Decoding and Listening to HD Radio (NRSC-5) with an RTL-SDR

HD Radio is a high definition terrestrial digital broadcast signal that is only used in North America. It is easily recognized by the two rectangular blocks on either side of a broadcast FM station signal on a spectrum analyzer/waterfall display. Since HD Radio uses a proprietary protocol, finding a way to decode it has been difficult and so this signal has been inaccessible to SDR users for a long time. Back in February of this year we posted about Phil Burrs attempt, where he was able to create a partial implementation (up to layer 2) of the HD Radio standard, but didn’t get far enough to decode any audio in layer 3.

However, now cyber security researcher ‘Theori’ has created a full RTL-SDR based decoder for the HD Radio protocol. In his post Theori explains that the HD Radio system is split into three layers. Layer 1 finds the signals and does decoding and error correction. Layer 2 is a multiplexing layer, which allows various layer 3 applications to share the bandwidth. Layer 3 is the audio data layer. In his post he explains how these layers work in detail. 

One of the main findings was the discovery of the audio compression codec. Theori found that the codec was essentially HE-AAC with some minor modifications. The modifications were minor enough that he was able to adapt the open source FAAD2 library for HD Radio audio decoding.

Theori’s code is open source and available on GitHub. The code includes the patch to modify FAAD2 for HD Radio and it is automatically applied during the build. A sample file for testing the decoder is also provided and we tested the decoder with the sample and it worked well. The decoding can also be performed in real time and examples of that are also on the git readme.

HD Radio Spectrum
HD Radio Spectrum
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Lawrence Frazier

This sounds exciting..the only problem I have is I’m not able to use doxygen do see the methods/functions I need to use to create my own app using this…can someone please point me to a simple text file listing the functions to call…?)?


How to make IQ-record right? Wanna listen HD-Radio from IQ file…
nrsc5 (Linux) don’t read any file that I recorded from Spy server:(, only sample from github


spyserver is super efficient with bandwidth. So you may not be recording what you think you are recording. Try removing spyserver and the network from the equation and access the USB hardware directly. There are command line tools you can use to record data to file:
airspyhf_rx in
airspy_rx in

Jacob Davis

I am aware that HD Radio receivers are able to revert to the analog signal in the event of a dropout on the HD1 feed. Personally, I am unsure that, in using this method, I would be able to do the same thing.


You are correct, there’s no analog involved with this experiment. The decoder is nice to have at a base station or home where you have a good signal.


anybody willing to compile a version for RTL-SDR support on an android device?


Sounds sort of cool in a geeky kind of way but it wouldn’t be very practical. I can’t see carrying around an RTL-SDR dongle, cable and an antenna in my pocket and hooking it to my cell phone or tablet when I’m out. If you’re looking for a small device to listen to NRSC5 broadcasts at home, well, then you’d be better off with a Raspberry Pi board or other small SBC. A Pi build would also be quite easy since there are several flavors of Linux that will run on it. There’s also a very nice GUI for both Windows and Linux builds. The Linux build for the GUI is here: and there’s a Windows build here: They both work well for me and the Windows version even includes binaries.


Steve, to each their own. what would be of greater use is an android app that can do HD Radio decoding along with everything else streamed from an RTL-TCP server.


You could just install an internet radio app from the Play Store and stream your favorite HD stations on your Android device. Most of the iHeart HD stations are streaming HD digital content over the net anyway.


Actually, I believe most cell phones, certainly the iPhone has had an SDR that does TX/RX (i believe) inside them since, I wanna say 2008? This is obviously separate to the main radios used for GSM/3G/LTE communication.

There was a lot of speculation what they were going to be used for, some people thought it was so you could transmit to your FM tuner in your car, however this never ended up happening, other people thought it was to receive traffic or emergency info. I don’t know if they ever dropped them or not, or if they are still in curreng gen iPhones and other cell phones.

If they are, assuming you could find an API for it, you could leverage it as an SDR for this purpose. Probably easier to do on Android if they are still in there.


The latest version on github compiles and works flawlessly on Windows using MSYS2. I looked at the source code and came across an undocumented feature. See main.c, line 426. Once the program is running and decoding the audio you can press 0 thru 3 to change the HD channel you’re listening to without having to stop and restart the program to change channels. Or press ‘q’ to quit. Very cool. Here’s a link to the latest 64-bit binaries:


I like it- simple and precise.

Ramadya Sasongko

Here’s an updated version of the program as of two days ago when I compiled it:

Zoot Suit

Not found

Jim S.

In windows 10 64 bit, I had to go here to make it work. I was getting rtl open error -12.


Works great, thanks a lot for implementing it so we all can try HD radio without buying ridiculously priced hardware!

I’ve used a version pre-compiled for Windows, works smoothly right out of the box.

Sound quality is not impressive, FM sounds better to me, digital audio compression artifacts are pretty obvious, but that’s not surprising taking data rates into account. Very good as a source of information, not so good for listening music (not terrible, though).

Definitely give a try to a command line parameter –dump-aas-files folder_here
Some channels output text files (weather and traffic data), images (maps, album covers and radio stations logos).

Steve Packard

Very very cool! I am actually surprised this is even possible.

The only unfortunate thing is that it is command line, so you can’t just surf around the dial for your favorite HD stations, but hopefully someone will take this code and turn it into something that will let that happen!


There’s a very nice GUI for both Windows and Linux. The Linux GUI is here: and there’s a Windows GUI here: They both work well for me and the Windows version even includes binaries.

Aldo Cugnini

Has anyone thought about integrating NRSC5 into SDR# (or similar)? Is a plugin mechanism available?

If you want to be sued

Distributing a binary I think is a problem, whoever does so would be sued by mpegla for non payment of licensing fees for use of their patent portfolio which would cover the modified MPEG-4 HE-AAC codec used in NRSC5. And by iBiquity Digital Corporation for their patent portfolio. One option is to wait the ~20 years until the patents expire (which for HE-AAC should probably be about 7 or 8 years from now).

Robert Dinse

Because they built it on a prior open source compression alogrithm, prior art could be claimed and their entire patents thrown out. Given that the broadcast industry gives them 9% revenue for the privilege, I doubt they’d want to risk that.


You got that completely wrong. The NRSC-5 standard is openly published and anyone can write and distribute a binary that decodes NRSC-5 audio and data. The reference documents are here:

Lou Schneider

HD meant Hybrid Digital when the system was being developed along with occasionally being referred to as High Definition. Then Ibiquity (the patent holder and licensing agent) proclaimed that HD was a trademark that stood for nothing. All previous interpretations were flushed down the memory hole.

Zoot Suit

I am viewing Album Art while listening. Here’s how I did it in summary:
I am using the option to dump the output to disk, second, I use a batch loop to look every 3 seconds in the dump and copy the most recent *.jpg received to “image.jpg” and then thirdly, I use ffmpeg to make a stream “radio.ts” out of the audio file and the most recent jpg; fourth, I can watch “radio.ts” in VLC. My core i5-2380p cpu is ~15% one core only. Example:
Step 1: nrsc5 -l 2 -p 9 -o vlc\audio.adts -f adts –dump-aas-files vlc 98.1 1
Step 2: Batch.bat
FOR /F “tokens=*” %%A IN (‘dir /b /o:-d WBUL*.jpg’) DO copy %%A image.jpg /Y & goto brake2
timeout /t 3 /nobreak
goto refresh
Step 3: ffmpeg -y -loglevel quiet -hide_banner -loop 1 -re -i “.\vlc\image.jpg” -re -i “.\vlc\audio.adts” -async 5 -b:a 192k -ac 2 -b:v 10k -r 1 -shortest -f mpegts “.\vlc\radio.ts”
Step 4: vlc vlc\radio.ts


I almost have this working per your description above. When I copied and pasted the Step 2 batch file contents, I had to retype the single and double quotes because copying from the web page and pasting into the .bat file did not provide the correct characters. I’m getting the files extracted from the data so and I can open the audio.adts file in VLC so my next step is to install ffmpeg to merge the pics and audio stream together and open the radio.ts in VLC.
Thanks so much for providing the above info!


This is what ended up working for me. I put all of the nrsc5 files in a new folder c:\HDRadio. Created a new folder c:\VLC (Even though I have VLC installed in program files folder) Created c:\vlc\1\image.jpg empty file. I had to put two “-” before dump-aas-files. Installed ffmpeg. The files I uploaded below were actually compiled using the instructions from and did not work properly for me. I had to use the files that Zoot Suit uploaded to I’m running Win 7 64 bit on Intel i5 2400S.
nrsc5 -l 2 -p 53 -o c:\vlc\audio.adts -f adts –dump-aas-files c:\vlc 102.1 2

Second (I put the contents below “c:\vlc” into a batch file)
FOR /F “tokens=*” %%A IN (‘dir /b /o:-d *.jpg’) DO copy %%A c:\vlc\1\image.jpg /Y & goto brake2
timeout /t 3 /nobreak
goto refresh

ffmpeg -y -loglevel quiet -loop 1 -re -i “c:\vlc\1\image.jpg” -re- i “c:\vlc\audio.adts” -async 5 -b:a 192k -ac 2 -b:v 10k -r 1 -shortest -f mpegts “c:\vlc\radio.ts”

Open radio.ts in VLC


I tried to use the instructions from my last post and found a copy/replace mistake. In the third step, -re- i should have been -re -i
Don’t forget, if you copy paste from here to manually replace ” and ‘ by deleting and retyping.


I’m pretty new at this and I was wondering if anyone has a step by step procedure to have my RTL-SDR work with sdrsharp. Device works in SDRSharp but not in the cmd line mode.

I keep getting this error:
C:\sdrsharp-x86\HDradio\nrsc5\nrsc5 89.1 0
22:33:29 INFO main.c:192: [0] Generic RTL2832U OEM
usb_open error -3
Please fix the device permissions, e.g. by installing the udev rules file rtl-sdr.rules
22:33:29 FATAL main.c:295: rtlsdr_open error: -3

Stephen Ferrell

If you’re trying to use the nrsc5.exe binary with SDRSharp already running, then there’s your problem. The nrsc5.exe binary is a standalone app that doesn’t work with SDRSharp, nor was it intended to. Only one app at a time can access your RTL-SDR dongle so if SDRSharp is running, then nrsc5.exe cannot open the dongle for use.


Thank you for the reply. Yes, I ran the nrsc5 by itself and it ran. 🙂

Zoot Suit

Windows-compiled binary, 32-bit flavor. Should work on a lot of windows machines. Hope this helps y’all.

Zoot Suit

Link no worky


Works for me


It didn’t work before but now it does. I was getting some kind of key regeneration error from Mediafire.


This is the first time I successfully compiled a program under Windows. I achieved similar results compared to Zoot Suit but with different dlls. Not sure why, but after spending an hour and a half installing and compiling stuff that I had no interest in, I wanted to share my results in case the file Zoot Suit linked was not working for someone else.
It worked for me with the following command line but only after reinstalling zadig drivers again, even though my RTL-SDR was working under SDR# and HDSDR beforehand.
nrsc5 -d 0 -g 490 -w samples1071 97.1 0


FATAL main.c:285: rtlsdr_open error: -12

John Spears

It appears your version works better when gain needs to be reduced, for ex multi antenna setup or very powerful antenna.


I’ve created a Facebook group for those with accounts
I figured it would be an easy way to share tips, scripts, reception reports, and provide or get help. If you friended me on Facebook for the purpose of any of those things, that is the place to go.


Has anyone else tried no decode DX’ing just attempting long distance block detection? I let my sdr run the night before and was able to detect a few blocks with an indoor telescopic dipole of a station at 60 miles away as the crow flies. I can copy the station fine in analog with some static and a custom filter. I would love to play with it during a tropospheric ducting event. I was just curious if anyone else has tried this.


Can you explain how this “no decode DX’ing” is done? As far as I can tell, nrsc5 provides only audio decode, not data (RDS?) recovery.


So I tuned to a station that I can barely get in analog. I parked nrsc5 on that station over night and was able to get a couple of these: First block @ 6 It’s a similar concept to trying to DX with HD lock lights on radios. If you get a block, a sync, or better yet a demodulation of the audio even for a second of a distant station you’re doing it.


I was able to lock this morning at 60+ miles with an indoor antenna with no amplifier.

Timing offset: 1085.875000, slope: 19.156250 (adjust)
MER: -6.983389 dB (lower), -7.291071 dB (upper)
BER: 0.161592, avg: 0.161592, min: 0.161592, max: 0.161592
failed to fix header
unable to find program, or corrupted.
lost sync (-1, -1)!
Timing offset: 994.687500, slope: -15.250000 (adjust)


Maybe someone who is more aware of the fine details can answer this curiosity for me: Given the modification to the AAC audio stream, how much effort would be needed to have it modified on the fly back to a standard bit stream that is compatible with regular AAC/HE-AAC decoders on the market?

My thought, purely for research or personal purposes, is eventually being able to bit stream the audio to an Icecast server, no transcoding, and have it behave with standard AAC decoders.


I had considered doing this, but it seemed like too much work. After your comment, I couldn’t resist though. The complexity comes from the fact that parsing an AAC packet is non-trivial, e.g. huffman tables, etc. I borrowed some code from FAAD2 to ease the pain.

The code is in github ( I confirmed that I was able to stream it to a local icecast server and play it with VLC.


Awesome. Glad to hear that made it in. Still need to play around with it some more and tweak my setup. Been trying to run it in a VM but the PPM is fluctuating wildly all over the place and won’t sync up. So going to try and move it over to a Pi 3 and see how that fares.


Has anyone gotten this to compile under Cygwin x86_64 ? I’m running into many unresolved symbols during the linking phase, such as R_X86_64_PC32. Can provide complete error info if someone would like to take a look.


For those interested, the repository ( now has an experimental branch. The experimental branch should handle gain and ppm options for you, so you should no longer need to provide those.

David P

Okay, that is slick! I’m not fighting with ppms and guessing on gain anymore, and most everything is coming in from my town.

Thanks! I’ll have to keep an eye on this as things improve. Wish I knew some code so I could help out..


The experimental branch is working great on x86. Lower CPU usage and I’m now able to pull just about all the local stations. I was also able to build the experimental branch on ARM and I’m also seeing substantially low CPU usage there but I am still unable to over the air decode with the exact same sdr setup for some reason. It’s incredible work and the new ARM code paves the way for some exciting projects.

Tom Reitzel

recent commit to experimental branch (affects output.c NeAACDecInitHDC) results in failure to compile … implicit declaration


I can’t build it because it says its missing liquid.h


Fixed that
Now my problem is that it says
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
linked by target “nrsc5” in directory /home/william/build2/src

— Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also “/home/william/build2/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log”.

I would love the help!


I had that error, too. If I recall correctly, I fixed it by installing the librtlsdr-dev package.

David P

Yes! This was just (presuming you have a Ubuntu/Debian variant) making sure all of the -dev packages were loaded, like librtlsdr-dev. I had the same thing happen, but I had to install autoconf as well.


Thanks for the help!
My problem now is that is says “nrsc5: command not found”.
Sorry if my comment is a duplicate as my previous comment in response to this has disappeared on my side.
I am running Ubuntu 16.04.2LTS


If your current directory is your build folder, try src/nrsc5, as the README suggests.
It sounds as if you have not fully completed the installation. After the make step, use the command “sudo make install”. After that, you can invoke nrsc5 no matter what the current directory. The README omits that important step.


Thank you soo much! It finished completely!
It’s just now the next problem is when I run the command “nrsc5” it just says “nrsc5: command not found”
Could be I’m doing a stupid?


For those having problems, note that nrsc5 is very fussy about ppm adjustment. Experimentation is necessary. For me, only ppm values between 44 and 46 work.
Thanks Theori for your excellent work.


Whilst it is a great piece of detective work, it has been known that the compression was a modified version of MP4 which is HE-AAC compression for a very long time. This is version 1. Version 2 used in the DAB+ versions used in Australian and Europe also include Parameter stereo which sends a mono signal along with a PS signal which steers the sound around the sound stage and only 3 kbit/s required. SBR is available in Version 1 and 2. The latest compression is xHE-AAC which has improved compression of speech signals where 12 kbit/s produces good quality speech which is used in Digital Radio Mondiale.
HD radio with FM simulcast options for channel data rates are;
P1 service mode 25 kbit/s, P2 74 kbit/s, P3 0 kbit/s in the standard hybrid mode
P2 service mode 25, 74, 12 kbit;s Extended hybrid mode which has digital sidebands closer to the stations FM signal Extended hybrid mode
P3 service mode 25, 74, 25 kbit/s Extended hybrid mode
P4 service mode 25, 74, 50 kbit/s Extended hybrid mode
Greater data rates are available if the FM signal is switched off to give a pure digital signal.
In DAB+ countries the lowest data rate used for a single program is 32 kbit/s using SBR and PS.
The digital signal is 1/25th of the FM power. This is the reason why receivers will mix the digital and analog signal on the main program as the digital error rate rises. When the digital falls over the cliff, you are listening to FM which, when the noise level is high will fade the left-right signal until it becomes mono the last event is that the FM mute operates to stop the annoying hiss heard when there is no FM signal.
In Australia the main DAB+ transmitters which are a pure COFDM signal are 50 kW effective radiated power vertically polarised to match car antennas and telescopic antenna in portable radios. They typically carry 20 – 24 programs on a channel bandwidth of 1.5 MHz with the channel frequency between 174 – 230 MHz as compared to 88 – 108 MHz for your HD radio. From the same towers FM transmitters are 150 kW with horizontal and vertical polarisation.

Dennis Nilsson

What do you do when a DAB+ transmitters fails and all the 20 – 24 programs goes off air? Total silence? All of the DAB+ transmitters 20 – 24 programs are silienced. Where will the citizens get their emergency information from?

aldo cugnini

This is why broadcasters build failover redundancy into their facilities.

J Hill

Good work guys , you only need one of the sideband/ jamming signals to get a decode , most of the stations runnign the dual sideband are only doing it to jam the smaller stations , most broadcasters and sirius/XM sounds like trash due to codec stacking .
Next i would like to see a pirate HD transmitter come out so we can reclaim the airwaves before corporate stations change the laws and shut down all the small independent analog stations we love and make everyone buy new HD radio’s as they did with HD TV…
fight the power !


I cant get anything to tune in rtlfm works fine with
rtl_fm -f 94500000 -M wbfm -s 200000 -r 48000 – | aplay -r 48k -f S16_LE
but doing the same with this I cant get it to sync it has a clear view in gqrx of the sidebands
src/nrsc5 -g 490 94500000 0
I do see a potential problem [R82XX] PLL not locked! it doesnt say that with rtl_fm unless I change the frequeency to something crazy
I have tried a whole range of gain to see if that made a difference but nothing changes
Anything I can look into? Thanks


I dropped the gain -g and it works (I simply dont know enough about all this stuff)
Awesome work!


I have the same problem, but dropping the gain parameter doesn’t help. What is your successful command line for nrsc5? I might just be missing something that the developer thought was obvious.
Does the program keep spitting out lines like
avg: 1200.250000, slope: -34.500000, freqerr: 50.750717
when it is working properly? If so, what sort of values do you get. I have no idea what are good or bad numbers.


My successful command was src/nrsc5 -p 32 94500000 0
It doesnt work on lower signal channels I had to find ones with the highest sidebands I could in gqrx
yea it outputs that if its working properly or not
The first thing to look for if its working is first block @ 18 it takes about 5 seconds
on lower signal it may find a block synchronize then become unsynchronized on lower signal you wont see anything just the avg: stuff I havent worked out the gain to get the lower signals working very well yet
Heres a output on a high signal stations

[0] Generic RTL2832U OEM
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
Exact sample rate is: 1488375.071248 Hz
[R82XX] PLL not locked!
avg: 1152.312500, slope: 0.000000, freqerr: -20.000446
avg: 1152.375000, slope: 0.031250, freqerr: -17.717134
first block @ 30
BER: 0.026043, avg: 0.026043, min: 0.026043, max: 0.026043
pdu_seq: 0, seq: 0, nop: 33
ignoring partial pdu
avg: 1154.000000, slope: -0.093750, freqerr: -20.059990
BER: 0.034008, avg: 0.030025, min: 0.026043, max: 0.034008
pdu_seq: 1, seq: 32, nop: 32


Thanks, Jeff.
My problem was with the -p parameter. That value is critical. I found the right value for my RTL-SDR device through trial and error.
In my area there is only one FM station that has HD sidebands.

David P

I went into gqrx and tried as hard as I could to get to the center frequency by fixing the ppm. This went a long way to getting to where I needed to be. One trick was to adjust to according to my local NOAA station by ear first, then by matching up the lines.


What I did was run rtl_test -p for ten minutes or so it gives you the ppm
real sample rate: 2048067 current PPM: 33 cumulative PPM: 32
just use that ppm!

Nigel Gunn

It’s not High Definition radio and like DAB in Europe, audio quality is generally inferior to standard FM on decent equipment.

Robin Cross

As a retired Chief Engineer of several NPR Stations, this is not true. HD stands for nothing. Frequency response is 20 Hz to 20K Hz. HD does eliminate multipath due to redundant sidebands. I am stating facts. Subjective quality assessments are for you to decide.


I thought it was marketing term standing for Hybrid Digital. Full digital (which I know is not legal) is said to be able to carry a 5.1 surround signal. That’s what iBiquity claimed anyway.


It’s the redundant sidebands that eliminate multipath. Both of them form a channel.

FWIW the mulitpath is not eliminated but DSP allows it to demod and recover the channel during multipath conditions. Channel estimation, channel prediction, add a cyclic prefix are all things that help.


I missed a word in my previous comment. It’s NOT the redundant sidebands that eliminate multipath


Excuse me, but to me multipath rejection comes from OFDM, using symbols much longer than signals time spread dispersion. Perhaps the the other sideband helps in the process, but it is not clear to me why. Maybe some frequency diversity effects beyond the coherence bandwidth… just guessing.


After some work with the developer I was able to get it running on any stream. I wrote a front end script to make tuning easier. I didn’t include a gain adjustment option as I’ve got it set right and I had no need to adjust ppm but it could be easily added. I made a demo video here:


Any chance of posting this to github?


Someone else has asked for it as well. I don’t know that I will make a github repo for scripts so simple but I told them I would clean it up and host it somewhere when I have time in the next few days. Just send me a friend request and I will let you know when it’s up. I plan on recompiling from the new branch so I don’t have to mess with gain or ppm adjustments but I will host the old scripts and add a ppm adjust for those that can’t upgrade to the new code for some reason.


No, the sidebands are redundant (or so iBuiquity told us in the beginning) That’s why you can run different power levels–e.g. -14 dBc on one side, -20 dBc on the other to avoid interfering with a station on the -20 side.


Both sidebands carry information and are both required to successfully decode a digital FM signal. You can view it as half of the information is in the lower sideband and the other half in the upper sideband. Because of the interleaving and convolutional coding, you would quite likely fail to decode without both sidebands.


Actually you only need one side band to decode.


The information is redundant and yes “some” receivers can happily decode HD on a single sideband; I have demonstrated that before on a Sony receiver; it can be done. I have publically shown this receiver operating on a single all-digital MP5 sideband within an HD Multiplex signal and produce audio. However, my experimentation has shown that some receivers loose HD lock quite easily on a single sideband and some won’t initially lock in even with clean signals. I assumed, but I have not proven, that these receivers look at both sidebands for symbol tracking and can get thrown off with random noise on one side; the difference may be between a receiver decoding the entire signal in an FFT or independently on a per sideband basis. I am convinced a robust receiver could be built for single sideband operation … this code base could prove that. Great job …


Good to see you here, Philipp! I’ve been following your progress for the past several years, and I’m pleased to know that a mind such as yours finds value here. HD Radio can be more than what it is today, and your work is helping to prove that. Cheers!


Just guessing: if both digital sideband are identical, a Costas loop may ease the process of obtaining a better lock.


I’m hoping someone takes this and makes a gui version of this, or at least some more complaining from the software when things aren’t working. I was able to play the samples, but I’m unable to make it go live.

avg: 617.062500, slope: 1.593750, freqerr: 146.766266

do I need to change things so that these numbers are different?


Those messages are informational and describe the sampling offset error and frequency error. They do not directly indicate an error or not.

If the signal is not syncing, then you should make sure you have a fairly clean signal and the gain/ppm options are correct.


Thanks, I’ve reran rtl_test -p and let it run for awhile, I initially ran it briefly, and it corrected the tuning enough for NFM. It looks like I do get output on the command line if it does tune properly. Now I just have a bunch of bad headers and CRCs but maybe I can raise the gain to help that out.

crc mismatch!
BER: 0.105525, avg: 0.078304, min: 0.042724, max: 0.110771
failed to fix header
unable to find program, or corrupted.
avg: 1442.812500, slope: -0.125000, freqerr: 85.688263
BER: 0.078568, avg: 0.078307, min: 0.042724, max: 0.110771
failed to fix header
unable to find program, or corrupted.
BER: 0.085330, avg: 0.078370, min: 0.042724, max: 0.110771
pdu_seq: 0, seq: 60, nop: 33

The gain is requiring a bit of trial and error, because I can receive the analog FM with a gain of zero :-/


It could be lack of processing resources. My 4 year old core i5 can do it just fine but it runs a core at 90%. My chromebook running Ubuntu can’t manage it. It pegs a core out at 100%. It seems nrsc5 is not multi threaded so even though I have the cores to spare, it just can’t do it. It tries though. It finds the blocks and syncs, but immediately looses sync. I’ve also noticed the signal has to be pretty strong and clean.

DoaJC Blogger

Do the two sidebands carry different information?


Wow! Well done! Easy to use and works really well. Only problem is the content. There’s nothing out there worth listening to and it’s not surprising this didn’t take off commercially. It was like when we got an SCA decoder, also cool but nothing worth listening to.

Christopher Gioconda

On the east coast of the US, especially between NYC and DC, plenty of popular stations have fantastic secondary channels, and the primary stations sound way better than SiriusXM.