Tagged: signalseverywhere

SignalsEverywhere 10,000 Subscriber Interactive Live Stream with Giveaways on August 10 12PM EST

The SignalsEverywhere YouTube channel is quickly growing in size, and has recently passed the 10,000 subscriber milestone. If you weren't aware, Corrosive (aka KR0SIV aka Harold) who runs the channel has been consistently putting out high quality videos related to the software defined radio hobby. He's also started a podcast which also covers some interesting topics.

Some Recent SignalsEverywhere YouTube Videos
Some Recent SignalsEverywhere YouTube Videos

To celebrate hitting the 10,000 subscriber mark, Harold is planning an interactive 6 hour+ YouTube live stream which will begin on Saturday August 10 12PM EST time (11 hours from the time of this post)If you want to be automatically reminded of the stream, go to the live stream place holder, and click on set reminder.

The stream will be interactive as he is planning on setting up several SpyServer's that will be running across the HF, VHF, UHF and L-Bands. This will allow the audience to use SDR# to connect to his SDRs that are being used on the stream, allowing people to follow along with what Harold is doing on the stream, and ask questions about what they are seeing.

We're also helping to sponsor his stream and will be donating 5x RTL-SDR dongle + antenna kits, 5x RTL-SDR dongles, 1x Radarbox bundle, as well as one KerberosSDR to any giveaways that he plans on doing throughout the stream.

We really like Harolds work on YouTube, and if you are a fan of the content on our RTL-SDR.COM blog, then you really should be subscribed to his channel too.

Interactive SDR Live Stream | 10K Subscriber Celebration and Giveaway!

SignalsEverywhere Podcast EP2: Common SDR Mistakes and How to Resolve Them

Corrosive from the SignalsEverywhere YouTube channel has recently released episode two of his new podcast. This episode is titled "Common SDR Mistakes and How to Resolve Them". In the podcast Corrosive discusses some tips like how to ensure that the gain on your SDR is set correctly, how to set the sample rate, how to optimize the waterfall display, and what antennas to use. Later he goes on to talk about our RTL-SDR Blog V3 dongles, and discusses some posts from our blog.

SignalsEverywhere: Setting Up Priority and Groups in DSDPlus Fastlane

In his last video, Corrosive from the SignalsEverywhere YouTube channel showed us a quick guide on setting up a Phase 1 P25 digital voice decoder with two RTL-SDR dongles and the DSDPlus Fastlane decoder.

Now in his latest video Corrosive continues with the DSDPlus tutorial and this time explains how to set up priority and groups. On a trunked radio system there may be many different agencies using the same system simultaneously. Without priorities and groups, you would be listening to all communications in the system, and following a conversation within a particular agency would be difficult. Setting up priorities and groups allows you to filter out the conversations that you are not interested in, allowing you to focus on listening in to a particular agency only.

RTL SDR Digital Radio Scanning Priority and Groups With DSDPlus Fastlane Setup Tutorial

SignalsEverywhere: Using DSDPlus Fastlane for Listening to Phase 1 P25 Trunking

DSDPlus is a popular piece of software often used with RTL-SDR dongles to listen to unencrypted digital voice signals such as P25 and DMR. Digital voice is now commonly used by many Police and emergency services as well as business radio. DSDPlus fastlane is DSD's paid upgrade which allows subscribers to access to the latest releases of DSDPlus early.

Over on the SignalsEverywhere YouTube channel, Corrosive has uploaded a quick video guide that shows how to use DSDPlus Fastlane and two RTL-SDR dongles to set up a Phase 1 P25 voice decoder that automatically follows a P25 trunking channel. The basic process involves running two FMP instances which is a program in the DSDPlus suite that connects to the RTL-SDR's and receives the signal. One DSDPlus instance monitors the trunking channel, and this tunes the second FMP+DSD instance to the frequency currently active in the trunking system.

Corrosive also explains how people who are subscribed to RadioReference can download pre-populated data files that will allow the DSDPlus event log to display talkgroup information so that you can see who is talking to who.

RTL SDR Digital Radio Scanning With DSDPlus Setup FastlaneTutorial

SignalsEverywhere Podcast EP1: Es’hail-2, Favorite RTL-SDR Blog Posts and What SDR Should I Get?

Corrosive from the SignalsEverywhere YouTube channel is starting up a radio/SDR related podcast, and today has released episode one. The podcast is 22 minutes long, and in that time he discusses Es-hail-2, a geosynchronous satellite with an amateur radio transponder that was recently launched and activated, some of his favorite recent posts from our blog here at RTL-SDR.com, including posts about a 3D printed V-Dipole holder, Radwave RF Analyzer, cloning 433 MHz devices, and finally he ends the podcast by discussing the question of what SDR is right for you.

Podcasts are a great way to catch up on what's happening in the SDR and radio world so check it out below or over on the SignalsEverywhere podcast post.