SDRA2020 Online Conference Videos
The Software Defined Radio Academy is an organization that holds a conference within the yearly HAMRADIO fair in Friedrichshafen, Germany. This year due to the pandemic the conference was held online, and recently videos from the various talks have begun to slowly get uploaded to their YouTube channel.
The talks are typically very technical in nature, but if you're interested in cutting edge SDR research and applications then these are good talks to get caught up on. Currently there are seven videos that have been uploaded, but we are expecting that there are more to come since there are more talks listed in their programme. They appear to be uploading one video per day at the moment so get subscribed to their YouTube channel for the upcoming videos.
The currently uploaded talks include:
- A Keynote interview with N1UL Dr. Ulrich Rohde
- Laurence Barker G8NJJ: Using Xilinx Vivado for SDR Development
- Edwin Richter DC9OE, Crt Valentincic S56GYK: Usage of higher order Nyquist Zones with Direct Sampling Devices
- Prof. Dr. Michael Hartje DK5HH: Signalprocessing in the man made noise measurement system ENAMS
- Bart Somers PE1RIK: Long term spectrum monitoring using GNUradio and Python
We are looking forward to the upcoming talks like the one by Dr. Bastian Bloessl DF1BBL that discusses the GNU Radio on Android implementation.