Tagged: weather satellite

Moving on from WXtoIMG for NOAA APT Weather Satellite Decoding

Thank you to Jacopo (@lego11/IU1QPT) and Robin (@OK2AWO) for writing in and sharing with us his thoughts about how the SDR community as a whole should move on from the use of WXtoIMG, and instead switch to SatDump, which now has full feature parity with WXtoIMG and additional features too. SatDump is available on Windows, MacOS, Linux, and even on Android. An up-to-date guide for receiving APT with SatDump written by @lego11 can be found on his website here.

Historically, WXtoIMG has been the software of choice for the popular hobby of decoding NOAA APT weather satellite images with RTL-SDR and other SDRs. However, the software has unfortunately been abandoned by its authors for several years, and can now only be found on third-party websites which increases the possibility of downloading a virus. Also, a hack involving a proxy, or directly updating via a powershell script is now required to allow WXtoIMG to update its TLE/ Kepler files due to the celestrak.com to celestrak.org domain name change.

Lego11 also notes a whole host of other issues regarding vulnerabilities and bugs with WXtoIMG:

  • The software is ancient and uses obsolete libraries, such as Visual C++ 2002 with .NET. These libraries are the main concern when it comes to WXtoIMG, as I don't find it particularly likely for someone to find an entry point through the software itself. However, a much more likely scenario is a virus abusing the loaded library in memory when WXtoIMG is running and using it to gain an entry point. There are at least 20 vulnerabilities affecting MSVCR70.dll, and all are well known (such as CVE-2007-0025) which makes it even more concerning. CVE-2008-4255 in particular allows for remote code execution on the user's computer, which is very serious. There are certainly many more vulnerabilities that have been exploited regarding MSVCR70, but due to the obsolescence of this software component they are usually not tracked in a CVE.

    In either case, just as nobody would use Windows XP as a daily driver in 2024, nobody should use WXtoIMG as a matter of caution, even if the above mentioned vulnerabilities were not present.

    As for the bugs, there are many. Here's a list of the most important ones:
  • Cannot update TLE without external software, complicating the experience for newcomers and adding extra failure points
  • Map overlay doesn't work properly most of the times, especially if the user starts to receive the satellite before it is at least at 1° elevation
  • WXtoIMG will crash if Microsoft Defender starts a memory scan during a pass. This will lose the recording
  • WXtoIMG uses an outdated Win32 API to access audio. This doesn't always work on Windows 11 and Microsoft has stated that it will be removed soon.
  • WXtoIMG uses ALSA on Linux. The vast majority of Linux distributions don't support ALSA directly anymore, and WXtoIMG cannot work through an audio server (e.g. Pulseaudio) like all Linux applications are supposed to. Therefore, live recording doesn't work on Linux at all.
  • WXtoIMG doesn't run on MacOS anymore, as the system will refuse execution due to security problems and missing libraries.
  • WXtoIMG cannot support wav files from e.g. SDR# or SDR++ without using a third party tool such as NOAA-APT.
  • If a user moves or copies a recorded WAV file (see above), the map overlay will no longer work.
  • WXtoIMG is especially sensitive to concurrent CPU usage, which will result in "tears" on the image (as is evident on the images in the guy's tutorial). It cannot handle multitasking well on systems more modern than Windows XP due to changes in how the CPU scheduler works in more modern kernels.
  • WXtoIMG will lock up and then crash if the user starts it without first having updated TLEs due to missing NOAA-17. This is very serious, as it happens to newcomers all the time. It is one of the top support request emails/messages I receive. It is not possible to fix this crash easily.
  • WXtoIMG doesn't have updated coefficients for calibration, therefore NOAA-15 will look excessively cold compared to other satellites.
SatDump Receiving APT Weather Satellite Images
SatDump Receiving APT Weather Satellite Images (from @lego11's tutorial)

GOES-U Satellite Launched and on the way to Geostationary Orbit

On June 25 the NOAA GOES-U weather satellite was successfully launched on a SpaceX Falcon 9 Heavy rocket. Once it reaches geostationary orbit, this will be a new weather satellite that RTL-SDR hobbyists can receive with an RTL-SDR dongle, satellite dish, and LNA.

From launch, it will take about two weeks for GOES-U to reach geostationary orbit and once it gets there it will be renamed to GOES-19. It is due to be positioned where GOES-16 currently is, and GOES-16 will become the redundant backup satellite. This positioning will make the satellite visible to those in North and South America.

GOES-16 is where GOES-19 will be positioned.
GOES-16 is where GOES-19 will be positioned.

We are anxiously looking forward to the first images from GOES-19 received by hobbyists, but once positioned it will probably take several weeks to be tested and calibrated before hobbyists can receive any signals on L-band. 

Over on X, @WeatherWorks posted a short video showing that the launch plume was visible from GOES-16.

The @CIRA_CSU account has also posted a video from GOES-18 which shows the launch in the water vapor bands

Finally, @SpaceX has also posted a video showing the deployment of the satellite, with an impressive shot showing how far away it is from the Earth.

Testing a WiFi Grid Antenna for L-Band Satellites

Over on YouTube dereksgc has uploaded a video where he tests out a 2.4 GHz WiFi Grid antenna for L-band weather satellite reception. WiFi grid antennas are typically repurposed in the SDR community for L-Band weather satellite reception because they are cheap and mostly work out of the box. They can also be used for hydrogen line radio astronomy. TV dish antennas are an alternative but with them, a custom feed needs to be built. 

In his video, dereksgc tests the WiFi dish on receiving various polar-orbiting L-band satellites including Metop, and Meteor M2. With the polar orbiting satellites the dish needs to point at the satellite as it passes over the sky and so dereksgc recommends using a mount if hand tracking them.

Later in the video he tests some geostationary satellites but finds that the dish is not tuned well enough to receive Elektro-LN3 properly without modifications. He was however able to receive a noisy image from FengYun-2H successfully.

We note that we also currently have our Discovery Dish product available for pre-order, which is similar to the WiFi grid dish, but smaller and lighter weight with a built-in optimized active feed.

I finally got a WiFi grid antenna for satellites

Saveitforparts: Receiving and Decoding L-Band Weather Satellites

Over on his YouTube channel 'saveitforparts' has uploaded a new video showing how he has been successful at receiving and decoding L-band weather satellites using his setup made from scavenged parts. He uses a custom-built helical feed on a scavenged dish, and an automatic pan-tilt rotator built from an old security camera mount. With this setup combined with an RTL-SDR and LNA and filter he is able to receive polar orbiting L-band weather satellites. 

In the video, he shows how his system works and what his software setup looks like. He uses SDR++ to record the pass initially, then SatDump to decode the data into images. We note that SatDump can be used to decode the images live, and can also record the raw radio files too, so SDR++ is not required.

How To Receive And Decode L-Band Weather Satellites

IndiaRocketGirl Receives NOAA-19 Weather Satellite Images with a Tape Measure Yagi Antenna

Over on her YouTube channel IndiaRocketGirl (@VU3BIZ) has posted a video showing how she was able to receive weather satellite images from the polar orbiting NOAA-19 weather satellite at 137 MHz.

She uses a home made four element Yagi antenna with elements made from a tape measure. This allows the elements to be easily folded down for transportation. A phone running the Heaven's above app is used to help track the satellite in the sky as it passes over, and then SatDump and an RTL-SDR Blog V3 running on a laptop is used to decode the signal into an image.

IndiaRocketGirl notes that in her next video she will show how to make the Yagi antenna that she was using. In a previous post IndiaRocketGirl also showed how she was able to receive geostationary FengYun-2H S-VISSR signals.

How to Receive Real Time Images from Low Earth Orbit Satellites | India Rocket Girl | NOAA-19

IndiaRocketGirl Receives FengYun-2H S-VISSR Satellite Images

Over on her YouTube channel IndiaRocketGirl has posted a video showing how she was able to build a satellite dish and feed to receive FengYun-2H S-VISSR signals and get beautiful full disk images of the earth.

In the US and other countries RTL-SDR fans will be familiar with how to receive images from the GOES geostationary weather satellite. However from countries like India most GOES satellites will not be visible. Fortunately there are alternative satellites like the Chinese FengYun-2H satellite which is visible from India. FengYun-2H is a geostationary satellite that sends down a S-VISSR signal containing full disk images of the earth.

In her video IndiaRocketGirl uses a 1.8 meter diameter antenna, a homemade helical feed, an LNA+filter and an RTL-SDR as her hardware. For software she uses SatDump.

How to receive Real Time Images from Geostationary Satellites | RTL SDR | India Rocket Girl

Multiple Comprehensive Tutorials on Weather Satellite Decoding

Over on his website "Jacopo's Lair" IU1QPR (@original_lego11) who is also a developer for SatDump has written up many tutorials about weather satellite decoding that involve the use of SatDump. SatDump is a popular piece of software often used with RTL-SDRs and other low cost SDRs for decoding weather satellite images.

With a small satellite dish, feed, RTL-SDR and LNA+filter and the SatDump software it's possible and download beautiful images of the earth from many geostationary and polar orbiting weather satellites. We note that we are currently taking pre-orders on Crowd Supply for our Discovery Dish system, which is low cost hardware designed to help users get started with weather satellite reception.

Over on Reddit IU1QPR has created a listed summary of all the tutorials he's written. These are currently the most up to date and comprehensive tutorials that we have found on this topic. The tutorials cover everything from what satellites are available, what dish sizes you need, what SDRs can be used, what LNA+filter and other hardware you need, and how to use the SatDump software.

Satellite reception and decoding

Automated stations

SatDump usage

All have been moved to SatDump's documentation page

Satellite data processing and usage

From the HRPT tutorial: What various HRPT signals look like on the spectrum.
From IU1QPR's HRPT tutorial: What various HRPT signals look like on the spectrum.

Downloading Stored Images and Data from the NOAA Weather Satellite GAC Broadcast

With polar orbiting weather satellite reception we as amateur ground station operators with SDR receivers typically download images via "Direct Broadcast", which provides imagery of what the satellite is currently seeing live. However, the main way satellites such as the NOAA POES (NOAA 15, 18 & 19) satellites downlink is via "Global Area Coverage" (GAC) broadcast which provides the full stored imagery data of the entire global pass. However, GAC is only broadcast in locations where the satellite operator operates ground stations.

Over on YouTube dereksgc has uploaded a video showing how to receive GAC data from the NOAA POES satellites. He notes that GAC is now broadcast at 2247.5 MHz in the S-band, and the ground station it now downlinks to is likely in Svalbard, rather than in the USA. This means that amateur satellite stations close to the North Pole can receive the GAC signal, including dereksgc's station which (we believe) is in the Czech Republic.

Dereksgc uses a large 250cm offset dish with S-band feed connecting to a HackRF. In the video he demonstrates him receiving the signal, and then decoding it using SatDump. Finally he shows all the images from various locations around the earth that he was able to receive from one satellite pass.

Downloading stored data from NOAA weather satellites (GAC revisited) || Satellite reception pt.12B