Tagged: beamforming

Using a PlutoSDR as a Monopulse Tracker

Over on YouTube Jon Kraft has been uploading videos explaining some interesting beamforming experiments he's been doing with his PlutoSDR. One experiment shows how to create a DIY monopulse tracker, which is a type of radio direction finding technique.

The PlutoSDR has two RX ports and two TX ports, and in this experiment he uses two directional antennas for the RX and one monopole antenna for the TX. Part 1 of this series explains standard phased array beam forming, and part 2 moves on to explain monopulse with adaptive tracking.

If you were interested in this, check out Jon's other videos on his channel. A recent video explains how time delays work in digital beamforming.

Build Your Own Phased Array Beamformer

Monopulse Tracking with a Low Cost Pluto SDR

Demonstrating Two Channel Coherent Spatial Filtering In a GNU Radio Simulation

Over on YouTube VE6EY has uploaded a video that demonstrates spatial filtering (aka beamforming) working in a GNU Radio simulation. This is a technique that can be used with a 2-channel coherent SDR with to nullify local interference. One SDR is connected to an antenna for receiving the distant signal, and the second is connected to a noise probe that is designed to receive only the local noise source.

The demonstration is not performed with real SDRs, but with prerecorded signals, although it still shows the effectiveness of the technique. In the video VE6EY shows switch mode and powerline noise being nulled out from some AM music, and explains through a demo why phase coherence is required.

V36EY gives further information and a link to download the demo over on his blog post.

SDR Spatial Filtering Demo