Tagged: sdr#

A SDR++ CSV to JSON Frequency Bookmark Converter Python Script

Thank you to RTL-SDR.COM reader Steve Hagerman for writing in and sharing his Python script that allows SDR++ users to convert a CSV file of frequency bookmark information into a JSON file that SDR++ recognizes. Steve explains:

[In SDR++] one of the biggest issues is in making frequency bookmarks. SDR++ uses a JSON file to store frequency bookmarks which is hard to edit manually. While there is a direct means to enter bookmarks directly in SDR++, it is tedious and requires too many mouseclicks.

To fix this I wrote a Python script to take easily made XLSX Spreadsheet of frequencies to convert to a JSON file that can be used directly with SDR++.

Steve's CSV to JSON Python Script Flow Graph
Steve's CSV to JSON Python Script Flow Graph

A Video Review of FobosSDR

Back in April of this year, we posted about the FobosSDR, an upcoming software defined radio product from the Ukrainian company RigExpert. FobosSDR is an RX-only USB 3.0 device, with a 100 kHz to 6 GHz tuning range, 50 MHz of bandwidth, and 14-bit ADC resolution. At the time of the previous post, FobosSDR was not yet for sale, but now we see that it is available from some European distributors with a price of 495,00 € (~US$544).

Recently 'Radio Bunker' has uploaded a video review of the FobosSDR on his YouTube channel. Note that the video is in Spanish, however, you can use the YouTube auto-translate function.

In the video, Radio Bunker unboxes the FobosSDR and explains its specs and features, then goes on to show how to install the drivers and get it up and running with SDR#. He then shows the SDR receiving some signals like broadcast AM, FM, shortwave, DAB, and WiFi in SDR# with 50 MHz bandwidth.


SDR# Big Guide Book: 2024 Edition Released

Paolo Romani (IZ1MLL) has recently released the 2024 version of his SDR# Big Book. The book is available for download on the Airspy downloads page, just scroll down to the title "SDR# Big Book" and choose your language. (At the time of this post only English and Italian are available in the 2024 edition, but multiple languages are available for the older guides).

Paolo writes that the book has been updated for the latest SDR# v1920 version, and now the editions will be labelled by date, instead of version number. He also writes that page 25 of the big book now includes information about the differences between RTL-SDR Blog V3 and V4 dongles. 

The Big Book of SDR# Studio 2024 Edition

SDR# Version 1920 Released

A few days ago SDRSharp version 1920 was released. SDRSharp (SDR#) is a popular Windows program that is affiliated with Airspy SDR dongles, but is compatible with RTL-SDR and various other SDRs as well. The latest version gets rid of the relatively resource heavy Telerik UI library and replaces it with a much lighter weight library.

The author of SDR#, @lambdaprog, notes that v.1920 reduces memory usage by 85% and CPU utilization by 50%. The new version also improves scalability for high sample rates and number of spectrum slices and improves plugin compatibility. Several AOR brand SDRs are also now supported in v.1920.

On the note regarding improved plugin compatibility, we've noticed that in the v.1920 update the IF Average plugin has begun working again. The IF Average plugin is used for Hydrogen line radio astronomy experiments. In the past we had to use older versions of SDR# to make it work. We have updated our Hydrogen line tutorial to reflect this.

New Tool to Convert Between SDR# and SDR++ Frequency List Formats

Thank you to 'thewsoftware' over on our forums who has shared with us his SDR# <-> SDR++ frequency list converter (sdrfc) software. SDR# and SDR++ are two popular SDR programs often used with the RTL-SDR, but each uses a different format for storing custom frequency lists.

The new sdrfc tool allows users to easily convert frequency lists between SDR# and SDR++ formats, so you don't need to manually type out a frequency list for both programs.

The sdrfc is a Windows command line tool and instructions for using it can be found on the GitHub Readme. A release zip file is available on the GitHub Releases page.

SDR# <-> SDR++ Frequency Converter Readme

RTL433 Plugin for SDRSharp Updated

Back in 2021 we posted about a SDR# plugin that allowed you to interface with rtl_433 from within SDR#. RTL433 (rtl_433) is a commonly used RTL-SDR command line program that provides decoders for a wide range of 433.92 MHz, 868 MHz, 315 MHz, 345 MHz, and 915 MHz ISM band devices. Examples of such devices include weather stations, alarm sensors, utility monitors, tire pressure monitors and more.

Recently there have been a few updates to the plugin after a years hiatus which probably meant that the older version was not compatible with newer versions of SDR#. But there are also several bugfixes and minor changes made to the plugin too which can be read about on the GitHub Readme.

To download the plugin we recommend clicking on the green <>Code button on the GitHub page and choosing Download Zip. You can then browse to the install/ folder. Copy the three .dll files into the Plugins folder in your SDR# directory. Then open SDR#, go to the main hamburger menu -> plugins -> RTL_433.

RTL433 Plugin for SDR# Updated
RTL433 Plugin for SDR# Updated

SDR++ Android APK now supports the RTL-SDR Blog V4

Thank you to SDR++ developer Ryzerth who has let us know that RTL-SDR Blog V4 support has recently been added to the nightly build of the APK. With this release, Android is now fully supported by the RTL-SDR Blog V4 via Martin Marinov's SDR Driver app (which many SDR applications connect to), SDRAngel and now SDR++.

A reminder: With SDR++ you may find that you will need to close (using the task manager on Android) and reopen the app a couple of times before it will detect an RTL-SDR dongle. 

If you enjoy SDR++ please consider supporting the developer on Patreon.

Blog V4 Receiving Broadcast FM on Android with SDR++
Blog V4 Receiving Broadcast FM on Android with SDR++

Modified RTL-SDR Source for SDR++ with Manual Controls for R820T/2/R828D Tuners and Harmonic Reception

Over on GitHub user Sultan-papagani has just released a modified RTL-SDR source for SDR++ that enables full manual control of the gain stages, filters and other features on R820T/2/R828D tuner based RTL-SDRs. This includes the Blog V3 and Blog V4. In the standard drivers many of these these features are automatically controlled.

Tweaking the individual LNA, Mixer and VGA gain stages manually can help you to maximize SNR, while adjusting the filters can help block out of band interference.

The modified source also enables the 'Hamonic reception' enhancement from the librtlsdr fork of rtl-sdr, which allows you to tune up to 6 GHz via harmonic mixing. Note that tuning above the standard maximum of 1.766 GHz will most likely require strong band pass filtering and an external LNA as the harmonic mode results in a lot of imaging and weak signals. 

A new RTL-SDR Source for SDR++ with Manual Gain/Filter and Harmonic Mixing Controls
A new RTL-SDR Source for SDR++ with Manual Gain/Filter and Harmonic Mixing Controls