SDRplay RSP Price Reduced to $129USD
The SDRplay RSP is a software defined radio with a 10 kHz to 2 GHz tuning range, 12 bit ADC and up to 8 MHz of visible bandwidth. Usually the RSP costs buyers $149 USD, but thanks to good exchange rates they have now reduced this price down to $129 USD. This price is only for purchases coming directly from their website at, and it appears that their local US resellers at HRO are keeping the original price (though it is still on sale until 30/09/2016 for $139 USD). SDRplay writes:
Thanks to the weakening of the GB Pound, the dollar exchange rate has changed significantly over the past few months. We have decided that we would like to pass on the benefit of this to our customers and so have reduced the price for which we sell the RSP to those customers who buy directly from us in US Dollars down to $129.
Funny how this coincides with the new Airspy performance improvements.
Love this little radio… I use it to characterize RFI for an area. See web site.