TAPR/ARRL DCC 2021 Talks Available on YouTube

The TAPR/ARRL Digital Communications Conference (DCC) was held virtually during September 17 - 18 2021 and the live streamed talks are now available on YouTube. DCC is a yearly conference with many SDR and RF related talks, with a focus on ham radio science.

The talks include various updates on the development of the TangerineSDR (an SDR designed for citizen science experimentation), talks on the development of a magnetometer board for citizen science, as various other talks regarding ham radio and ham radio science experiments.

The two days of talks are all lumped into the two videos below, and a list of all the talks presented can be found on the TAPR schedule website.

TAPR DCC 2021 Friday session

TAPR DCC 2021 Saturday session


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It was a great conference. Most of the talks were ham radio related–space weather and ionosphere measurement projects–but they were all very interesting.