Submit a Story/Contact

If you would like to submit something that relates to cheap SDR (a project, blog post, something interesting you have found), please email us at [email protected].

We will look at your submission and if we think it is a good fit for our blog make a summary post about it, making sure to link and credit your original source. If you don't have your own website or blog, don't worry, just write about your project in an email and we will host any images or documents related to your project for you. Usually we will get to your submission within a few days.

Please note that we will not accept payments or incentives in return for any type of post except for product samples for an honest review. If you are interested in writing a non-commercial guest post for us, please also contact us on the above email address.

Product/Shipping Support

If you have a general question about RTL-SDRs or SDRs or third party software we ask you to please ask in our forums. If you email us we may not respond to questions about third party software as this should be asked in the forum.

If you need troubleshooting support please first ensure that you have been through our Quickstart guide and the troubleshooting section on it, as well as our V3 users guide. Common questions like how to use the HF mode and how to activate the bias tee are explained on the V3 users guide. 

If you have a question about shipping of an item please first read the shipping policy on our store and see if it answers your question. The shipping information is just under our product listings. If it is a request for tracking details please first check your old/deleted/spam mails for the order confirmation email which contains the tracking details. There will have been two emails from our email at [email protected], the second of which contains the tracking details.

If you suspect a lost postal item please contact your local postal agency first and inquire there. They have more information than we have. If they confirm it as lost or not received after a long time then please let us know and we can open an investigation on this side as well. Usually we must wait at least 6 weeks from the date posted before we can open a lost parcel investigation.

For everything else such as confirmed lost postal items, warranty claims and support inquiries that aren't covered by the quickstart or troubleshooting guide then please contact us at [email protected]. We aim to always reply within 1-2 business days. If we don't respond within 3 business days then the mail may have gone to our spam folder. Please try to email again using different keywords. We do check our spam filter once a week just in case, but some messages could still be missed. Remember, if you have questions about third party software, please ask in the forums only.

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Cody Smith

Are there still plans to restock the Amazon Store for the RTL-SDR Antenna bundle or has it sold out already?


Ebay has lost control of what’s going on on their platform. The Baofeng radios scam has been going on for years. Now they cannot even stop scripts inserted by advertizers from redirecting the browser to fake iphone giveaways and all they can do is suggest to install adblock plugins.


What baofeng scam?

Tom Stiles

Twice I almost fell for this scam. I wanted this set of antennas for my YouTube show and they were sold out on Amazon. Luckily I decided to wait until they were for sell on Amazon again. It is obvious that the fake seller knows that these are in high demand and people will do anything to get them.



Hi Admin, i would like to suggest this site to track worldwide orders: Parcel Tracking & Delivery Notification Tool


Can I use the V3 with my android tablet? Also what about IPAD?


Thanks for the response. I have another question. I am running MAC and want to learn SDR on it? or is it better to use Windows? I am running paralles Windows 7 on my MAC. Second question for getting aquanted with a SDR what software do you recommend?


Hi Carl,

What happens to your poll, are you building some other SDR related stuff or not. Specifically lna.




Hi admin,

Would it be a good option for power up a rtlsdr.

Tito Castillo

Does anyone feed rtl-sdr signal to broadcastify? Is it possible? if so, what would be needed to create station to feed signal to Broadcastify as a station?

Zoot Suit

Hi, can you delete my first comment on this page:
In the excitement of successfully compiling it, I left a few things out and reuploaded the file. The first link is gone, the second link is the good one. Thank you for the SDR. It is Awesome.


I have an old (10+?) DBT 380UR which runs with K-World program. As its old, it won’t/can’t decode HD, H.264 channels. When the V3 dongle arrives, will it do it, and if so, what s/w do I need for viewing, scheduling and recording?

Alpha Beta

You’ve been hacked, and it might be dangerous to people.

has a link supposedly to a DCA antenna PDF. It has been HIJACKED and redirects a bunch of times before my security software shuts it down.

Joel M

i want to buy a cellular interceptor,
can anyone build and sell something like that?
[email protected]


Is there a possibility to use another paysystem? Paypal do not accept issued payment.

Eddie Sines

Where can I find SDR# V


Axel Bak

I’m trying to cancel my subscription to a extremely busy thread but it says “Follow this link to access your personal page: [manager_link]” all the time! Help!


Alexander Mule

Try using a non-mobile browser. That worked for me


Why new comments listed in the recent comments column appear in the page only after about one hour?

Oz Hamzah

I’m installing my RTL-SDR V3 unit on MS Surface 3 Pro and the Configuration window in the SDRSharp software does not allow me to select a device. The drop-down menu grayed out and E4000 is visible right above the field. The unit works great on my generic desktop computer. I reinstalled the software many times on the Surface Pro and it did not resolve the problem. Help…


Did you install the “rtlsdr.dll” by running install-rtlsdr.bat in the SDR# directory.

Oz Hamzah

Bertie, I did run the batch file to no success even with a new dongle.


Initially I was think ARM was the problem until I spotted the Surface 3, which is Intel.
So what I would do is download the latest x86 SDR# from, extract it to an empty directory, actually scratch that, there a full and extremely comprehensive guide here, did you run through each of the steps in that


Hi Carl,

What you thing about this project ”“.


Hello all
It seems that rrtl-sharp doesnt support the rtl dongel anymore. I have download version and I cant get it to work anymore.It gives the errror “no device selected” and yes rtlsdr.dll is in the sharp folder.
Older versions are working fine

Best regards



sure, on your machines. Not here.


Hello MR Carl Laufer! I wrote you an e-mail, could you answer it. In my opinion, my letters always get into spam ((

Steve Schwartz

Hi Carl. I saw you in an interview recently on HamRadioNow’s channel. Thanks so much for everything you are doing for the RTL-SDR community. I have learned so much from you and really appreciate it. I’ve put together a video series on RTL-SDR for the absolute beginner. I try to take technical concepts and bring them down to a level that a complete novice would understand. The vid series is located at Would love your feedback and feel free to share with your audience if you see fit. Thanks again so much!

Steve Schwartz

Don’t I feel like a dummy! Just saw you have an article from May 25th with a link to my vids (Thanks, BTW!) At any rate – I appreciate it. I’ve added a couple of videos on RTL-SDR on a Raspberry Pi on Linux using GQRX. My next quest is to get SDRtrunk running on a Pi (if it can handle running Java JRE and SDRtrunk, I’m not sure).

After that, I plan on purchasing a HackRf and experimenting in the 2.4 range. I’m a nut about drone safety and all these unsafe pilots make me want to scream. Hopefully, I can use SDR to show folks how their drones are using similar frequencies as our WiFi routers, and that’s why it is so unsafe to fly over populated areas. Ok, off my soap box now. Again, Carl, thanks for everything you do!

The Racing Signal

I have a few videos that I demonstrate the possibility for the R820T/2, in both your dongle and NooElec NESDR Smart, can in fact take advantage of troposphere ducting inversion in the VHF band at my YouTube channel The Racing Signal. Please keep in mind I use RTL-SDR for monitoring conventional radio communications as well as ham radio and citizens band (27mhz). I encourage the use of my videos for any future blogs you may have for your blog, I hope to break the back of the placebo effect “rtl-sdr is not good for voice comms”. Carl. I also watched the video you where on at the Dayton Hamvention. Great job!!

Jon Kreski

I need help setting-up the SpyVerter and RTL-SDR dongle running SDR# on Windows 10 PC. I have it connected to the dongle. 1st question – there are two sides – which side goes towards the dongle and which side is for the antenna? 2nd question – is there a manual for the SpyVerter? 3rd question – The dongle is plugged into a USB port and works well. The antenna is the HF antenna I use every night to listen to 80 meters, 40 meters, AM broadcast, SW, etc. but I can hear no signals with my current set-up. Question 3 – Since I have the dongle in a pwered USB port do I need the second mini-usb as a power source. I currently have that connected to a different USB port. Do I need both or does that cause confusion for the computer?



Jon Kreski - AB9NN

I sent an e-mail to the company and got a prompt reply with accurate information and the devices are now all operational. Love those devices!

pouyan malekani

If i order rtl sdr from canada how long does it take to i recive the dongle?

Brady Handel

Hi about a month ago I bought the small rtl-sdr dongle and It’s not picking up. I am using the SDRsharp software and it’s saying to me “Generic RTL2832U OEM (0)” isn’t it supposed to say 1 instead of 0? I tried reinstalling it through zadig but nothing happened I tried restarting my computer nothing happened. I need help figuring out how to make it work again.

EMAIL: [email protected]

Brady Handel

I reinstalled SDRSharp and it is now working like new except for when I go on the 2m ham band, it’s not broadcasting as much as it did before?


Hi all,
I have V3 dongle connected with 9 mtr rg 174 cable and end with some long copper wire. There is lot of interference at 1 hz to 9 hz in direct sampling mode. My question is how to remove these interference to get decent reception at HF also some suggestion to improving dynamic range at HF.


HDSDR Hardware support has a new RTL EXTIO USB DLL marked march 20,2017 get a scoop on it. It has better decimation. Decimation seems to match the R820T/T2 chip


Hai admin,
Are they selling plutosdr at this price?


Sometimes when I click on an article my browser gets redirected to malicious websites. This only happens on my mobile browser on


In SDR# while browsing on shortwave there is a FM Ghost signal appear (image of actual signal is here which is actually broadcasting at 91.1 Mzh then how can I remove it completely without ignoring and in other image there is a strong interference appear at 1Mhz to 3Mhz always. Is it natural at this frequency or may be other cause to this interference.


RTL SDR software define Radio is a unique application and very useful receive FM Radio station very clear. SDR is also very useful to have updated weather forcasting information with taking pictures from the space and to know and predict the weater, Cyclone etc. Also to track Aircraft flying from one destination to other. I love to use RTL SDR and to monitor many application related to AMATEUR BANDS as receiver.


If there is a working scanner plug in or stand alone I can’t seem to find a working one. Anyone (admin this is for you too!) have a working scanner plug in for SDR# or can recommend a program that works with the dongle that CAN scan?


Hi admin,
Is there any direct replacement for rtl2832u chip to improve this dongle because it is main bottleneck in rtl-sdr? Such as mirics chip so that rt8202t2 can be used in full potential.


Hello Admin,

Today I checkout the RTLSDR store and buy a dongle. I want to know it arrival time at my locations. How much time It will take to reach at me.



Thank for early reply.


Are delivering Realtek drivers with the USB receivers ?


I have RTL V3. How can I enable BiasT on android?

Ruben EA5BZ

Hello friends:
I am using RTL V3 for ADS-B
I want install a LNA4ALL near the antenna
How can I turn on bias-t under raspbian ?
A lot of thanks!


I don’t have this RTL-Dongle, but there is a modified version of the drivers under with a tool rtl_biast which was modified for exactly that purpose. You can find it on Github:


This is what I get when trying to turn on the bias Tee so that I can use the Spyverter.
My V3 dongle works fine with VHF.
I also need to have the bias tee turned on all the time and I don’t have much interest in above 30 MHz. How is this done.

sudo rtl-sdr/rtl-sdr/build/src/rtl_biast -b 1
Kernel driver is active, or device is claimed by second instance of librtlsdr.
In the first case, please either detach or blacklist the kernel module
(dvb_usb_rtl28xxu), or enable automatic detaching at compile time.
usb_claim_interface error -6
pi@raspberrypi ~ $


As admin said. rmmod the kernel driver, blacklist it or just compile rtl_sdr with the “detach” option by adding the cmake option “-DDETACH_KERNEL_DRIVER=ON”.


I’m using rtl-sdr. I receive NOAA sat signals and I’m able to extract images but not with Meteor M2. Is Meteor M2 up? I’ve been trying it for a month now but I still have no luck. The frequencies I’ve tried are 137.1 and 137.925. I’ve tried A) rtl_fm -f 137.925M -g 0 -s 384k – > meteor.raw B) rtl_fm -f 137.925M -g 50 -s 384k – > meteorv3.raw C) rtl_fm -f 137.1M -g 50 -s 120k – > meteor120.raw D) rtl_sdr -f 137100000 -s 900001 -g 0 -p 49 test13.raw and more without luck. I convert the raw file to wax using sox like this sox -r 192000 -e signed -b 16 -c 2 meteorv4.raw meteorv4.wav followed by sox meteorv4.wav meteorv130.wav rate 130000 then I open it in LRPTX.exe BSPK/QSPK DeWavulator. I never get the 4 dots in constellation even if I play with Symbol Rate. All I get is this – even on the parts of the wav file. What could I be doing wrong?

Michael Fortner

I am having a problem with my RTL-SDR RTL2832u R820T2 v3 and my Windows 7 computer. It was working fine until I tried installing SDRUno Monday evening and couldn’t get it to work with the dongle. No problem, I have SDR#, HDSDR, and RTL1090 that all work fine so I uninstalled SDRUno. Now, when I try any of those programs, they work for a few minutes, then freeze up and either shut down or just sit there until I try to kill the process. However, when I try reloading any of my SDR programs, nothing happens. I go into task manager and it shows the original program still running and the new one as well, and won’t let me kill the program. Even KillProcess.exe fails to kill it. I have to reboot the computer to start up any SDR programs again, only to have it happen again. I have Windows 7 SP1 with Microsoft .net and Visual C++ being the latest versions. I just got the dongle this month and now I can’t use it. HELP!

Tyler Salisbury

The SMA coax female that hooks up to the antenna mount striped after 2 months of use… What do I do?


Hello , yesterday I bought the new rtl sdr com from your site on amazon and I do not know how it happened did so ordered twice, but I need one you can annullarmi an order ?


annullarmi = cancel