy, radio telescope, sdr#, Software-defined radio) 04.12. - Etherify 4: Using PC Ethernet RF Leakage to Transmit QRSS CW (Other, RTL-SDR, Security) (ethernet, raspberry pi, raspberry pi 4, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, tempest) 03.12. - Testing the Mayhem Firmware on a HackRF Portapack (Applications, HackRF, Security) (hackrf, jammer, jamming, portapack, replay attacks, spoofing) 03.12. - New SDRUno Plugin Video Demos: Frequency Annotation, WEFAX, SSTV, DXToolbox (Amateur Radio, Applications, SDRplay) (sdrplay, sdruno, SSTV, WEFAX) 03.12. - Simple DMR Plugin for SDR# Now Available (Applications, RTL-SDR) (DMR, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#) 02.12. - Job’s Radio Telescope: Hydrogen Line Northern Sky Survey with RTL-SDR (Antennas, Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (hydrogen line, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 02.12. - Etherify: Pi 4 Exhibits Very Strong Ethernet RF Leakage (Other, Security) (ethernet, raspberry pi, raspberry pi 4, tempest) 02.12. - JR Magnetics Small Ultra Wide Band 750 MHz to 6 GHz Antenna for SDRs on Kickstarter (Antennas, RTL-SDR) (antenna, discone, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, ultra wide band) 28.11. - AirNav 20% Off ADS-B Hardware Black Friday/Cyber Monday (Airband, Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, airband, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 27.11. - Searching For Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) with a HackRF (Antennas, Applications, HackRF) (hackrf, radio astronomy, search for extraterrestrial intelligence, SETI) 24.11. - Airspy Black Friday Deals Now Active (Airspy) (airspy, black friday) 23.11. - FengYun-2H/G Geostationary Weather Satellite Now Decodable with 120cm Dish (Europe to Australia Coverage) (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (FengYun, GOES, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, weather satellite) 20.11. - Video Tutorial on Debugging RF Emissions on a Circuit Board with an RTL-SDR (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR) (EMC, EMI, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, unintentional emissions) 17.11. - Information about Receiving the GOES-13 Weather Satellite (Europe Coverage with 1.8m Dish) (Airspy, Applications, Satellite) (airspy, GK-2A, GOES, GOES-13, GOES-16, GOES-17, satellite, weather satellite) 17.11. - Hermes and Red Pitaya now Supported in OpenWebRX (Applications) (hermes, hermes lite 2, HPSDR, openwebrx, red pitaya) 16.11. - DF Aggregator: New Software for Networked Radio Direction Finding with KerberosSDR (Antennas, Applications, KerberosSDR, RTL-SDR) (direction finding, kerberossdr, radio direction finding, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 16.11. - Frugal Radio: Sharing One Antenna with Fifteen Receivers (Antennas, RTL-SDR) (multicoupler, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, splitter) 12.11. - A 3D Printed Automatically Adjusting Linear Antenna Array for KerberosSDR Radio Direction Finding (Antennas, Applications, KerberosSDR, RTL-SDR) (antenna array, coherent radio, direction finding, kerberossdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 12.11. - Radio Spectrum Analysis in Virtual Reality with an RTL-SDR and Google Cardboard (Applications, Mobile, RTL-SDR) (android, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, virtual reality) 11.11. - Andreas Spiess Tracks Weather Balloons with a TTGO LoRa Board and RTL-SDR (Applications, RTL-SDR, TTGO) (mysondy, Radiosonde, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, TTGO, weather balloon) 11.11. - Hack Chat: Learning SDR and DSP with Marc Lichtman (Other, PlutoSDR, RTL-SDR) (plutosdr, python, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#) 10.11. - Etherify: Transmitting Morse Code via Raspberry Pi Ethernet RF Leakage (RTL-SDR, Security) (ethernet, raspberry pi, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, tempest) 10.11. - Frugal Radio: SDR Guide Ep 6 – Trunk Tracking Public Safety Systems with UniTrunker and SDRTrunk (Airspy, Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, trunking, unitrunker) 09.11. - RF Fingerprinting ADS-B Signals for Security (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR, Security) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, security) 09.11. - GOES Weather Satellite Images on an E-Ink Display (RTL-SDR) (e-ink, GOES, GOES-16, raspberry pi, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 06.11. - Happysat Reviews the QO-100 Bullseye LNB (Amateur Radio, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (bullseye lnb, qo-100, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 05.11. - The $49 tinySA Spectrum Analyzer (Other) (spectrum analyzer, tinysa) 04.11. - RPiTX Beta for Raspberry Pi 4 Released (Applications, Other, RTL-SDR) (raspberry pi, raspberry pi 4, rpitx, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 04.11. - A Few More Demonstrations of the SDR# FM and AM Co-Channel Cancellers (Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#, sdrsharp) 03.11. - A Dual Aircraft and Ship Tracking System with RTL-SDR (Airband, Applications, Marine, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, AIS, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, automatic identification system, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 03.11. - Simple dPMR Decoder Plugin for SDR# Released (Airspy, Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (digital speech decoder, dPMR, dsd, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 03.11. - Running SDR# On Ubuntu 20.04 Linux via WINE (Airspy, Applications, RTL-SDR) (airspy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2932u, sdr#, sdrsharp) 30.10. - KerberosSDR Currently On Sale – Ends Midnight Sunday 1 Nov (Applications, KerberosSDR, RTL-SDR) (coherent sdr, direction finding, kerberossdr, passive radar, radio direction finding, RDF, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 29.10. - SDR# FM Co-Channel Canceller Added (Applications, Broadcast Radio, RTL-SDR) (AM DX, dx, FM DX, interference, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#, sdrsharp) 29.10. - Gorizont-RTLSDR Updated to V2.0 (Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 29.10. - New GOES Weather Satellite Bundle from NooElec (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (GK-2A, GOES, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 28.10. - Frugal Radio: SDR Guide Ep 5 – Software Primer (Applications, RTL-SDR) (cubicsdr, gqrx, hdsdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr-console v3, sdr#, sdruno) 27.10. - QIRX Version 3 Beta: Built in ADS-B Decoder + Map, Multimode, Multi-Receiver (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, QIRX, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 21.10. - WeatherSense: A Wireless 433 MHz Weather Station with RTL-SDR Receiver (Applications, RTL-SDR) (433 mhz, ism band, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather sensor, weathersense) 21.10. - DragonOS: QRadioLink Radio over IP with an RTL-SDR (Amateur Radio, Applications, RTL-SDR) (murmur, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, voip) 20.10. - NOAA-APT Decoder Updates: False Color, Pass Prediction and more (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (NOAA, NOAA-APT, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satelite, weather satellite) 20.10. - Your own Numbers Station at Home with a Raspberry Pi and Pi-FM-RDS (Applications, Other) (numbers station, pi-fm-rds, raspberry pi) 20.10. - GQRX Updated to 2.13: Several Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements (Applications, RTL-SDR) (gqrx, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 20.10. - SDR# Updates: RTL-SDR Enhanced Mode, AM Co-Channel Canceller for MW DX (Airspy, Applications, RTL-SDR) (AM DX, dx, HF, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 16.10. - Easy-SDR: Open Source Designs for SDR Accessories (Antennas, RTL-SDR) (LNA, low noise amplifier, mini whip, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, switch, upconverter) 16.10. - Dictator Alert Fundraising (Other, RTL-SDR) (dictator alert, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 15.10. - Notes on Observing Pulsars with an SDR from CCERA (Antennas, Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (pulsar, pulsar detection, radio astronomy, usrp) 13.10. - PySDR: A (Free) Guide to SDR and DSP using Python (Other, PlutoSDR) (digital signal processing, dsp, plutosdr, python) 13.10. - Converting an Old Cable Modem into an SDR (Other) (cable modem, cm-sdr, reverse engineering, sdr#, Software-defined radio) 13.10. - Sanchez Scripting Examples For Post-Processing GOES, GK2A, Himawari, Elektro Satellite Images (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (GK-2A, GOES, Himawari, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 07.10. - Tech Minds: Portable RTL-SDR on Android (Applications, RTL-SDR) (android, RF Analzyer, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr touch) 06.10. - Using an RTL-SDR to Measure the Basis for the Dark Matter Hypothesis (Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (dark matter, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 02.10. - Simple APCO P25 Phase 1 Decoder Plugin Released for SDR# (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (APCO, digital voice, P25, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 01.10. - Conference Talk on PICTOR A Free-to-Use Open Source Radio Telescope based on RTL-SDR (Antennas, Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (hydrogen line, PICTOR, radio telescope, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 01.10. - SDR Sharp Slicer Now Supports RTL-SDR and other SDRs (Airspy, Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdrsharp) 01.10. - Tracking RTL-SDR Passive Radar Detections with a Kalman Filter (Applications, RTL-SDR) (passive radar, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 28.09. - Bullseye TCXO LNB for QO-100 33% Off Sale Ending Soon (Amateur Radio, Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (LNB, low noise block, qo-100, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 24.09. - Microwave Humidity Sounder Decoder for the NOAA-19 Satellite Released (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (HRPT, MHS, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 22.09. - Sanchez Updates: Combine Weather Images from GK-2A, Himawari-8, GOES 16/17 Satellites into one Composite Image (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (GK-2A, GOES, Himawari, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 21.09. - TechMinds: The Langstone Project – SDR Transceiver with PlutoSDR (Amateur Radio, Applications, HF, PlutoSDR) (adalm pluto, plutosdr, raspberry pi, transceiver) 21.09. - Decoder for Geostationary Elektro-L Weather Satellites Released (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (Elektro-L, GOES, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 21.09. - John’s Windows 10 NOAA Weather Satellite Software Guide for RTL-SDR (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellite) 18.09. - Introducing the Radio Resilience Competition (Applications) (gnu radio, radio resilience) 17.09. - The SETI Institute and GNU Radio Join Forces (Applications, RTL-SDR) (gnu radio, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, search for extraterrestrial intelligence, SETI) 17.09. - Testing Sharp Slicer: Multiple Spectrum Slices via SDR# with an Airspy SDR (Airspy, News, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#, sdrsharp, sharp slicer) 17.09. - Graphing Data from a Weather Station via RTL-SDR and Home Assistant (Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl_433, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather station) 15.09. - 33% OFF Sale: Ultra Stable Bullseye LNB for QO-100/Es’Hail-2 (Amateur Radio, Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (LNB, low noise block, qo-100, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 15.09. - DragonOS: KerberosSDR Bearing Server Setup with RDFMapper (Applications, KerberosSDR, RTL-SDR) (direction finding, kerberossdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 11.09. - Setting up a Raspberry Pi for Ham Radio with RTL-SDR (Amateur Radio, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (amateur radio, raspberry pi, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 07.09. - Comparing Shortwave Antennas with an RTL-SDR and FT8 Monitoring (Amateur Radio, Antennas, Applications, HF, RTL-SDR) (antennas, FT8, HF, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 03.09. - New RTL-SDR Driver for Android Developers (Mobile, RTL-SDR) (android, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 01.09. - Unlocking a Car with an RTL-SDR and Yardstick One (Applications, RTL-SDR, Security) (rolling code, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, security, yardstick one) 01.09. - TechMinds: Decoding GPS with an RTL-SDR (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (GPS, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 31.08. - New ExtIO For rtl_tcp: Control R820T Bandwidth, Decimation, Auto Reconnect (Applications, RTL-SDR) (EXTIO, hdsdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 31.08. - Automatically Starting rtl_tcp on a Remote PC via Android (Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl_tcp, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 28.08. - KerberosSDR Tracking a Drone Carrying an FM Beacon (Applications, KerberosSDR, RTL-SDR) (direction finding, drone, kerberossdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 27.08. - Using a PlutoSDR and Mixer to Transmit 70cm DATV to a 23cm Satellite Receiver (Amateur Radio, Applications, HackRF, PlutoSDR) (DATV, digital amateur television, upconverter) 27.08. - OpenWiFi: Open Source FPGA and SDR Based WiFi Implementation (Applications) (openwifi, Software-defined radio, wifi) 25.08. - New Updates to the librtlsdr RTL-SDR Driver Fork (RTL-SDR) (librtlsdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 25.08. - YouTube Guide to Setting up and Running RTLion (Applications, Mobile, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, RTLion) 21.08. - DEFCON 2020 Aerospace Village SDR Talks (RTL-SDR, Satellite, Security) (defcon, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, security) 20.08. - TechMinds: Extending the Range of Transmit Capable SDRs with Amplifier (HackRF, LimeSDR, PlutoSDR) (amplifier, hackrf, limesdr, LNA, low noise amplifier, plutosdr) 20.08. - Reporters use ADS-B Data to Uncover the Role US Private Contractors Play in East African Air Operations (Airband, RTL-SDR, Security) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 18.08. - KerberosSDR: Tracking a Weather Balloon Radiosonde with Radio Direction Finding (Antennas, Applications, KerberosSDR, RTL-SDR) (direction finding, kerberossdr, raspberry pi) 17.08. - A Handheld SciFi Scanner Box with RTL-SDR and Thermal Camera (Applications, RTL-SDR) (raspberry pi, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, tricorder) 17.08. - BSides Talk: It’s 2020, so why am I still able to read your pager traffic? (RTL-SDR, Security) (pager, POCSAG, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, security) 17.08. - Eavesdropping on LTE Calls with a USRP Software Defined Radio (Applications, Mobile, Security) (LTE, mobile, security) 11.08. - DragonOS: Installing Crocodile Hunter For Detecting Fake 4G Cell Sites (Applications, bladeRF, Digital Signals, Security) (4G, base station, cell site, IMSI catcher, security) 11.08. - TechMinds: OpenWebRX Feature Overview And Raspberry Pi Setup (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (APRS, d-star, DMR, FT4, FT8, JT65, JT9, NXDN, openwebrx, POCSAG, raspberry pi, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, WSPR, YSF) 10.08. - Sanchez: Create False Colour Images from GOES/Himawari/GK-2A Infrared (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (GK-2A, GOES, Himawari, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 10.08. - Testing the Electrosense Up/Downconverter Expansion Board For 0 – 6 GHz (Applications, RTL-SDR) (downconverter, electrosense, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, upconverter, wifi) 10.08. - MySondy: Radiosonde Tracking Firmware for a TTGO ESP32 LORA Board (Applications, Digital Signals, TTGO) (ESP32, LoRa, Radiosonde, TTGO) 08.08. - Defcon 2020 Online Talks: Satellite Eavesdropping & Detecting Fake 4G Base Stations (Applications, Satellite, Security) (basestation, bladerf, cellphone, defcon, satellite, sdr#, security) 06.08. - TechMinds: Using Public Online SDRs without SDR Hardware (Airspy, Amateur Radio, Applications, HF, KiwiSDR, RTL-SDR) (kiwisdr, openwebrx, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr-console, sdr#, websdr) 06.08. - SignalsEverywhere: Setting up a Broadcastify Feed with SDRTrunk (Applications, RTL-SDR) (broadcastify, P25, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 06.08. - NyanSat: A Low Cost Open Source Satellite Ground Station (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (nyansat, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 04.08. - Analyzing Lightning Discharges with an RTL-SDR and the Sage Network (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR) (lightning, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sage) 30.07. - RSGB Talk: How To Check and Report VDSL RFI with an SDR in the UK (Amateur Radio, Applications, SDRplay) (radio interference, rfi, rspdx, sdrplay, VDSL) 30.07. - The Silphase R1 SDR Receiver (Amateur Radio, Other) (amateur radio, HF, swling) 30.07. - SignalID: Shazam Style Automatic Signal Identification for Android (Applications, Mobile) (android, automatic signal identification) 29.07. - Frugal Radio: SDR Guide Ep 4 – Antenna Basics for SDR Beginners (Antennas, RTL-SDR) (antenna, dipole, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 29.07. - TechMinds: Building a 3D Printed 2.4 GHz Dual Feed Helix for QO-100 (Amateur Radio, Antennas, Satellite) (amateur radio, bullseye, LNB, qo-100, satellite) 28.07. - Standalone Windows FengYun-3 & MetOp HRPT Weather Satellite Decoder (Airspy, Applications, Satellite) (FengYun, Metop, weather satellite) 22.07. - SignalsEverywhere: SDRTrunk P25 Police Scanner Tutorial with two RTL-SDRs (Applications, RTL-SDR) (P25, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdrtrunk) 21.07. - Alpha Version of SDR++ Released (Applications, HackRF, RTL-SDR) (hackrf, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#) 21.07. - Frugal Radio: Using an Airspy and RTL-SDR To Scan the UHF Military Airband in SDR# (Airband, Airspy, Applications, RTL-SDR) (airspy, milair, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, scanner) 17.07. - RadioSlate: A Tablet with Built in LimeSDR or HackRF (HackRF, LimeSDR) (hackrf, limesdr, radioslate) 16.07. - Using CubicSDR, rtl_433, MQTT and Telegraf to Stream Live Data to InfluxDB (Applications, RTL-SDR) (InfluxDB, Mosquitto, MQTT, rtl_433, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, Telegraf, temperature sensor) 14.07. - Tech Minds: Testing Antennas with the VNA N1201SA / PS100 (NanoVNA) (antenna analzyer, nanovna, vector network analyzer, VNA) 14.07. - Frugal Radio: 2020 SDR Guide Ep 2 – Using Free Online SDRs (Applications, RTL-SDR) (kiwisdr, openwebrx, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr-console, sdr#, spyserver, websdr) 14.07. - Tracking Wild Bats with SDRs – Featured in Science Magazine (Applications, RTL-SDR) (bats, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, science, TDOA, time difference of arrival, usrp) 14.07. - Controlling Frequency in SDR# with a Barcode Scanner (Applications, RTL-SDR) (barcode scanner, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#) 14.07. - Testing a YouLoop on an RTL-SDR Blog V3 with Direct Sampling (Antennas, HF, RTL-SDR) (miniwhip, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, youloop) 10.07. - Electrosense+: Global Network of RTL-SDR Sensors with Decoding of FM/AM ADS-B AIS LTE ACARS (Applications, RTL-SDR) (acars, ads-b, electrosense, LTE, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 10.07. - Tech Minds: Eavesdropping on Video Monitors with TempestSDR (Airspy, Applications, HackRF, RTL-SDR, Security) (airspy, hackrf, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, tempest) 08.07. - Imaging the Milky Way in Neutral Hydrogen with an RTL-SDR Part 2 (Antennas, Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (hydrogen line, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 08.07. - An Introduction to Radio Trunking Systems with a Focus on P25 and SDR Trunk (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (P25, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr-trunk) 08.07. - A Simple Guide to Setting up a DIY NOAA Weather Satellite Ground Station (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellite) 07.07. - Step-by-step Guide to Creating a GNU Radio Based QO-100 SSB Receiver (Amateur Radio, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (es'hail 2, gnu radio, qo-100, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, SSB) 07.07. - SDRA2020 Online Conference Videos (Other) (conference, sdr#, Software-defined radio) 06.07. - Characterizing Yagi Antenna Directionality via ADS-B Reception (Airband, Antennas, RTL-SDR) (dipole, directivity, radiation pattern, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, Yagi) 06.07. - TechMinds: How to Track Weather Balloons Using SDR (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (rs-41, weather balloon) 02.07. - NanoVNA V2 Video Tutorials (NanoVNA) (nanovna, nanovna v2) 02.07. - Hak5: Turning a Key Croc into an RTL-SDR Server (Applications, RTL-SDR, Security) (hak5, keycroc, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 01.07. - DragonOS: Decoding Iridium Satellites with the Iridium Toolkit and an RTL-SDR (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (dragonOS, iridium, l-band, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 29.06. - DSD (Open Source) with dPMR Decoding and Windows Binaries Released (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (digital speech decoder, dPMR, dsd, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 29.06. - DragonOS: DSP and Signal Analysis with Composable-SDR, Inspectrum and an RTL-SDR (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (composable-sdr, dragonOS, inspectrum, PMR446) 25.06. - Tech Minds: Testing the OpenEar DMR TETRA ADSB POCSAG Decoder for RTL-SDR (Airband, Amateur Radio, Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, DMR, openear, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, TETRA) 25.06. - Tech Minds: Decoding GMDSS Maritime Distress Messages (Digital Signals, HF, Marine, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (GMDSS, rspdx, sdrplay) 24.06. - Building a Remote SSB Receiver with an RTL-SDR, OrangePi and GNU Radio (Amateur Radio, Applications, RTL-SDR) (gnu radio, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, SSB) 23.06. - Talks from the 2020 HamSCI Convention (Held Online) (Amateur Radio, Applications, TangerineSDR) (amateur radio, citizen science, hamsci, sdr#, Software-defined radio, space weather station, tangerinesdr) 23.06. - A Talk on 21cm Hydrogen Line Amateur Radio Astronomy (Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 23.06. - Open Weather: An Artistic Performance Involving Live NOAA APT Signal Decoding for Sound Arts Festival (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (APT, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellite) 23.06. - Tech Minds: Review of the MLA-30 Active HF Loop Antenna (Antennas, HF) (active loop antenna, antenna, MLA-30) 18.06. - An Art Project Involving GOES-16 & NOAA Weather Satellite Reception with SDR (RTL-SDR, Satellite) (GOES, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 17.06. - Testing out the SDR-Kits L-band Inmarsat Patch Antenna for AERO (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR) (AERO, inmarsat, l-band, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, std-c) 11.06. - Imaging the Milky Way in Neutral Hydrogen with an RTL-SDR (Antennas, Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (hydrogen line, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 10.06. - A Self-Executable version of TempestSDR is now Available (Applications, News, Other) (airspy, hackrf, rtl-sdr, rtl2832u, tempest) 09.06. - Decoding HIRS Instrument Images from NOAA Weather Satellites (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (HIRS, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, weather satellite) 08.06. - TETRA-Kit: A New Open Source TETRA Decoder (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, TETRA) 08.06. - OpenEar Updated to Version 1.6 (News, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, DMR, POCSAG, TETRA) 04.06. - Virtual Plane Spotting Livestream by Piping ADS-B Data into Flight Simulator (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, flight simulator, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 04.06. - A 3D Printed Dual Screen Cyberdeck with Built in RTL-SDR (RTL-SDR) (cyberdeck, raspberry pi, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 03.06. - YouTube Tutorial: Installing and Using CubicSDR on a Mac (Applications, RTL-SDR) (cubicsdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 03.06. - Using ADS-B Exchange to Track Police and Military Aircraft Monitoring the George Floyd Protests (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, military, protests, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 03.06. - Techminds: Building a V-Dipole for Weather Satellite Reception (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, V-dipole, weather satellite) 02.06. - OpenWebRX directory SDR.hu has now shut down (KiwiSDR, News) (kiwisdr, openwebrx, sdr.hu) 28.05. - QO-100 Bullseye TCXO Ultra Stable LNB Now Available in our Store for $29.95 with Free Shipping (Amateur Radio, Antennas, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (LNB, low noise block, qo-100, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 28.05. - Building a Motorized Hydrogen Line Radio Telescope with a DIY Horn Antenna, Drill Motor and RTL-SDR (Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (hydrogen line, radio astronomy, radio telescope, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 28.05. - Techminds: Testing out the new Plugins Feature on SDRuno V1.4 RC1 (Broadcast Radio, Digital Signals, SDRplay) (DAB, digital audio broadcast, sdrplay, sdruno) 27.05. - Monitoring for Storm Warnings with an RTL-SDR (Applications, RTL-SDR) (NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, skywarn, storm warning) 27.05. - YouTube GNU Radio Tutorials for Windows 10 (Applications, Other, RTL-SDR) (gnuradio, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 27.05. - A Hydrogen Line Radio Telescope made from a Homemade Helical Antenna and RTL-SDR (Antennas, Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (hydrogen line, radio astronomy, rt2832, rtl-sdr, rtl2832u) 26.05. - The YouLoop Passive Loop Antenna Reviewed on HF Reception (Airspy, Antennas, HF) (airspy, airspy hf+ discovery, HF, youloop) 26.05. - Building a Raspberry Pi Based AIS Receiver with an RTL-SDR, Preamp and Collinear Antenna (Marine, RTL-SDR) (AIS, automatic identification system, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 22.05. - PineTab Linux Tablet will have an Optional RTL-SDR Expansion Module (News, RTL-SDR) (pinetab, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, tablet) 21.05. - Understanding PLLs and their Importance when Receiving/Transmitting on QO-100 (Amateur Radio, PlutoSDR, Satellite) (amateur radio, es'hail 2, plutosdr, qo-100, satellite) 21.05. - Radenso Theia: An SDR Based Police Radar Detector (Applications, Other) (radar detector, radenso, sdr#, Software-defined radio) 20.05. - Derpcon 2020 Talk: Breaking into the World of Software Defined Radio (HackRF, RTL-SDR, Security) (hackrf, infosec, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, security) 12.05. - Tutorial on Using xrit-rx to Receive Weather Images from Geostationary Satellite GK-2A (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (GEO-KOMPSAT-2A, GK-2A, GOES, satellite, xrit-rx) 12.05. - GNU Radio TEMPEST Implementation Now Available (Applications, RTL-SDR, Security) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, tempest) 09.05. - RTL-SDR Blog V3 Units and Antennas Back in Stock at Amazon (Local US Stock) (Antennas, News, RTL-SDR) (Amazon, rtl-sdr, rtl-sdr blog v3, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 05.05. - Running rtl_tcp over the TOR Network (Applications, RTL-SDR, Security) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, TOR network) 04.05. - GNU Radio Code for Android Now Released (Applications, RTL-SDR) (android, gnu radio, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 29.04. - Performing a Side Channel TEMPEST Attack on a PC (Applications, RTL-SDR, Security) (rfi, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, security, tempest) 29.04. - NanoVNA V2’s Now for Sale on eBay and Tindie (NanoVNA, News) (nanovna, vector network analyzer) 28.04. - YouTube Video Replicates our Galactic Hydrogen Line Detection Tutorial (Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (hydrogen line, radio astronomy, rtk2832u, rtl-sdr, rtl2832) 28.04. - CygnusRFI: New RFI Analysis Tool for Ground Stations and Radio Telescopes (Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (PICTOR, radio astronomy, radio frequency interference, rfi, rtl-sdr, rtl2832) 28.04. - TechMinds: Detecting HF Interference from a VDSL Internet Connection (Applications, Digital Signals, SDRplay) (radio interference, rfi, rspdx, sdrplay, VDSL) 27.04. - DragonOS KerberosSDR Tutorials: Setting up Networked Direction Finding, Monitoring Multiple Signals Simultaneously (Applications, KerberosSDR, RTL-SDR) (direction finding, kerberossdr, RDFmapper, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 27.04. - A Few GOES Reception Tips and Info on Receiving EMWIN Data (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (APT, EMWIN, GOES, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, satellite) 27.04. - YouTube Guide: Installing GQRX on Windows 10 (Applications, RTL-SDR) (gnu radio, gqrx, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 22.04. - SignalsEverywhere: How to set up an RTL-SDR SpyServer on Windows (Airspy, Applications, RTL-SDR) (airspy, rtl_tcp, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, spyserver) 22.04. - PiSDR Ready to use SDR Raspbian Image Updated to V4.0 (Airspy, Applications, RTL-SDR) (airspy, limesdr, pisdr, plutosdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 22.04. - TechMinds: Demonstrating the QT-DAB Digital Audio Broadcast Decoder (Airspy, Applications, Broadcast Radio, Digital Signals, HackRF, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (airspy, DAB, digital audio broadcast, hackrf, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdrplay) 17.04. - YouTube Series on Inmarsat Decoding with Scytale-C (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (inmarsat, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, scytale-c, std-c) 16.04. - Easily Streaming SDR Output Audio through a Network to an Android Phone (Applications, RTL-SDR) (gqrx, OP25, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, soundwire) 13.04. - DragonOS Updated: Now with OP25 Installed and many new YouTube Tutorials (Applications, bladeRF, HackRF, RTL-SDR) (bladerf, dragonOS, gnu radio, gr-gsm, OP25, rtl_433, rtl-sdr, rtl2832) 13.04. - OpenEar Now Supports TETRA, DMR, POCSAG, ADS-B (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, DMR, openear, POCSAG, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, TETRA) 08.04. - The K-180WLA: A New Low Cost Battery Powered Active Loop Antenna (Antennas, HF, RTL-SDR) (HF, loop, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, wellbrook, youloop) 08.04. - Receiving SMOG-P and ATL-1 Nano Satellites with an RTL-SDR (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (ATL-1, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, SMOG-P) 08.04. - YouTube Tutorial: Building a Passive IMSI Catcher with an RTL-SDR (Mobile, RTL-SDR, Security) (GSM, IMSI catcher, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 06.04. - SWLing Blog: Building a Homemade YouLoop (Noise-Cancelling Passive Loop) Antenna (Antennas, HF, RTL-SDR) (loop antenna, magnetic loop, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, youloop) 06.04. - Radwave Updates: Browse SETI Spectrum Data on your Android Device (Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (android, oumuama, radwave, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, SETI, voyager) 06.04. - Starlink Doppler Reflections Caught with an RTL-SDR (Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (meteor scatter, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, starlink) 31.03. - The SWLing Post Reviews the YouLoop Passive Loop Antenna (Airspy, Antennas, HF, SDRplay) (antenna, HF, short wave listening, youloop) 30.03. - A Homemade Boat Computer with RTL-SDR for Weather Fax, NavTex and more (Marine, RTL-SDR) (AIS, automatic identification system, navtex, raspberry pi, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 30.03. - A Comprehensive Lab Comparison between Multiple Software Defined Radios (Airspy, bladeRF, LimeSDR, PlutoSDR, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (airspy, bladerf, limesdr, plutosdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2932u. rtl2832, sdrplay, usrp) 24.03. - Creating an APRS I-Gate and Digipeater with Baofeng and RTL-SDR (Amateur Radio, Applications, RTL-SDR) (APRS, i-gate, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 24.03. - DragonOS: Debian Linux with Preinstalled Open Source SDR Software (Applications, HackRF, LimeSDR, RTL-SDR) (gnu radio, hackrf, limesdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 24.03. - RTL-SDR AIS Android App Now with Waterfall Display for Frequency Offset Tuning (Applications, Marine, RTL-SDR) (AIS, automatic identification system, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 20.03. - YouLoop Portable Passive HF/VHF Loop Antenna now Available in our Store (Airspy, Antennas, HF, RTL-SDR) (HF, magnetic loop antenna, rtl-sdr, rtl282u, rtl2832, youloop) 18.03. - Techminds Reviews the Ham-It-Up Nano Upconverter (HF, RTL-SDR) (ham it up, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, upconverter) 17.03. - Building an Underground Earth Probe Antenna for 0 – 14 MHz TX/RX (Antennas, HF) (antennas, ELF, ground probe antenna, HF, ULF, underground antenna, VLF) 16.03. - Coronavirus: Hamvention Cancelled & Other Updates (Amateur Radio, RTL-SDR) (ham radio, hamvention, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 16.03. - Techminds Reviews a HF RX SWL Antenna for Small Spaces and Apartments (Antennas, Broadcast Radio, HF, SDRplay) (antenna, HF, sdrplay) 16.03. - SATSAGEN: Software to use a PlutoSDR as a Tracking Spectrum Analyzer (Antennas, Applications, PlutoSDR) (plutosdr, spectrum analyzer) 12.03. - OpenEar: An Easy to Use Windows TETRA Voice Decoder (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (openear, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, TETRA) 10.03. - The Othernet Bullseye TCXO LNB for QO-100 Reception (Amateur Radio, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (es'hail 2, LNB, othernet, qo-100, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 10.03. - YouTube Tutorial on Receiving Weather Images from NOAA Satellites (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (APT, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellite, wxtoimg) 09.03. - A Seminar on Setting up and Understanding a SatNOGS Satellite Ground Station (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, satnogs) 09.03. - NooElec Releases the Ham-It-Up Nano HF Upconverter (HF, RTL-SDR) (ham it up, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, spyverter, upconverter) 05.03. - Thesis on Locating Transmitters with TDoA and RTL-SDRs (Applications, RTL-SDR) (direction finding, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, TDOA, time difference of arrival) 05.03. - Combining Android Tasker and an RTL-SDR for Mobile Automated Frequency Power Scans (Applications, Mobile, RTL-SDR) (android, rtl_power, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, tasker) 04.03. - IGate2: An RTL-SDR Compatible APRS iGate for Android (Amateur Radio, Applications, RTL-SDR) (APRS, automatic packet reporting system, igate, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 04.03. - Demonstrating Solar Inverter Noise Cancelling with a Timewave ANC-4 and Airspy HF+ (Airspy, HF) (airspy, airspy hf+ discovery, noise cancelling, Timewave ANC-4 noise canceler) 28.02. - OneSDR New Posts: RF Filter Primer, Bias Tees, SDR Precautions (RTL-SDR) (bias tee, filters, preselector, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 27.02. - ADSBExchange now using tar1090: Historical Flight Tracks, Military Aircraft Filters and more (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (adsbexchange, dump1090, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, tar1090, virtual radar server) 24.02. - Opening a Parking Barrier with a HackRF Portapack and a Replay Attack (HackRF, Security) (garage door, hackrf, keyfob, replay attack, security) 24.02. - OpenWebRX Version 0.18.0 Released: New Decoders for Digital Voice, Digital Ham Modes and More (Applications, Digital Signals, News, RTL-SDR) (openwebrx, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 19.02. - KerberosSDR: Tracking Aircraft on a Map via Passive Radar and Beamforming Only (Future Code Demonstration) (Broadcast Radio, KerberosSDR, RTL-SDR) (beam forming, kerberossdr, passive radar, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 18.02. - MEMESat-1: A Meme-Beaming Cubesat Currently In Development (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (cubesat, internet culture, meme, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 12.02. - Creating a Low Cost Ground Penetrating Radar with Two HackRFs (Applications, HackRF) (GPR, ground penetrating radar, hackrf) 10.02. - Look4Sat: An Android App for Tracking and Predicting Amateur Radio and Weather Satellite Passes (Amateur Radio, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (amateur radio satellites, satellite, weather satellites) 10.02. - Using Windows Subsystem For Linux (WSL) to Run Linux SDR Programs on Windows 10 (Other) (gqrx, virtual machine, windows 10, Windows Subsystem For Linux, WSL) 30.01. - A FM Radio Passive Radar System from Two RTL-SDR Dongles (Applications, KerberosSDR, RTL-SDR) (kerberossdr, passive radar, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 29.01. - Decoding NavTex with an SDRplay RSPDx, SDRUno and YanD (Applications, HF, SDRplay) (navtex, sdrplay, yand) 28.01. - A Hydrogen Line Telescope Made from Cereal Boxes and an RTL-SDR (Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (hydrogen line, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 23.01. - KerberosSDR 4-Channel RTL-SDR Passive Radar with Peak Hold Display (Applications, KerberosSDR, RTL-SDR) (kerberossdr, passive radar, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 22.01. - CyberRadio: A Minimal GPU Accelerated Radio App for Most SDRs (Applications, RTL-SDR) (cuSignal, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 22.01. - Using an RTL-SDR Blog V3 in Direct Sampling Mode to Receive HF DRM on an Android Phone (Broadcast Radio, Digital Signals, HF, RTL-SDR) (digital radio mondiale, DRM, HF, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 21.01. - Meteor-M N2-2 Weather Satellite Updates: No More 137 MHz LRPT, L/X-Band Working in Daylight (News, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (meteor m n2-2, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, weather satellite) 21.01. - Remote Spectrum Monitoring with OpenWebRX, RTL-SDR and the Balena Cloud Service (Applications, RTL-SDR) (balena, cloud, openwebrx, raspberry pi, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 21.01. - PyPacket: An APRS iGate For Your RTL-SDR (Amateur Radio, RTL-SDR) (APRS, automatic packet reporting system, pypacket, raspberry pi, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 15.01. - Using a KerberosSDR to Monitor Air Traffic Control Voice, ADS-B, ACARS & VDL2 Simultaneously on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ (Airband, KerberosSDR, RTL-SDR) (acars, ads-b, air traffic control, airband, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, keberossdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, vdl2) 14.01. - Increasing L-Band Active Patch SNR by using it as a Feed for a Satellite Dish (Antennas, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (GPS, inmarsat, iridium, l-band, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 13.01. - DSDPlusUI: A Graphical User Interface for DSD+ (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (digital speech decoder, DMR, dsd, P25, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 06.01. - RadarBox Optimized ADS-B Antenna + RTL-SDR Bundle Sale $39.95 + Shipping (Airband, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, radarbox, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 03.01. - Receiving and Decoding NFC with an RTL-SDR and GNURadio (Applications, RTL-SDR) (near field communication, NFC, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u)
2019 (335)
27.12. - Tracking down a Water Leak with RTLAMR (Applications, RTL-SDR) (ERT, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, rtlamr, water meter) 27.12. - Using a HackRF for GPS Spoofing on Windows (HackRF, Security) (GPS, GPS spoofing, hackrf, security) 27.12. - KiwiSDR Now Supports DRM Decoding (Applications, Digital Signals, HF, KiwiSDR, RTL-SDR) (digital radio mondiale, DREAM, DRM, kiwisdr) 24.12. - Meteor M N2-2 Has Failed but Recovery May be Possible (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (meteor m n2-2, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, weather satellite) 18.12. - PiSDR Updated to Version 3.0: Now Supports the Airspy HF+ (Airspy, LimeSDR, PlutoSDR, RTL-SDR) (airspy, limesdr, pisdr, plutosdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 18.12. - Tech Minds Demonstrates Iridium Live on a Raspberry Pi (Airspy, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (airspy, iridium, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 17.12. - RadioCapture – Software to Capture, Archive and Listen to Trunked Radio From Many Sources Now Open Sourced (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (P25, radiocapture, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, scanner, trunked radio) 11.12. - Radio Analyser: New Program for Plotting DSDPlus Statistics (Applications, RTL-SDR) (DMR, DSDplus, P25, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 10.12. - Tech Minds: LoRa Text Chat with Two Othernet Dreamcatcher Boards (Applications, Other, Satellite) (dreamcatcher, LoRa, othernet, outernet) 09.12. - RTL-SDR and HackRF Used in Mr. Robot – A TV Drama About Hacking (bladeRF, HackRF, RTL-SDR, Security) (bladerf, GSM, hackrf, ISMI catcher, mr robot, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 09.12. - Building a FossaSat-1 LoRa IoT Ground Station (Applications, Satellite) (fossasat-1, LoRa, satellite) 08.12. - Passive Doppler Aircraft Scatter with a VOR Beacon and an RTL-SDR (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (aircraft scatter, doppler, passive radar, rtl-sdr, rtl2832u) 05.12. - Starlink GRAVES Radar Reflections Received with SDR (RTL-SDR, Satellite) (graves radar, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, starlink) 05.12. - A new VOR Decoder Written in Python (RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl28932) 03.12. - The Toosheh Project: An Outernet-like Service for Iran and the Middle East (Satellite, Security) (censorship, satellite, satellite TV, toosheh) 03.12. - Solving a Frequency Hopping CTF Challenge with Aliasing (Applications, RTL-SDR) (frequency hopping, gnu radio, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 28.11. - Astrophiz Podcast Interviews Steve Olney: Capturing the 2019 Vela Pulsar Glitch with an RTL-SDR (Amateur Radio, Antennas, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (pulsar, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, vela) 28.11. - Reverse Engineering and Controlling a Pan-Tilt Camera Servo with an RTL-SDR and Arduino (RTL-SDR) (arduino, ism band, reverse engineering, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 27.11. - SignalsEverywhere Reviews our RTL-SDR Blog L-Band Active Patch Antenna Kit (Antennas, RTL-SDR) (l-band, patch antenna, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 26.11. - Decoding Differential GPS (DGPS) with an RSPdx and MultiPSK (Applications, HF, Satellite, SDRplay) (DGPS, differential gps, HF, rspdx, sdrplay) 22.11. - Coole-Radar: A Retro Terminal Based Radar Display for ADS-B Aircraft Data (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 21.11. - New Magazine Reviews of the Airspy HF+ Discovery (Airspy) (airspy, airspy hf+ discovery) 21.11. - Networked Radio Direction Finding with KerberosSDR and RDFMapper (Applications, KerberosSDR, RTL-SDR) (direction finding, kerberosdr, RDFmapper, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 19.11. - Comparing Four Wideband Magnetic Loop Antennas on HF with an SDRplay RSPduo (Antennas, HF, SDRplay) (active loop antenna, HF, magnetic loop, MLA-30, rspduo, sdrplay) 19.11. - TechMinds Reviews our RTL-SDR Blog L-Band Patch Antenna + Horn & Dish Mod (Antennas, Applications, Satellite) (airspy, l-band, patch antenna, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 15.11. - cuSignal: Easy CUDA GPU Acceleration for SDR DSP and Other Applications (Applications, Other, RTL-SDR) (digital signal processing, dsp, GPU, nvidia, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 15.11. - Creating An Automated Raspberry Pi and RTL-SDR Based NOAA Weather Satellite Station (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (amazon AWS, APT, automatic picture transmission, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 15.11. - Using an RTL-SDR and Speech To Text to Create Alerts on Specific Phrases (Applications, RTL-SDR) (amazon transcribe, AWS Lambda, ham2mon, opsgenie, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, speech to text) 14.11. - QRUQSP – Receiving Weather Sensors via RTL-SDR and Sharing over APRS (Amateur Radio, Applications, RTL-SDR) (amateur radio, APRS, QRUQSP, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 13.11. - First YouTube Reviews of the SDRplay RSPdx (SDRplay) (rspdx, sdrplay, sdruno) 07.11. - Measuring Traffic in a Neighborhood with KerberosSDR and Passive Radar (Applications, KerberosSDR, RTL-SDR) (coherent, direction finding, passive radar, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 05.11. - New Accessibility Plugin for SDR# (Other) (Accessibility, blind, sdr#) 31.10. - Tutorial on Performing a Replay Attack with a HackRF and Universal Radio Hacker (Digital Signals, HackRF, Security) (hackrf, replay attack, security, wireless doorbell) 30.10. - Dash Mounted ADS-B With an RTL-SDR Blog V3 (Airband, Applications, Digital Signals, Mobile, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, android, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 29.10. - ORBCOMM Receiver: New Open Source Software for Monitoring Orbcomm Satellites (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (orbcomm, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 29.10. - Creating a 21cm Galactic Sky Map with an Airspy and 1.8m Dish (Airspy, Antennas, Applications, Radio Astronomy) (airspy, hydrogen line, radio astronomy) 25.10. - A Motorized Backyard Radio Astronomy Telescope made with an RTL-SDR (Antennas, Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (amateur radio astronomy, radio telescope, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 25.10. - An Active Low Cost HF Loop Antenna Made in the UK (Airspy, Antennas, HF, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (active loop antenna, airspy, HF, magnetic loop, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdrplay) 22.10. - Updates on the PICTOR Low Cost Open Source Radio Telescope Based on RTL-SDR (Antennas, Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (hydrogen line, PICTOR, radio astronomy, radio telescope, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 22.10. - SDR Makerspace Conference to be Held in Switzerland in November (News, Satellite) (limesdr, satellite, satnogs, Software-defined radio) 17.10. - L-Band Patch Antenna Set Preorder Sale Ending Soon – Shipping Begins Next Week (Antennas, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (inmarsat, iridium, l-band, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 17.10. - Using a LimeSDR and RTL-SDR to Transfer a Text File Over the Air (Applications, Digital Signals, LimeSDR, RTL-SDR) (BPSK, file transfer, limesdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 17.10. - XYNC: A Massive MIMO SDR with up to 32×32 TX/RX Channels (LimeSDR, News, Other) (fairwaves, limesdr, MIMO, Software-defined radio, XTRX, XYNC) 16.10. - SignalsEverywhere: Testing out NooElecs PCB L-Band Patch Antenna (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR) (inmarsat, iridium, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 16.10. - SDR in the Local Newspaper: Investigating an RF Dead Spot for Car Key Fobs (HackRF, News, RTL-SDR) (hackrf, interference, keyfob, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 10.10. - The TangerineSDR: A Scientific SDR For Space Weather Radio and More (TangerineSDR) (hamsci, science, space weather radio, tangerinesdr) 08.10. - International Space Station SSTV Event Scheduled for October 9 and 10 (Amateur Radio, News, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (international space station, ISS, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, SSTV) 08.10. - An Introduction to Pagers with the HackRF PortaPack and an RTL-SDR (Applications, Digital Signals, HackRF, RTL-SDR, Security) (hackrf, pagers, POCSAG, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 04.10. - SDR# 1717 Officially Released: Dark Mode and Other Skins now Available (Airspy, News, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#, sdrsharp) 02.10. - G8JNJ Reverse Engineers and Reviews the MLA-30 HF Loop Antenna (Antennas, HF, RTL-SDR) (HF, magnetic loop antenna, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, sdrplay, youloop) 02.10. - SignalsEverywhere: Decoding HD Radio with an RTL-SDR (Applications, Broadcast Radio, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (HD Radio, HDRADIO, NRSC-5, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 01.10. - Watching Lightning Strikes on the Spectrum with an RTL-SDR (Applications, RTL-SDR) (lightning, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 01.10. - Fingerprinting Electronic Devices via their RF Emissions with an RTL-SDR and ImageMagick (Applications, RTL-SDR) (EM-Sense, heatmap, rtl_power, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 01.10. - Measuring the USB Power Consumption of Various Software Defined Radios (RTL-SDR) (airspy, flightaware, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdrplay) 26.09. - Electrosense: RTL-SDR Based Crowd Sourced Spectrum Monitoring with a DC to 6 GHz Up/Downconverter (Applications, RTL-SDR) (electrosense, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, spectrum monitoring) 26.09. - Building An Open Source SDR Based Hydrogen Line Radio Telescope (Airspy, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (airspy, hydrogen line, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 23.09. - PREORDER SALE: Active L-Band 1525-1637 Inmarsat to Iridium Patch Antenna Set For $34.95 (Antennas, Applications, News, RTL-SDR) (inmarsat, iridium, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 23.09. - Monitoring 3D Printer Filament Moisture with an RTL-SDR and rtl_433 (Applications, RTL-SDR) (3d printing, rtl_433, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 22.09. - Vancouver Broadcasts Hospital Patient Data Over Unencrypted Wireless Pagers (RTL-SDR, Security) (pager, pdw, POCSAG, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, security) 21.09. - Decoding the ARES Train Protocol with an RTL-SDR (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (ARES, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, train) 20.09. - Exploring the Limits of General Purpose SDR Devices (bladeRF, HackRF, LimeSDR) (bladerf, hackrf, limesdr, osmocom, usrp) 20.09. - YouTube Video: Reverse Engineering with SDR (Digital Signals, RTL-SDR, Security) (reverse engineering, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 19.09. - Reviews of the Low Cost MLA-30 Wide Band HF Magnetic Loop Antenna (Amateur Radio, Antennas, HF, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (HF, magnetic loop antenna, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, sdrplay, wellbrook) 19.09. - TV Scrambling With GNU Radio and a FL2K Adapter (Applications, FL2K-SDR, SDRplay) (analog TV, FL2k, osmo-fl2k, RSP1, sdrplay) 18.09. - SDRSharp Community Plugin Package Now Available (Applications, RTL-SDR) (plugins, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#, sdrsharp) 18.09. - WWV and WWVH Special Messages to Broadcast! (Digital Signals, HF, News) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, time, WWV, WWVH) 17.09. - Testing a PCB Patch Antenna and Radiosonde QFH Antenna for Inmarsat and Iridium Reception (Antennas, RTL-SDR) (EGC, inmarsat, iridium, l-band, patch antenna, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, std-c) 17.09. - A Wall Mounted SatNOGS Ground Station Monitor (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satnogs) 17.09. - A Guide to Compiling Updated NanoVNA Firmware (NanoVNA) (nanovna, tdr, Time-Domain Reflectometer) 17.09. - Significantly Improving RTL_TCP’s Performance with Ring Buffers (RTL-SDR) (network, rtl_tcp, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 11.09. - RadarBox Optimized ADS-B Antenna + RTL-SDR Bundle 15% Off Sale (Airband, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, radarbox, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 10.09. - Hermes Lite 2 HF Amateur Radio SDR Group Buy Now Active (Amateur Radio, HF) (amateur radio, hermes, hermes lite 2, HF) 10.09. - Using a HackRF SDR to Sniff RF Emissions from a Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallet and Obtain the PIN (HackRF, RTL-SDR, Security) (cryptocurrency, hackrf, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, security. machine learning) 09.09. - Andreas Spiess Explains Software Defined Radio in YouTube Video (HackRF, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#, Software-defined radio) 05.09. - Hacking Iridium Satellites With Iridium Toolkit (Airspy, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite, Security) (airspy, iridium, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 30.08. - KerberosSDR Batch 2 Ships Soon! Pricing will Rise on Monday (KerberosSDR, News, RTL-SDR) (beam forming, kerberossdr, passive radar, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 30.08. - RTL-SDR Blog V3 X-Rayed (RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, x-ray) 30.08. - Testing for Spurious Signals on the Airspy HF+ Discovery (Airspy) (airspy, airspy HF+, airspy hf+ discovery, spurious emissions, spurs) 30.08. - Transmitting WSPR on QO-100 with a moRFeus and less than 4 mW Power (Amateur Radio, Satellite) (es'hail 2, morfeus, qo-100, satellite, upconverter) 28.08. - Cleanly Embedding an RTL-SDR in an FT-991A With No Extra Cables (Amateur Radio, HF, RTL-SDR) (FT-991A, panadapter, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 28.08. - SignalsEverywhere: Harold’s Mobile SDR Vehicle Load Out for Amateur Radio (Amateur Radio, Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 26.08. - Decoding PAL Video from a Nintendo with An Airspy SDR Part 2 (Airspy, Applications) (airspy, composite video, PAL) 23.08. - Automatically Photographing Passing Aircraft with an RTL-SDR, Pi 3, and IoT Software (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, airplane, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 22.08. - Mike Tests out L-Band STD-C and AERO with a Low Cost Modified GPS Antenna (Antennas, Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR, Satellite, SDRplay) (AERO, inmarsat, iridium, JAERO, l-band, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, std-c) 22.08. - PEPYSCOPE: A Simple Panadapter for HF Radios using RTL-SDR Direct Sampling (Amateur Radio, Applications, HF, RTL-SDR) (HF, panadapter, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 22.08. - Uplinking to QO-100 with a LimeNET Micro and LimeRFE (Applications, LimeSDR, Satellite) (es'hail 2, limenet micro, limerfe, limesdr, qo-100) 21.08. - SignalsEverywhere: Driving around with KerberosSDR and Locating a P25 Transmitter (Applications, KerberosSDR, RTL-SDR) (direction finding, kerberossdr, P25, radio direction finding, RDF, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 21.08. - AIS Share App Updated and Magazine Article (Applications, Marine, RTL-SDR) (AIS, automatic identification system, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 20.08. - RTL-SDR.COM GOES 16/17 and GK-2A Weather Satellite Reception Comprehensive Tutorial (Airspy, Featured Article, RTL-SDR, Satellite, SDRplay, Tutorial) (airspy, GK-2A, GOES, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, sdrplay) 19.08. - Decoding PAL Video from a Nintendo with an Airspy SDR (Airspy, Applications, Digital Signals) (airspy, PAL, sdr#, TempestSDR) 17.08. - SigDigger: A Graphical Digital Signal Analyzer for Linux (Applications, RTL-SDR) (digital signal analysis, reverse engineering, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sigdigger) 17.08. - METEOR M Demodulator SDR# Plugin and LRPT-Decoder Updated (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (meteor M, meteor m2-2, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellite) 15.08. - SDRplay RSPDuo Diversity: Combing a Magnetic Loop and Miniwhip Antenna (Antennas, HF, SDRplay) (diversity, HF, magnetic loop, miniwhip, sdrplay) 15.08. - Using an Airspy HF+ Discovery to Hunt for HF Beacons (Airspy, HF) (airspy, airspy hf+ discovery, beacons, CW, NDBs, non-directional beacons) 13.08. - Reviews of the NanoVNA: An Ultra Low Cost $50 Vector Network Analyzer (Amateur Radio, Antennas, HF, News) (nanovna, vector network analyzer) 13.08. - WebWSPR: A Browser Based WSPR Decoder and Visualization Tool (Amateur Radio, Digital Signals, HF, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, webwspr, WSPR) 13.08. - Hackaday Article about the Slow Death of NOAA-15 (Other, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (APT, NOAA, NOAA-15, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, weather satellite) 12.08. - Talks from GNU Radio Days 2019 (News, PlutoSDR, RTL-SDR) (conference, gnu radio, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 12.08. - Building a DIY 2.4 GHz Helical Feed for the QO-100/Es’Hail-2 Satellite (Amateur Radio, Antennas, Satellite) (antenna, es'hail 2, helical feed, qo-100, satellite) 12.08. - Android ADS-B Flight Tracker with 3D Aircraft Display (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, aircraft, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 11.08. - SDRTrunk 0.4.0 Alpha 9 Updates Highlighted (Airspy, Applications, Digital Signals, HackRF, News, RTL-SDR) (airspy, hackrf, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdrtrunk, trunking) 09.08. - mySdrPlayback: MacOS Software for Browsing Through IQ Recordings from SDR#, SDRUno and More (Applications, RTL-SDR) (IQ recording, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#, sdrsharp, sdruno) 09.08. - New LNA + Filter for Radio Astronomy Hydrogen Line Observations Released by NooElec (Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (LNA, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, SAWBird) 08.08. - An RTL-SDR & SDRplay based WebSDR Designed Specifically for QO-100 (Es’Hail-2) Monitoring (Amateur Radio, RTL-SDR, Satellite, SDRplay) (es'hail 2, qo-100, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, websdr) 08.08. - Fenu Radio Reviews the Airspy HF+ Discovery (Airspy, HF) (airspy, airspy hf+ discovery, dynamic range, HF, VHF) 07.08. - KerberosSDR App Update: Heatmap + Precise TX Localizing & Turn by Turn Navigation Demo Videos (Applications, KerberosSDR, RTL-SDR) (direction finding, kerberossdr, radio direction finding, RDF, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 07.08. - SignalsEverywhere: Creating a DIY Upconverter with a HackRF and RF Mixer (Applications, HF, RTL-SDR) (hackrf, RF mixer, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, signal generator, upconverter) 07.08. - SignalsEverywhere: Windows 10 usb_open_error -12 Fix (RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, zadig) 05.08. - Creating Wide Area Composite Images with WXtoIMG + Weather Satellite Failure Updates (Applications, News, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, wxtoimg) 05.08. - Using an RTL-SDR, RF Fingerprinting and Deep Learning to Authenticate RF Devices (Applications, RTL-SDR, Security) (RF fingerprinting, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 05.08. - LimeRFE WSPR Tests (Amateur Radio, Applications, HF, LimeSDR) (limerfe, limesdr, weak signal propagation reporting, WSPR) 04.08. - Using SDR For QO-100 Satellite Operation (Amateur Radio, LimeSDR, PlutoSDR, Satellite) (es'hail 2, es'hailsat, limesdr, plutosdr, qo-100, sdr#) 02.08. - Updated Meteor M-N2-2 Tutorial and Decoder Now Available (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (meteor m2-2, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellite) 01.08. - YouTube Video: Information Packed Introduction to SDR (RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#) 01.08. - PiSDR Image Gains PlutoSDR Support (LimeSDR, PlutoSDR, RTL-SDR) (pisdr, plutosdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 01.08. - Hackaday Looks back on Seven Years of RTL-SDR (RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 31.07. - Tracking Multiple Amateur Radio APRS Balloons with RTL-SDRs (RTL-SDR) (APRS, HAB, high altitude balloon, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 31.07. - GR-Oscilloscope: Using an Oscilloscope as a Software Defined Radio (Other) (oscilloscope, Rohde & Schwarz, sdr#, Software-defined radio) 28.07. - Developing Your Own SDR Applications With Python (Applications, RTL-SDR) (python, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 25.07. - Decoding the Lucky-7 Cubesat (Satellite) (cubesat, lucky-7, satellite) 25.07. - SignalsEverywhere: Satcom Antennas for L-Band Reception via RTL-SDR + Podcast on the MiTee CubeSat Project (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (cubesat, MiTee, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 25.07. - Dronesense: A LimeSDR Based Drone Detector and Jammer (Applications, LimeSDR, Security) (drone, jammer, limesdr) 24.07. - SDR-Makerspace Talk: Evaluation of SDR boards and toolchains (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 24.07. - A Demonstration of RSPDuo Diversity Being used to Cancel Local Interference (Antennas, Applications, SDRplay) (coherent, diversity, rspduo, sdrplay) 24.07. - Weather Satellite NOAA 15 Appears to have Failed (Again) (News, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (NOAA, NOAA-15, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellite) 22.07. - Slow Scan Moon Bounce Event for 50th Anniversary of the Moon landing (Amateur Radio, Antennas, News, Satellite) (amateur radio, SSTV) 19.07. - Weather Satellite Meteor M2-2 Now Transmitting Images (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (Meteor-M2, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellite) 18.07. - PICTOR: An Open Source Low Cost Radio Telescope based on RTL-SDR (Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (hydrogen line, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 18.07. - A Low Cost 2.4 GHz Downconverter from off the Shelf Dev Boards (Airspy, Applications, RTL-SDR) (2.4 GHz, bluetooth, downconverter, ISM, mixer, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, wifi, zigbee) 18.07. - SignalsEverywhere: Improving HF Reception with Impedance Matching (Antennas, HF, RTL-SDR) (balun, impedance matching, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 17.07. - Investigating the Galileo Satellite Navigation System Outage with a LimeSDR (Digital Signals, LimeSDR, Satellite) (galileo, GNSS, GPS, limesdr, navigation, satellite) 16.07. - Upcoming KerberosSDR Software Updates: Automatically Estimate TX Location and Navigate There (Applications, KerberosSDR, RTL-SDR) (direction finding, kerberossdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 16.07. - Signals and Bits A New SDR Podcast by the President of the GNU Radio Project (RTL-SDR) (gnu radio, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#, Software-defined radio) 16.07. - Artemis 3 Released: Offline Signal Identification Database (Other) (artemis, sigidwiki, signal, signal identification) 16.07. - rtlSpectrum: A New GUI for rtl_power (Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl_power, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, spectrum, wideband scan) 11.07. - Two Antenna Diversity For the SDRPlay RSPDuo now Available in SDRUno (Applications, SDRplay) (diversity, phase coherent, sdrplay) 08.07. - Meteor M N2-2 Successfully Launched: Awaiting LRPT Signal (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (meteor m2-2, Meteor-M2, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, satellite, weather satellite) 08.07. - Homebrew SDR Transceiver for HF Operation (Amateur Radio, HF, Transceivers) (amateur radio, custom SDR, HF) 05.07. - Solar Sail Satellite Lightsail-2 Now Transmitting Morse Code Beacon (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (lightsail-2, morse code, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, solar sail) 05.07. - SignalsEverywhere: Investigating USGS Gaging Stations and their GOES Satellite Connection (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (data collection platform, DCP, GOES, goes-dcs, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 05.07. - Tracking Company Jets with ADS-B to Give an Edge to Hedge Fund Investors (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR, Security) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, privacy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, security) 02.07. - Running a Tesla Model 3 on Autopilot off the Road with GPS Spoofing (HackRF, PlutoSDR, Security) (bladerf, GNSS, GPS, hackrf, plutosdr, spoofing, tesla) 28.06. - Rdio Scanner: A Web Based UI for Trunk Recorder (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (P25, rdio, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, smartnet, trunk recorder, trunked radio) 28.06. - Meteor M2 is Currently Experiencing Orientation Issues (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (LRPT, Meteor-M2, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 26.06. - Hak5: Hacking Ford Key Fobs with a HackRF and Portapack (Applications, HackRF, RTL-SDR, Security) (cars, ford, hackrf, keyfob, portapack, security) 25.06. - Using a Software Defined Radio to Send Fake Presidential Alerts over LTE (Applications, bladeRF, Digital Signals, Security) (bladerf, cell tower, LTE, mobile phones, security, usrp) 25.06. - Raspberry Pi 4 Released: Improvements to CPU, Networking, USB, RAM and more (News, Other, RTL-SDR) (raspberry pi, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 21.06. - New Products in Store: RadarBox ADS-B Bundle Including Outdoor ADS-B Antenna and ADS-B Optimized RTL-SDR Dongle (Airband, Antennas, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, aircraft, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, radarbox, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 21.06. - SignalsEverywhere: Decoding Inmarsat EGC and AERO ACARS (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (AERO, EGC, inmarsat, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, std-c) 18.06. - A LimeSDR Mini Based Es’Hail-2 DATV Ground Station Uplink (Applications, LimeSDR, Satellite) (DATV, digital amateur television, es'hail 2, limesdr, satellite) 18.06. - Reverse Engineering and Controlling a Wireless Doorbell with an RTL-SDR and Arduino (Applications, RTL-SDR, Security) (replay attack, reverse engineering, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, wireless doorbell) 14.06. - SignalsEverywhere Podcast: Satcom Piracy Interview (Satellite, Security) (FLTSATCOM, satcom, satellites, security) 13.06. - Tracking and Recovering A NWS Weather Balloon & Radiosonde with an RTL-SDR (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (Radiosonde, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather balloon) 12.06. - SignalsEverywhere: Common Modulations Tutorial Video (Airspy, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#, sdrsharp) 06.06. - An RTL-SDR and Pi 3 Based Ground Station for Simulated CubeSats (Amateur Radio, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (AMSAT, cubesat, raspberry pi, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 06.06. - Decoding FT8 with an RTL-SDR Blog V3 in Direct Sampling Mode (Amateur Radio, Applications, HF, RTL-SDR) (amateur radio, FT8, HF, QRP, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 06.06. - The RadioInstigator: A $150 Signals Intelligence Platform Consisting of a Raspberry Pi, RPiTX, 2.4 GHz Crazyradio and an RTL-SDR (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR, Security) (crazyradio, rpitx, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sigint, signals intelligence) 05.06. - SignalsEverywhere: What SDR To Buy? Choose the Right one For You (Airspy, HackRF, KerberosSDR, LimeSDR, PlutoSDR, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (airspy, hackrf, limesdr, plutosdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdrplay) 04.06. - Tracking Tagged Orangutans in the Bornean Jungle with Drones, GNU Radio and an Airspy Mini (Airspy, Applications, RTL-SDR) (airspy, airspy mini, drones, gnu radio, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 31.05. - Using an RTL-SDR to Monitor A Tire Pressure Sensor used in Home Brewing (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR, Security) (home brew, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, tire pressure monitoring system, TPMS) 30.05. - NOAA-APT Software Decoder: Users Guide Now Available (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (APT, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellite) 30.05. - Using a LimeSDR Mini in SDR# (LimeSDR) (limesdr, sdr#) 29.05. - QIRX SDR Now Shows Received DAB Transmitters on A Map (Broadcast Radio, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (DAB, digital audio broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 29.05. - Using a HackRF to Reverse Engineer and Control Restaurant Pagers (HackRF, Security) (buger pager, hackrf, pagers, reverse engineering) 23.05. - Short Article Explaining DSP Basics Without Math (Other) (digital signal processing, dsp) 22.05. - SignalsEverywhere: P25 Trunking with Just One RTL-SDR and DSDPlus Fastlane (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (dsd, DSDplus, P25, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 22.05. - Stratux 1090 MHz + 978 MHz Diplexer Now Available (Airband, Antennas, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, stratux, UAT, Universal Access Transceiver) 22.05. - Demonstrating HFDL Reception with a Cloud-IQ SDR and MultiPSK (Airband, Applications, HF) (HF, HFDL, high frequency data link) 20.05. - Spoofing Aircraft Instrument Landing Systems with an SDR (Airband, News, Security) (ILS, instrument landing system, security, usrp) 20.05. - Hermes-Lite: A Low Cost Amateur Radio SDR Made from A Repurposed Cable Modem Chip (Amateur Radio, HF, Transceivers) (amateur radio, hermes, hermes-lite, HF) 16.05. - Vela Pulsar Glitch Detected with RTL-SDR Based Radio Telescope (Antennas, Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (pulsar, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 16.05. - Decoding Es’Hail-2 DVB-S2 Realtime in Linux with LeanDVB (Amateur Radio, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (amateur tv, DVB-S, es'hail 2, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 15.05. - RSGB Talk – The Farnham WebSDR: DC to Microwaves on your Smartphone (Amateur Radio, Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, websdr) 14.05. - RTLion: The Multipurpose RTL-SDR Framework (Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl_power, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 14.05. - SignalsEverywhere Podcast: Is Software Defined Radio Illegal? (News, Other, RTL-SDR, Security) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 14.05. - Online Course: Software Defined Radio From 0 to 1 (Other) (Software-defined radio, wireless) 13.05. - Decoding EMWIN Weather Information VHF Rebroadcasts with an RTL-SDR (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (EMWIN, GOES, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, weather) 13.05. - LimeSDR Angle of Arrival Experiments at 145 MHz (Amateur Radio, Antennas, Applications, LimeSDR) (angle of arrival, coherent sdr, direction finding, limesdr) 10.05. - Elektor SDR Hands-on Book + Arduino Shield HF SDR (Amateur Radio, HF, Other) (arduino, HF, sdr#, shield) 09.05. - Creating a DAB+ Radio Station with a LimeSDR (Broadcast Radio, Digital Signals, LimeSDR, RTL-SDR) (DAB, digital audio broadcast, limesdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 09.05. - Receiving Es’Hail-2 DVB-S2 on Ubuntu With LeanDVB (Amateur Radio, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (amateur tv, DVB-S, es'hail 2, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 08.05. - A Raspberry Pi and RTL-SDR Based Boombox (Applications, RTL-SDR) (raspberry pi, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 08.05. - Windows Realtime DVB-S Demodulator for Es’Hail-2 & Amateur TV Available (Amateur Radio, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (amateur tv, DVB-S, es'hail 2, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 02.05. - KerberosSDR Direction Finding with Android App Demo and Tutorial (Applications, KerberosSDR) (coherent sdr, direction finding, kerberosdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 02.05. - The 2019 New England Workshop for SDR (News, Other) (academia, industry, sdr#) 29.04. - Weather Satellite Images from Geostationary COMS-1 Received (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (airspy, COMS-1, GOES, satellite, weather satellite) 29.04. - Using an RTL-SDR and OpenCV To Create an EMI Heatmap of Circuit Boards (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR) (electromagnetic interference, EMC, EMI, heatmap, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 25.04. - KerberosSDR Batch One End of Stock, Batch Two Preorders Available (KerberosSDR, RTL-SDR) (coherent sdr, direction finding, kerberossdr, passive radar) 25.04. - Scanner School Podcast Talks SDR Topics with Signals Everywhere Host (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (podcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 24.04. - HackSpace Magazine Discusses SatNOGS, Cubesats and More (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832u, satellite, satnogs) 18.04. - Testing a $2 USB Powered LNA with RTL-SDR (RTL-SDR) (LNA, low noise amplifier, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 18.04. - SignalsEverywhere: SDR Console V3 Transmitting with PlutoSDR (Amateur Radio, Applications, PlutoSDR) (plutosdr) 18.04. - Receiving and Decoding the NAVIC (Indian GPS) Satellites (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (GPS, IRNSS, NAVIC, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 16.04. - Help Support RadioCapture – A Project that Records Entire Trunked Radio Systems and Provides Online Access to Audio (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (P25, radiocapture, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, scanner, trunked radio) 16.04. - SignalsEverywhere Podcast EP2: Common SDR Mistakes and How to Resolve Them (Other, RTL-SDR) (podcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, signalseverywhere, V-dipole) 12.04. - Creating an EMC Probe using an RTL-SDR and Semi-Rigid Coax (Other, RTL-SDR) (EMC probe, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 11.04. - Tracking Dictators Around the World with ADS-B Data (Airband, RTL-SDR, Security) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 10.04. - SignalsEverywhere: KerberosSDR Direction Finding Video Tutorial (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR) (kerberossdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 09.04. - Extensive Russian GPS Spoofing Exposed in Report (Security) (GNSS, GPS, security, spoofing) 08.04. - SignalsEverywhere: ADS-B Aircraft Tracking with RTL-SDR, dump1090 and Virtual Radar Server (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 05.04. - A Portable RTL-SDR Based ADS-B Receiver with Display and 3D Printed Enclosure (Airband, Mobile, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, raspberry pi, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 04.04. - Next International Space Station SSTV Event on April 11 – 14 (Amateur Radio, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (international space station, ISS, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, SSTV) 04.04. - SignalsEverywhere: Setting Up Priority and Groups in DSDPlus Fastlane (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (dsd, DSDplus, P25, rtl-sd, rtl2832, rtl2832u, signalseverywhere) 27.03. - SignalsEverywhere: Using DSDPlus Fastlane for Listening to Phase 1 P25 Trunking (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (dsd, DSDplus, P25, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, signalseverywhere) 26.03. - Ghosts in the Air Glow HAARP Art Project: Transmitting Until March 28 (Amateur Radio, HF, RTL-SDR) (art, HAARP, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 22.03. - Othernet Dreamcatcher On Sale for Only $49 (Other, Satellite) (Ku Band, othernet, outernet, satellite) 20.03. - SigintOS: A Linux Distro for Signal Intelligence (Applications, bladeRF, HackRF, RTL-SDR, Security) (GSM, IMSI catcher, LTE, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, security, sigint, signals intelligence) 20.03. - QIRX SDR Beta Released: Improvements to DAB Scanner, Recorder and Spectra Display (Applications, Broadcast Radio, RTL-SDR) (DAB, digital audio broadcast, QIRX, qirx sdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 19.03. - SignalsEverywhere: SDRAngel PlutoSDR Transmit Tutorial (Amateur Radio, PlutoSDR) (CW, plutosdr, sdrangel, SSTV) 19.03. - Receiving Voice Communications From the Soyuz MS-12 Expedition to the ISS (Airspy, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (airspy, international space station, ISS, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 12.03. - Demonstration of Two SatNOGS Rotators (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satnogs) 11.03. - DIY Software Defined Ham Transceiver With eBay Parts (Amateur Radio, HF, Transceivers) (amateur radio, Software-defined radio) 08.03. - A Worldwide Map for HRPT Weather Satellite Receive Stations (Applications, Digital Signals, Satellite) (HRPT, weather satellite) 28.02. - Testing an SDRplay RSPduo with Bonito Active Loop Antennas (Antennas, SDRplay) (active antenna, bonito, dipole, magnetic loop, sdrplay rspduo) 27.02. - Using Two PlutoSDR’s for Full Duplex Packet Radio Communications (Amateur Radio, Applications, PlutoSDR) (full duplex, plutosdr) 27.02. - YouTube Tutorial: Decoding POCSAG and FLEX Pager Messages on Windows with PDW (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR, Security) (flex, pager, POCSAG, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 26.02. - Amateur Radio on the Es’hail-2 Satellite Explained on YouTube (Amateur Radio) (amateur radio, AMSAT, DATV, digital amateur television, es-hail 2, es'hail 2, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 25.02. - rsp_tcp: An rtl_tcp compatible IQ Server for SDRplay SDRs (Applications, RTL-SDR, SDRplay) (rsp_tcp, rtl_tcp, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdrplay) 22.02. - High End Per Vices Cyan Software Defined Radio Released (Other) (cyan, future tech, Software-defined radio) 20.02. - XRIT Decoder Updated: Improved Image Quality and IR Enhancements (Airspy, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite, SDRplay) (GOES, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, weather satellite) 19.02. - ExaGear x86 Emulator for ARM To be Discontinued (Applications, Other, RTL-SDR) (ARM, exagear, linux, raspberry pi 3, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, x86) 15.02. - Es’hail-2 Amateur Transponder Now Active (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (amateur radio, AMSAT, DATV, digital amateur television, es-hail 2, es'hail 2, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 13.02. - YouTube Tutorial: Eavesdropping on DECT6.0 Cordless Phones with a HackRF and GR-DECT2 (Digital Signals, HackRF, Security) (cordless phones, DECT, hackrf, security) 13.02. - 3D Printed V-Dipole Holder for Our RTL-SDR Blog Multipurpose Dipole Kit (Antennas, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, V-dipole) 12.02. - Radwave Beta: Android RTL-SDR RF Analyzer App with Spectrum Pause and Rewind Features (Applications, Mobile, RTL-SDR) (android, radwave, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 12.02. - Tracking Radiosondes with an RTL-SDR and Radiosonde_Auto_RX (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (Radiosonde, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 10.02. - Running SDR# in a Windows Virtual Machine on Linux (RTL-SDR) (linux, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#, Windows) 10.02. - New SDR# Plugin Adds Support for Contour Shuttle USB Controllers (RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#, sdr# plugins, sdrsharp) 31.01. - Steve M Talks about Osmo-FL2K at Osmocom Conference 2018 (Applications, FL2K-SDR) (FL2K-SDR, osmo-fl2k) 30.01. - YouTube Tutorial: Software Set up for a Portable Raspberry Pi and RTL-SDR Based NOAA Weather Satellite Receiver (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (NOAA, raspberry pi, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellite, wxtoimg) 30.01. - Using an Airspy HF+ with SDR# and WSJT-X to Decode FT8 + SpyServer FT8 Decoding Demo (Airspy, Amateur Radio, HF) (airspy, FT8, HF, sdr#, sdrsharp, spyserver, wdjt-x) 30.01. - rtl_map: A Simple FFT Visualizer for RTL-SDR (Applications, RTL-SDR) (FFT, rtl_map, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 25.01. - Running GQRX Smoothly on an Intel Compute Stick with a Custom Linux Kernel (Applications, RTL-SDR) (gqrx, intel compute stick, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 24.01. - SDR# TETRA Plugin Now Available At RTL-SDR.RU (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr#, TETRA) 22.01. - More Talks from GNURadio Con 2018 (Other, RTL-SDR) (gnu radio, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 18.01. - Using a LimeSDR / PlutoSDR to Transmit Digital Amateur Television with DATV Express (Amateur Radio, Applications, Digital Signals, LimeSDR, PlutoSDR, RTL-SDR) (DATV, digital amateur tv, limesdr, plutosdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 18.01. - Es’hail-2 Transponder Tests + Narrow Band Web Stream (Amateur Radio, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (amateur radio, AMSAT, DATV, digital amateur television, es-hail 2, es'hail 2, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 17.01. - RadarBox24 Specialty ADS-B RTL-SDR Reduced to $9.95 + Shipping (Airband, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, radarbox24, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 17.01. - Video Showing How to Decode Meteor M2 with an SDRPlay in Windows (Applications, Digital Signals, Satellite, SDRplay) (Meteor-M2, satellite, sdrplay, weather satellite) 15.01. - Logging Meteor Scatter Observations Online (Applications, Radio Astronomy, RTL-SDR) (meteor scatter, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 15.01. - Demonstration of Aircraft Scatter Prediction with Air Scout (Amateur Radio, Other) (air scout, aircraft scatter) 15.01. - Talks from the 2018 GNU Radio Conference (Applications, RTL-SDR) (gnu radio, radio astronomy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satnogs) 11.01. - KerberosSDR Updates: Demo Software Speed Improvements, Android App, Manufacturing Updates (Applications, KerberosSDR, RTL-SDR) (direction finding, kerberossdr, passive radar, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 11.01. - Creating Smart Home Automation Devices with Wireless Power Plugs, an RTL-SDR and RPiTX (Applications, RTL-SDR) (home automation, raspberry pi, rpitx, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 09.01. - Demodulating DVB-S Digital Amateur TV with SDRAngel on Windows with an SDR (Amateur Radio, Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (DATV, digital amateur tv, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 08.01. - Creating a Standalone WSPR Receiver with an RTL-SDR V3 and Raspberry Pi 3 (Amateur Radio, Applications, Digital Signals, HF, RTL-SDR) (amateur radio, HF, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, WSPR) 08.01. - moRFeusQT Updates: Automatic Tracking Generator Plotting with Airspy (Applications, Other, RTL-SDR) (airspy, morfeus, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, tracking generator) 03.01. - Welle.io DAB/DAB+ Decoder Version 2 Released (Airspy, Applications, Broadcast Radio, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (DAB, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, well.io) 03.01. - YouTube Tutorial: Spying on Computer Monitors with TempestSDR (Airspy, Applications, RTL-SDR, Security) (airspy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, security, tempest, TempestSDR, unintentional emissions) 03.01. - Feeding the dump1090 Aircraft Database with VDLM2DEC (Airband, RTL-SDR) (adsb, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, dump1090, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, vdl2)
2018 (326)
24.12. - Creating an Inmarsat STC-C EGC Live Stream with an RTL-SDR, Raspberry Pi and OpenWebRX (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (EGC, inmarsat, openwebrx, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, std-c) 21.12. - Weatherproofing the RTL-SDR Blog Multipurpose Dipole Antenna (Antennas, RTL-SDR) (dipole antenna, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 21.12. - Bitcoin Satellite Now Supports Lightning Payments: Receive with RTL-SDR (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (bitcoin, blockchain, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 19.12. - Listening in to a DECT Digital Cordless Phone with a HackRF (Applications, Digital Signals, HackRF, Security) (cordless phones, DECT, hackrf, security) 17.12. - Building a Carbon Fibre Dual Band Yagi Antenna for Amateur Radio Satellites with 3D Printed Parts for 20€ (Amateur Radio, Antennas, Satellite) (amateur radio satellites, AMSAT, antenna, satellite, Yagi) 17.12. - Help Track Data from CubeSail with an RTL-SDR (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (cubesail, cubesat, electron rocket, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 17.12. - Some tips on using DSD+ and SDR# to Listen to DMR Digital Voice (Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR) (digital voice, DMR, dsd, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 17.12. - Using an RTL-SDR and RPiTX to Unlock a Car with a Replay Attack (Applications, RTL-SDR, Security) (keyfob, raspberry pi, rolljam, rpitx, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 14.12. - RTL-SDR Retrogram: ASCII Art Spectrum Analyzer (Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, spectrum analyzer, ssh, terminal) 13.12. - Running RTL-SDR Android Apps on an Android TV Box (Applications, RTL-SDR) (android, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, tv box) 13.12. - Using a 25 Meter Radio Dish and an RTL-SDR as a SatNOGS Ground Station (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (dinglewoo, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, satnogs) 11.12. - Videos on Compiling JAERO and libAEROAMBE for AERO C-Channel Voice Audio Reception (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (AERO, C-CHANNEL, JAERO, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 07.12. - USRP SDRs used to Break 3G to 5G Mobile Phone Security (Security) (base station, mobile phone, stingray, usrp) 05.12. - RTL-SDRs and the VHF+ Reverse Beacon Network (Amateur Radio, RTL-SDR) (CW, morse code, reverse beacon network, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 05.12. - Amazon AWS Satellite Ground Stations Now Available For Hire (Amateur Radio, Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (Amazon, AWS ground station, cubesats, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellites, satnogs) 04.12. - Element14 Video on Setting up a Portable Raspberry Pi & RTL-SDR Based NOAA Weather Satellite Receiver (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (APR, NOAA, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellite) 28.11. - YouTube Tutorial: Using RTL-SDR on an Android Smartphone (Mobile, RTL-SDR) (android, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 26.11. - A LimeSDR Mini Based Doppler Radar (Applications, LimeSDR) (doppler, limesdr, radar) 22.11. - An Overview on RF Direction Finding with RTL-SDRs (Applications, KerberosSDR, RTL-SDR) (direction finding, kerberossdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, RTLSDR Scanner) 20.11. - An Open Source VOR Receiver for Airspy and RTL-SDR (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, VOR) 19.11. - Motherboard Article: Creating an IMSI Catcher with an RTL-SDR (Applications, RTL-SDR, Security) (2G, cell phones, GSM, IMSI catcher, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 19.11. - Measuring Broadcast FM Multipath Distortion with an RTL-SDR (Applications, Broadcast Radio, RTL-SDR) (broadcast FM, multipath, rtl-sdr, rtl2832u) 16.11. - Es’hail-2: First Geostationary Satellite with Amateur Radio Transponders Successfully Deployed (Amateur Radio, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (amateur radio, AMSAT, DATV, digital amateur television, es'hail 2, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite) 16.11. - An Overview of Aircraft Communication Modes from HF to UHF (Airband, RTL-SDR) (acars, ads-b, air traffic control, airband, ATIS, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, HFDL, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 16.11. - Setting up Air Traffic Control Audio Sharing with Broadcastify, RTL-Airband, RTL-SDR and a Raspberry Pi (Airband, Applications, RTL-SDR) (air traffic control, rtl-airband, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 15.11. - RPiTX v2 Released: Easily Record and Replay with RTL-SDR and a Raspberry Pi (Antennas, RTL-SDR) (freedv, opera, POCSAG, replay attack, rpitx, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, spectrum painter, SSTV) 15.11. - Video Tutorial: Installing GNU-Radio on Windows 10 (Applications, Other, RTL-SDR) (gnu radio, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 12.11. - Final Day to Pre-Order a Discounted KerberosSDR (KerberosSDR) (kerberossdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 12.11. - USA-Satcom XRIT Decoder Updated (Applications, Satellite) (GOES, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, weather satellite) 09.11. - A Tutorial on Receiving HF SSTV with a Raspberry Pi and RTL-SDR V3 (Amateur Radio, Applications, HF, RTL-SDR) (QSSTV, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, SSTV) 08.11. - SDR# Physical Remote Now For Sale + YouTube Review (RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr-remote, sdr#, tuning knob) 06.11. - KerberosSDR: One Week of Discounted Preorders Remaining (KerberosSDR, RTL-SDR) (coherent sdr, direction finding, kerberossdr, passive radar, phase coherent) 06.11. - Combining HRPT Images From Germany to Canada (Amateur Radio, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (HRPT, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellite) 05.11. - AERO C-Channel Voice Audio Now Decodable with JAERO (Airband, Applications, Digital Signals, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (AERO, JAERO, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 05.11. - UFO Detection with an Image Intensifier and FM Reflections Received with an RTL-SDR (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (meteor scatter, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, UFO) 05.11. - SDR# Update: SpyServer Network Browser now Available (Airspy, Applications, RTL-SDR) (airspy, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, sdr# spyserver) 05.11. - Receiving GOES Weather Satellite Images with GNURadio and XRITDecoder in Windows (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (gnu radio, GOES, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 05.11. - A Complete Linux based Receiver and Decoder Application for Meteor M2 (Applications, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (Meteor-M2, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, weather satellite) 19.10. - Using the HackRF PortaPack To Perform a Mag-Stripe Audio Spoof (Applications, HackRF) (hackrf, magstripe, portapack) 19.10. - LimeNET Micro Now Crowdfunding (LimeSDR, News) (limenet micro, limesdr) 14.10. - KerberosSDR Now Available for Pre-order on Indiegogo (KerberosSDR, News) (coherent, kerberossdr, rtl-sdr, rtl2832u) 09.10. - Using a LimeSDR To Detect Aircraft Reflections from a 2.3 GHz Beacon (Applications, LimeSDR) (aircraft scatter, doppler, limesdr) 01.10. - Using an RTL-SDR to decode VOR Aircraft Navigation Beacons in Real Time (Airband, RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, VHF Omni Directional Radio Range, VOR) 01.10. - Reverse Engineering Wireless Blinds with an RTL-SDR and Controlling them with Amazon Alexa (Applications, RTL-SDR) (alexa, blinds, reverse engineering, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 27.09. - More KerberosSDR Passive Radar Demos (Applications, KerberosSDR, RTL-SDR) (coherent, kerberossdr, passive radar, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 27.09. - Aerial Landmine Detection using USRP SDR Based Ground Penetrating Radar (Applications) (ground penetrating radar, landmines, radar, usrp) 24.09. - Spektrum SV Mod: RTL-SDR Spectrum Analyzer Software Now with Improved UI (Applications, RTL-SDR) (rtl_power, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, spectrum analyzer, spektrum) 18.09. - GammaRF: Distributed Radio Signal Collection and Analysis with RTL-SDR and HackRF (Amateur Radio, Applications, RTL-SDR) (hackrf, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 18.09. - Listening to the Sound of Molecules via Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and an RTL-SDR (Applications, Other, RTL-SDR) (chemistry, NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 17.09. - A Step by Step Tutorial to Receiving GOES-16 Images with an RTL-SDR, Raspberry Pi and Goestools (Antennas, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (GOES, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, weather satellite) 14.09. - Russian RTL-SDR USB Filter Video Review (RTL-SDR) (rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, USB filter) 14.09. - Measuring the SWR of FPV Antennas with an RTL-SDR (Antennas, Applications, RTL-SDR) (FPV, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, SWR) 12.09. - Connecting an RTL-SDR Panadapter to a uBITX Transceiver (Amateur Radio, HF, RTL-SDR) (panadapter, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, ubitx) 12.09. - RadarBox24 Release their XRange RTL-SDR ADS-B Receiver (Airband, RTL-SDR) (ads-b, radarbox, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, xrange) 07.09. - Creating a Passive Traffic Radar with DVB-T Signals and KerberosSDR our 4-tuner Coherent RTL-SDR (Applications, KerberosSDR, RTL-SDR) (coherent sdr, kerberossdr, passive radar, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u) 07.09. - Othernet (formerly Outernet) Updates Lantern Backers (Applications, Other) (Ku Band, lantern, othernet, outernet) 07.09. - YouTube Video Demonstrates GOES Weather Satellite Reception (Antennas, RTL-SDR, Satellite) (GOES, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, satellite, weather satellite)