SatDump 1.2.1 Released
SatDump is a popular program used to receive and decode images and other data from various weather satellites. SatDump works great RTL-SDR Blog dongles and with our Discovery Dish, an easy-to-use dish and feed for receiving L-band and other weather satellites. Recently SatDump version 1.2.1 was released, which brings several new features including:
- Meteor-M Calibration - Temperatures and radiances are now available from the Meteor-M infrared channels, including enhancements like Cloud Top IR.
- Archive Loader & EUMETSAT Archives (and EUMETCAST) Support: Metop, Meteosat, Sentinel-3 and more! - Users can now open data from the EUMETSAT archives in SatDump.
- Windows ARM64 Support - One of the few SDR programs that has Windows ARM64 support.
- JUICE Support - JUICE (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer) is an ESA probe tasked to study three of the Galilean moons of Jupiter, namely Ganymede, Callisto and Europa. During a recent Earth slingshot it was possible to receive.
- AIRS and CERES Support - Hyperspectral sounder and radiation budget instruments on the Aqua satellite
- Arctic Weather Satellite Support - AWS is a weather satellite recently launched in July 2024 with 1707 MHz downlink and similar parameters to METOP, so it should be accessible to many.
- IASI (imaging channel) Calibration - Calibration for the hyperspectral sounder onboard METOP satellites.
- GOES-R L2 Product Support - Pre-processed models from NOAA that include Rain Rate per Quarter Hour, Land Surface Temperature, Sea Surface Temperature, and more.
- GOME Fixes - True Color for METOP satellites.
- Miscellaneous AVHRR and MHS Fixes - Calibration stripes and other strangeness is less likely to occur even with a bad signal.
- Miscellaneous Composites - Many new composites are available.
- Automatic Filename Templating - Customizable filename templates
- More Quality-of-Life Features - Various tools and warnings added
- RFNM Support - Support for the new RFNM SDR
- Library Directory Fixes on Linux - Fixes SatDump on Gentoo and OpenSUSE among others.
- Advanced Mode - Lets you change all TLE settings, composite configs, default pipeline settings, and more
- Themes - Various new themes added
- More Satellites Support - Initial support for XMM-Newton, VERONIKA and ACE
- Experimental Windows XP Support - A special version of SatDump now runs on Windows XP SP3.
- Various Bug Fixes

Will the Satdump-Team support Sat-Voice Modes in the future ? ( Iridium/Inmarsat/Thuraya)
looks like AWS is either not active yet, only active over the arctic, or very weak compared to MetOp because I can’t receive anything 🤔
Signal has appeared and its strong but only filler data is being sent 🙁