Manual Installation of SDR#
Manual Installation of the RTL-SDR drivers with SDR# for the RTL-SDR
NOTE PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: You only need to do a manual driver installation if the automatic installation described in the quick start guide has failed! This page is purely instructions for a manual install which 99.9% of the time is not necessary!
1) Download the RTL-SDR Drivers, and extract the rtlsdr.dll file from the x86 folder into the SDR# folder:
2) Download zadig from their website and place it into the SDR# folder:
Haven’t played with an SDR or anything RF related in quite some time, but I recently ran across an old RTL SDR that I had laying around and decided to at least set it up and get a look at my environment spectrum, wise on such a nice dark and stary night. Anyway’s needed a driver and so I landed here. Hope it works.
It sounds like you might be trying to run the install-rtlsdr.bat file from within the zip file. Please double check that you actually extracted the files first.
i have cannot connect ro localhost:1234 winsock error:10061
You have selected the RTL TCP option for network connections, instead of the USB option. For a local connection over USB you want to select RTL-SDR USB.
hi . now i install SDR Sharpe when i open program then i Activated TETRA Modulator the program closed
works great, odd there is a competitor posting still on this message thread for the past for years. must be a jew
i dont have much computer savy so this was a wast of my cash and can not send back for refund….rtl.sdr ..up yours
Dude…. That’s horse dung. Just because you clowns cannot do basic things on a basic home computer on a basic device…. Doesn’t mean they did anything wrong. What an ass hat thing to say at the end you dummy. Scrapping in the people brilliant enough to build and code such a device. When you aren’t even intelligent enough to turn the dam thing on and use it. I think we found the real problem. Stupid ass
No work, always stuck on E4000 – no device selected
even if I select RTL SDR usb
even if I try to move rtlsdr.dll in the folder
zadig 2.8
windows10 22h2
One of the worst installers I have ever encountered in my life. No way is this ready for any consumer to install. I’m not jumping through 500 steps just to listen to the cops on the radio.
i got it working a few months ago. should’ve taken notes as this time, wtf? this is why i so often say, “coders need more adult supervision”
ok, now i remember that i need zadig. why don’t you put all the instructions on one friggin page?
All the instructions are on one page on the quick start guide at You are currently on the manual install page which only needs to be done if something has gone wrong with the standard procedure.
Just installed rtl V 4 doongle– Everything worked fine on install- but, in Air spy, when I click the START arrow (top left) I get message ” no device selected” the device sel drop down box box is greyed out and i cannot sel anything there —Windows 10, desk top.
Did you change the input device to RTL-SDR (USB) in SDR# first? By default it has Airspy selected.
I got one of these 5 antenna port Chinese SDR & something is wrong with it as linux does not even know it is plugged in & windows says unknown device & cannot install any driver says wrong driver but its not. Linux should detect it by typing lsusb in terminal & it wont show but my RTL one does. Linux has drivers for everything. The download link on this site goes nowhere. It is advertised as working on linux, Im in shitty windows at the moment.
After a few hours of research, I’ll echo the comments below.
Anti-Virus: Turn it off. I think this was the root of my issue.
If you are outside the US (stationed in Germany here), throw on a VPN to show you in the US.
I still had to go and download both the “rtlsdr.dll” manually and place it in the sdsharp-x86 folder, and I downloaded “zadig-2.8.exe” instead of using “zadig.exe” that is downloaded by running the .bat file.
Turned all the anti-virus settings back on and it works fine.
Hope this helps!
The Problem is Windows 11 and its Security System. Under Windows – Security – Device Security – Core Isolation,
the Memory Integrity switch must be turned off !! Otherwise, no unknow drivers, or drivers dangerous for the system
can be installed. Had the Same Problem with an SDRPlay Stick, a msi2000.??? couldn´t be installed and so the Software
and detection of the SDR didn´twork even though it showed up in the Device Manager.
Sorry Translate with Google, Speak German 🙂
Curious. Can you turn Memory Integrity off, install the drivers and then turn it back on or will turning it back on after installation also keep it from communicating?
If using Parallels for Mac with Windows 11, the install-rtlsdr.bat file cannot be ran. The simplest method I have found for correct installation is to place the \sdrsharp-x86\ folder on a USB dongle and run install-rtlsdr.bat on a Windows computer (the \sdrsharp-x86\ folder can remain on the USB during install-rtlsdr.bat execution). Transfer the files to your Mac (I placed the folder in the /user/Downloads/ folder. Then, drag the start.bat file (found in the \sdrsharp-x86\ folder) to TextEdit and change “start sdrsharp.exe” to read “start \\Mac\Home\Downloads\sdrsharp-x86\SDRSharp.exe” Next, process the zadig.exe as directed in the Quick Start Guide.
I’m running Win 10 Pro. If you placed your installation in a folder on the C drive (eg C:\sdr#) and after following the steps in the Manual Installation have a look at the file called start.bat which will be in the folder C:sdr#. The script says “start sdrsharp.exe” but the file in C:\sdr# is called SDRSharp.exe. Looks like windows is CASE SENSITIVE here. After I had edited the start.bat file to say “start SDRSharp.exe” then the start.bat fil opens and starts sdr#. This may get you a bit further.
Had an issue with the install-rtlsdr.bat script which may be driving others here. I’m running Win10, which apparently doesn’t have the FINDSTR command, so this line in the script errored out:
ver | findstr /l “5.1.” > NUL
which resulted in the script aborting. To fix this, I commented out that command and the next line:
rem ver | findstr /l “5.1.” > NUL
rem if %errorlevel% equ 0 set zadig_url=v1.2.5/zadig_xp-2.2.exe
and everything worked fine (as of 10/10/2022.)
Hope this helps.
Will Zadig work with windows 11 using rtlsdr dongle. V3
Yes i have been watching this forum for some time now .
Could not understand what the problem was so like you, i installed SDR# version 1858 .( i have other versions installed over the years)
Going into the SDR# folder i clicked on the install-rtlsdr.bat.
It also installs Zadig.exe (version 2.4).
Had no problems with SDR# starting and detecting the dongle.
Took about 5-10 minutes total.
And before someone on the forum is sarcastic like they did recently to someone else.
No i am not an expert ,just an ordinary so called techie geek.
If using Windows 10 ,put the SDR# folder in C:/ sdr#-x86-1858
Going into the SDR# folder click on the install-rtlsdr.bat.
Hope this helps at least someone out there ???
Good luck
Just got the RTL-SDR 2832U from Amazon. I have followed the instructions and everytime I try installing it runs through the files and says “Access Denied” I have disabled all Virusscan (After scanning every file in install) and also tried the Zadig with the same result. Also my HP Laptop will not Autodetect the dongle nor install it. Any suggestions?
As you will see reading the comments, it is almost impossible to correctly install this software. Nasa is still trying to figure out how to set it up, while others – like me – simply moved to Mac, tired of this.
yep that worked for me. thanks!
Have to laugh at these comments. Software was easy as pie to install. Up and running on my home and work PCs and my laptop – thanks!
You great, you must be such an intelligent person! This software is hit or miss, there is nothing more difficult in the world than installing this software so expect you will be candidate for Presidency as soon as a slot is available.
Haha! Yeah.
He’s another snide teen with weak put-downs and no advice or even facts how he did it.
Hope he enjoys his mom’s basement. Stock up on Doritos!
I did something called following the instructions carefully. A very high IQ move. I sense a lot of PEBKAC…
I have to agree, the comments are ridiculous. Especially the pointless and unconstructive ones. I just wanted to feel self-righteous and important by pointing that out. What idiotic plebeians! I had no problem installing the software on station in mom’s basement, the bathroom office, and my dedicated porn setup. Morons! Thanks for having the balls to tell it like it is. Incels for life! You and me bro! Down with the Stacy’s! Thanks again for making it fun to seek assistance on forums.
Having gone through the processfor installing this piece of junk I think that I have been totally ripped off, the instrrucions obviously donn’tapply to my laptop so what a waste of money. Shove it.
@ D Branhagen
W HDSDR do odbioru UKF 88-108 MHz w Bandwith F6 ustaw 96000 out i input
I just received the dongle, and like many others here I can not seem to get the software to work. I did get the screen, but nothing happens. Is there any other software that might work? I have tried to follow some youtube videos to download it, but no luck. What they say is not what I am seeing…. Any help out there? I am running Win 10 on a laptop
Try as I mite I can not get my program to work I have the v3 and I can not find the driver I am supposed to use
I understood that this was not plug and play, but after many routes to installation, I’m returning the product. Too bad, maybe some else has a more easy sdr dongle or device that I can install.
I’m thinking the same way.
Lol thanks I ended up getting HDSDR to work but the reception is garbage i think the sdr i have is junk. Or there’s something i dont know about the antenna setup. I just have a cable with striped end i hooked an ariel to. 😜 i know every other radio i have works much better than the rtl so far.
It is now such a complex software that discovering cold fusion is easier. I believe people who use and are able to install it belong so some sort of masonic lodge composed by no more than three members.
Yours is the best and most entertaining comment. Laughing through my tears.
I am running windows 7 ultimate 32 bit and cannot get the winusb driver to install with zadig. It shows none for driver installed and allways Driver Installation: FAILED (other error). Ive tried everything i can think of. Please help.
No matter what i try zadig allways says driver installation failed (other error). Ive tried everything i can think.
Over time, SDR Sharp has become more bloated and difficult to install with each successive
version. Now Windows 11 is here, on both X86 and ARM based systems and I’ve been trying for several days to get Zadig and SDR Sharp working with my RTL-SDR/820T USB dongle. Everything worked fine in Windows 10 64 bit. The folks at AirSpy need to come up with a COMPLETELY NEW installer that just does everything as far as installing drivers, configuring them, etc. Too many hoops to jump through getting this software to actually WORK, when there are so many other software packages out there that work without all of the fussing and fidgeting around with drivers, having to read tutorials, watch videos, config stuff, etc. All the user should have to do is plug their RTL-SDR into a USB port and run the installer – ONCE. Release an installer that can do this and you WILL sell more product.
Hey all, I noticed some of the comments after having issues myself with setting up for first-time use and I ended up connecting to my VPN. I had issues running the .bat file and the URL getting blocked. The comments are right with your anti-virus or maybe your router security blocking the URL. If you connect to a VPN it will bypass this and everything runs as expected. It makes it easier than messing around with your antivirus or security settings. Hope this helps.
I abandoned this program months and months ago because it had become something for a restricted circle of software gurus, people who like to spend hours and hours during the night trying to fix the unfixable. If SDR isn’t widespread this is the reason. Unless you have three degrees and a Masters plus a Ph.D. in software development, the software will never work.
Ansolutely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can’t these guys hire a software expert? Most average users can’t make this work. Sale would go up if it were easier to get working.
My antivirus flags the file URL as containing a file with Win64 malware, this first time. After that, the antivirus blocks the URL completely and makes it appear like a dead link. If I turn off antivirus, it goes to URL and downloads, but then I’m vulnerable if it does have malware. I went to the URL and downloaded the .zip file on my Android phone, then emailed it where I could get nit to the PC. Interestingly, gmail wouldn’t let me send it.
My antivirus flags the file URL as containing a file with Win64 malware, this first time. After that, the antivirus blocks the URL completely and makes it appear like a dead link. If I turn off antivirus, it goes to URL and downloads, but then I’m vulnerable if it does have malware. I went to the URL and downloaded the .zip file on my Android phone, then emailed it where I could get nit to the PC.
Links are dead. I’m not going to multiple websites to pick up multiple files to correct a failed installation. All of this should be included. Installation fails on a clean copy of windows 11. This is going back to Amazon.
Just re-tested and the links are still working fine. Also please use the standard quickstart guide at unless you really need to do the manual install.
Yo all , what the f.. are wrong wit all you? That link doesnt work, its imposible to even get the files on the whole internet !! Can please someone just upload it somewhere ? Will pay for it, no cap!
Thx.. All installed, only thing that doesnt work is that damn link !
It’s weird, but the correct link first work often on the computer, but will work on my mobile phone.
Here is a copy.
Maybe, it’s a language issue, but be a bit more polite next time.
I was also having issues with the download, thank you so much!
It appears that the osmocom link for is dead.
I can’t seem to find it anywhere, but I might need to look on some of my older computers.
This link is working , tested it myself.
Yes it is. I tried on a the installer and it didn’t work.
I also tried to download on a couple of computers and the download appeared to work once but failed, and on retry continued to fall.
I did manage to download by deleting back to and it worked not long after my post.
I just clicked the usual link on my android phone and it downloaded straight away. Not sure what the problem was.
My Avast blocks me download the zip file. I reported false positive. But got the file anyway.
THANK YOU! Wasted 3 days fiddling about until Ii ifound this site. It was the rtlsdr.dll file I needed.
Now works like a charm!
je suis étudiant et je dois avouer que ça ne marche pas très bien
Very difficult to configure the SW and the users guide seems to encourage installation of extraneous, not needed SW rather than give simple installation, configuration instructions. The media player does not work, and why do I need someone else’s anyway? Frustrated but not totally stupid. Ready to return this; thankfully it was gift and I did not pay for it.
Yeah, this wasn’t for you, anyway.
Hello its dont work on Airspy SDR# (SDRSharp) x86 revision 1769 96aaa72b (2020-10-20) with the dongle and WIN7 64 bit the rtlsdr.dll is not customized for it. The scriptfile from Airspy rtlsdr.dll crash the airspy software,with the 64bit file ( rtlsdr.dll) from osmocom it started but i can not selected any dongle i hear nothing zadig was installed on hdsdr with the ExtIO_RTL2832.dll it works well. Its definitely the DLL File i hope your team can write a working DLL file best regards Chris Win 7 64
I don’t think you should expect another version of ExtIO_RTL2832.dll for Win7. Win7 has been obsolete for quite some time now, causing problems with different versions of RTL-SDR programs. I have successfully updated all computers (> 5) to Win10 for some time now. You can still do the update for free (it is somewhat hidden), if you have a valid Win7 system. I have also found several ExtIO_RTL2832.dll versions (especially mod versions) that work with HDSDR and SDR #. I myself no longer use SDR #, although it has many possibilities, it does not give me quality reception. For that, HDSDR or SDR console is a much better choice. I would not choose the RTL-SDR V3 dongle (anymore) because it puts the tuner offside for HF reception, and uses direct sampling on the AD chip, which is insufficient to get good reception on HF, and is a very good antenna. required. The even better method to get good HF reception is to use an HF Up converter before the SDR. I have made 5 versions, and they work very well on my regular dongles.
For the better work, and for about the same price as an expensive dongle, I have an RSP-1 or an MSI panorama stick. It has a reception range of 10Khz to 1.7GHz, and there is no need for direct sampling or an UP HF converter. The sensitivity and bandwidth are also a lot better. Grts, on1bes
I found a solution that works for me after the update from Windows 10 to ver2004. I also had the problem that HDSDR would no longer start with the old EXtIO_2832.dll. It has nothing to do with Zadig. The latest Zadig 2.4 installs without any problem to add the RTL driver to the USB devices. But the last EXtIO_2832 no longer works in Windows 10. I looked for other DLL drivers, and found one that works with the modified divers for the HF Mod in HDSDR. I am now using the ExtIO_RTLSDR_u8.dll, and it works perfectly until now.
Because there was so much commotion here, I was curious and installed SDR# myself (Windows 10). I found the problem for SDR# not starting (error: found no device).
After downloading and zadig 2.7 , I installed both of these. From the download of and rtl-sdr-release –> X64 , I copied the rtlsdr.dll to the SDR# folder. SDR# started fine, but wouldn’t run because it didn’t find the right SDR device (error message). It is due to the rtlsdr.dll file which does not work in SDR#, but also not in HDSDR. I copied from an old installation of HDSDR (v2.80) an rtlsdr.dll file (219,648 bytes 16/06/2019) in the SDR# folder, and guess : SDR# booted, and found the correct device (R820T Generic RTL2832U). Problem solved. So I recommend not using the, and using a more recent version of rtlsdr.dll.
You do not need to perform the manual install unless the step involving install-rtlsdr.bat in the quickstart guide failed to download rtlsdr.dll for some reason which is very rare.
Also I thin the problem you had is that you copied the X64 folder, but the steps above note that you need to copy the x32 folder. SDR# does not work with the x64 rtlsdr.dll.