Tagged: 5G

Seeve: A 95% Smaller RFNM Board

If you were unaware, RFNM is a relatively new affordable $299 software defined radio. It is based on the 12-bit LA9310 baseband processor chip, and together with either a 'Granita' or 'Lime' daughter board it is capable of tuning from 10 - 7200 MHz or 5 - 3500 MHz respectively. It is also capable of wide bandwidth - up to 153.6 MHz on a host device like a PC. Recently we gave an initial thoughts review here.

Recently RFNM announced 'Seeve', a version of their RFNM SDR which is 95% smaller, and comes with an MT3812 daughter board and 1W power amplifier built in. Seeve appears to be designed for industrial and commercial customers, via integration into an existing design. Some potential applications they mention include an HD FPV transmitter and as a building block for 5G user equipment.

Pricing is $199 each at 1k quantities or $2k for a devkit.

RFNM Seeve Board
RFNM Seeve Board
RFNM Seeve Devboard
RFNM Seeve Devboard


QCSuper: Capture 2G/3G/4G/5G Radio Frames with Qualcomm Phones

In the past, we've shown how it's possible to use RTL-SDRs or other SDR devices together with the Airprobe software to analyze data from 2G GSM mobile phones and towers. (Note that it's not possible to listen in on conversations or read SMS data unless you have the encryption code for the recipient phone. This is only capable of showing cell tower basestation telemetry for example).

While not directly related to SDR, readers might be interested to know that a new piece of software called QCSuper has been released which enables similar analysis capabilities for 2G/3G/4G/5G signals through the use of Qualcomm-based phones and modem hardware. To use it you will need a rooted Android phone. The software accesses a diagnostics mode available in Qualcomm devices and makes the data available for view on Wireshark.

[Also seen on Hackaday]

QCSuper Screenshot
QCSuper Screenshot