New SDR# Audio Waterfall Plugin

The old audio waterfall plugin for SDR# seems to be no longer available for download anywhere (it may have gone out of date and is no longer compatible with the latest versions of SDR#). Alan Duffy decided to write his own version of the audio waterfall plugin and make it available for download. An audio waterfall shows the demodulated audio in waterfall form, essentially creating an audio spectrum analyzer. This can be useful for understanding the demodulated frequency structure of a signal.

To install the plugin simply download the dll from his website and place it in the SDR# folder. Then open plugins.xml file with a text editor, and add the magicline specified on his page. Note that for us Chrome detected this file as malicious, but this is a false alarm as Chrome does this often with unknown .dll files. To recover the file we had to go to the Chrome menu -> Downloads, then select "Recover File" to download the file. (If you still have problems with the download then check out the comments as some users have kindly mirrored it). (File was moved to a trusted site so this problem shouldn't occur anymore)

Audio waterfall with the built in audio spectrum analyzer.
Alan's Audio waterfall shown together with the built in audio spectrum analyzer in SDR#.
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Works great, thanks for providing this awesome plugin!


Uploaded latest build to


Another great plug-in broken by SDR# v1.0.0.1500 and up.


I will fix it and post an updated version tomorrow.


This is cool. I sure with they’d make a plugin that can decode DMR, DStar, P25, etc. Yes I know there is DSD but it would be nice to have it all self contained. And some kind of Trunking plugin would be cool.


Link is good for 30 days
Best I can do for you


it would be nice if you could download this DLL… the site its hosted on is being blocked by chrome (and even blocking the file if you bypass the warnings)..


Downloaded just fine on my PC with chrome even with that domain warning.


awesome..thanks guys!


Thanks Alan.


It’s nice to see that the plugin has already been downloaded over a hundred times. I added a tweak which I posted after the first dozen downloads. It is more stable and doesn’t lag when the mouse cursor moves over the waterfall and it will show the frequency where the cursor is hovering. If it happens your version doesn’t have the frequency displayed just download the DLL again from this link:


Oops! The link got disabled because:
“Do not use for:
URLs that are executable/package files (like .apk, .dmg, .exe, .zip, etc.), or those that auto download such files;”


Use, it works with any file. Zip the file and there will be no security warning from the browser, i tested it. Better to include a readme.txt with instructions.
I suggest to insert the progressive version number to recognize old and new versions.
Good job!