Tagged: dvb-s2

Some LimeSDR Demonstration Videos

Recently Michael DG0OPK wrote in and wanted to share some videos of the LimeSDR in action that he’s uploaded to YouTube. The first video shows LimeSDR running with the SDRangel software and receiving the 950 MHz mobile phone band. SDRangel appears to be GPU accelerated so the waterfall can show a lot of detail very quickly.

The second video shows the LimeSDR transmitting DVB-S/S2 on and ODROID XU4, and the signal being received on a PC using and Airspy, and being watched live with a standard DVB-S2 TV Card. The Odroid XU4 is a single board computer like the Raspberry Pi but much more powerful.

On his channel Michael also has some other LimeSDR videos that you can check out such as testing the LimeSDR with GNURadio on the 23cm band for full duplex DVB-S2, and running the LimeSDR at full speed 60fps, 50 MHz on a i7 PC.

The LimeSDR is a full duplex RX/TX capable SDR with a 100 kHz – 3.8 GHz frequency range, 12-bit ADC and up to 80 MHz of bandwidth. A unit currently a unit currently costs $289 USD on Crowd Supply.

Broadcasting DVB-S2 with the LimeSDR

The LimeSDR is a $299 USD software defined radio that has RX and TX capabilities, a tuning range of 100 kHz – 3.8 GHz, a 12 bit ADC and up to 61.44 MHz worth of bandwidth. It is currently seeking crowdfunding over at CrowdSupply.com, and there are still 170 early bird units available at a lower price of $249 USD. The funding campaign ends in 14 days at the time of this post.

In a recent blog post on the myriadrf website, beta tester Alexandru shows how the LimeSDR can be used to transmit DVB-S2 video using GNU Radio.  Alexandru used bladeRF dvbs2_tx.grc gr-dtv example which is provided with GNU Radio and modified it for the LimeSDR. He then transmitted the video stream and used an off the shelf satellite TV receiver to display the video, and an Airspy to monitor the spectrum. The gr-dtv library can also be used to transmit other video standards such as ATSC, DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-C and DVB-S2.

LimeSDR DVB-S2 GNU Radio Flowgraph
LimeSDR DVB-S2 GNU Radio Flowgraph

LimeSDR demo: High Definition Video Transmission using GNU Radio