Testing the RTL-SDR on Windows 10
RTL-SDR.com reader Marty Wittrock has written in to let us know that he has been successful in getting his HF modified “KN0CK” RTL-SDRs (and by extension standard RTL-SDRs) to work with Zadig and HDSDR on a PC running the Windows 10 technical preview on a VMWare image.
We decided to also test RTL-SDR compatibility with other common software on our own Windows 10 system. We tested SDR#, SDR-Radio, CubicSDR and Unitrunker and found them all to work fine with no problems either. Finally, we also tested the Airpsy and SDRPlay on Windows 10 and found no problems with those devices either.

Miałem zainstalowany HDSDR dla SDRuno SDR Play Teraz program zniknął ze strony www. SDRuno
Używam klona z MSI2500 MSI 0001 który jest dla SDRPlay SDRuno
Aside from replacing Zadig Drivers after Windows 10 upgrading occasionally after 45 minutes of use the screen will freeze and I’ll have to restart. Also, I can shortcut an Icon but it doesn’t work.
any ideas? I’m contemplating switching to Linux, is it anymore reliable?
Hi everybody!!!
I am frustrated with windows 10!!! Tried everything above and from other pages when trying to install a NOOELEC stl sdr dongle. SDRSharp displays a message ˜device not found” when I hit the play button.
After installing the zadig driver with administrator permitions, I go check the driver details and it shows Microsoft Driver. It does not show zadig software manufacturer name.
Any clues, please?
Thanks a lot!
Alex Zelinski
I also lost my wireless mouse, and had to do a Win10 restore, a longer process than you’d think – 4 hours for that and another 10 while the indexed search facility is re-built! I’m going to try it again, and this time I’ll look more carefully for the right driver for my RTL-SDR/USB in the Zadig list. Wish me luck….
Many people recommend you disable indexed search in Win 10 & 11 to improve performance – unless you do a LOT of searching. It’s constantly running, reindexing periodically whether you are using it or not, taking memory & cpu cycles.
I used the Zadig software and it ruined my favorite wireless mouse. It would not function any longer in any PC. This software is junk. Don’t use it until they come up with better drivers or a better driver installer. Any USB attached device can be fried by it.
Problem Solved-1 compatible devices have been found but are all busy-I had same problem , then restart win10 and I use new high quality USB cable. My device have been recognise and work like charm.
i got sdr working on windows 10 using the new zadig and just re placing the driver with the new one that is available with my dongle . works great now
Win10 home worked well with SDR# and RTL2832..Window Pro and associated updated drivers have caused many problems.
I’m having a bit of a problem. I can’t get Win 10 Pro – 64 to recognize my device.
The device is a Terratec LD TStick+.
1. Looking at device manager it says: Bulk-In, Interface, Bulk-In, Interface – with 2 yellow markers. Yes it setups up 2 devices when I plug the dongle in? If I look at the “properties” it says that the drivers are not installed. If I switch to the “Driver” tab and click on “Update Driver” tab, then select “Search automatically…..”, it returns saying “Windows was unable to install your Bulk-In, Interface”
2. Anyone know why it would setup 2 devices?
Also if I look in “Devices and Printers”, it show RTL2838UHIDIR” and if I unplug the dongle it disappears. Of course if I try and install the device drivers from there, I get the
same message as before – unable to install….
Any suggestions?
In Win 10 the msg “1 compatible devices have been found but are all busy”
You need to restart win 10 before using zigzag.
Before plugging in your USB device. On the Start menu choose Settings and in the window that opens choose Connected devices. When you plug in your USB device you should see the RTL28328U device appear. Then do a restart.
Hello I have the same as Glauber:
It was ok with Win 8. but now with Win 10 appears msg “1 compatible devices have been found but are all busy”
Has any one solved that?
Please commend with many thanks.
Glauber had the same problem download the latest Zadig Updated 2015.04.30 http://zadig.akeo.ie/
works fine now under windows 10
Unfortunately I’m not able to run the sdr with SDRSharp. It was ok with Win 8. but now with Win 10 appears msg “1 compatible devices have been found but are all busy”
It is good to read that OEM apps run flawness under W10. A Good start. 😉
But it ‘d be nice to know if all functionnalties of the web app “DXHeat” (that also user SDR, https://dxheat.com/dxc/) works also under W10, specially when clicking on a call sign : do the 3 icones (headset, stat and qrz) work correctly (because it is not the case on some mobiles).