Simple dPMR Decoder Plugin for SDR# Released

Over on programmer Vasili has released his latest SDR# plugin which is a dPMR decoder (note that this site is in Russian). dPMR is short for "Digital Private Mobile Radio" and is an open non-proprietary digital voice protocol. Vasili writes:

Simple dPMR decoder. No external dependencies, no settings, uses SDR # audio path. Designed for listening to unencrypted dPMR channels.

To install the plugin simply copy the dll's from the zip file into the SDR# folder, then copy the line from the magline.txt text file into the plugins.xml file which can be opened with any text editor.

We note that there is also an open source version of DSD which includes a dPMR decoder which we posted about here.

Simple dPMR Decoder Plugin for SDR#
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Sorry, it’s not the good post
—>RTL433 Plugin for SDR# Now Available (



New version of the plugin rtl_433 version

Addition of the 25 new devices of rtl_433.

Version tested with SDRSharp 1919.

To download it:

Caution: Do not attempt to download DLLs by right-clicking on them, which opens the browser menu and saves the link as,
This action creates a text file with the name of the DLL.

-Left click on the name of the dll and download(Raw->download raw file) (repeat for the other 2 dlls)
Good use



Does anyone have a mirror of this download? The website is down.


The Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x86) 14.0.23026 component missed from my PC,
but after I installed it. dPMR plugin worked.


In my case the following happened:
1, PluginError

*** Plugin Load Error – 2022-04-12 17:51:47.743
Config Key ‘dPMR’
Type ‘SDRSharp.DPMR.DPMRPlugin, SDRSharp.DPMR, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’
Message ‘Dll was not found.’
Stack Trace
at SDRSharp.DPMR.Player.Create()
at SDRSharp.DPMR.Player..ctor(IfProcessor ifProcessor, AudioProcessor audioProcessor)
at SDRSharp.DPMR.DPMRPanel..ctor(AudioProcessor audioProcessor, IfProcessor ifProcessor, ISharpControl control)
at SDRSharp.DPMR.DPMRPlugin.Initialize(ISharpControl control)
at SDRSharp.MainForm.InitializeSharpPlugins()

2, crash

Dll was not found.
at SDRSharp.DPMR.dll.Player.Delete (IL offset: 0xffffffff)
at SDRSharp.DPMR.dll.Player.Finalize (IL offset: 0x0)

SDR# version: v1.0.0.1855

OS: Windows 7 x64


TETRA Demodulator working fine.


I tried this plugin today, unfortunately it didn’t work as expected!
it seems there is mixed speech with some noise (note the signal is very good)


I should add that the plugin seems to mix the voices from both slots into one audio channel…
May I suggest (if possible and not too much of a code rewrite) a simple checkbox to select TS1/TS2 or both ? (a bit like DSD+ with its keyboard shortcut)…

Many thanks !

Ondrej OK2TOP

P25, dPMR …. now waiting for the DMR plugin !!!


you’ve been answered my friend

Rapidly tested with my personal TRBO radio today, and seems to be working fine !
(Good intelligible voice on Clear mode, and [of course] garbled mess when encrypted)…

Vassili is a God : TETRA, P25phase1, dPMR, DMR (I’m sure he’s working on NXDN now…)
All self-contained in SDR# for Free !

THANK YOU SO MUCH Vassili ! Keep up the good work !

(Maybe one day we’ll have exotic stuff like Astro VSELP / iDen / AEGIS / TETRAPOL ^^ ? When unencrypted networks exists of course…)


I should add that the plugin seems to mix the voices from both slots into one audio channel…
May I suggest (if possible and not too much of a code rewrite) a simple checkbox to select TS1/TS2 or both ? (a bit like DSD+ with its keyboard shortcut)…

Many thanks !


Hi . The download link you posted is not working