Broadcasting DVB-S2 with the LimeSDR
The LimeSDR is a $299 USD software defined radio that has RX and TX capabilities, a tuning range of 100 kHz – 3.8 GHz, a 12 bit ADC and up to 61.44 MHz worth of bandwidth. It is currently seeking crowdfunding over at, and there are still 170 early bird units available at a lower price of $249 USD. The funding campaign ends in 14 days at the time of this post.
In a recent blog post on the myriadrf website, beta tester Alexandru shows how the LimeSDR can be used to transmit DVB-S2 video using GNU Radio. Alexandru used bladeRF dvbs2_tx.grc gr-dtv example which is provided with GNU Radio and modified it for the LimeSDR. He then transmitted the video stream and used an off the shelf satellite TV receiver to display the video, and an Airspy to monitor the spectrum. The gr-dtv library can also be used to transmit other video standards such as ATSC, DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-C and DVB-S2.
hi. how is it if i replace the receiver module with another same limeSDR module? do you have any reference to do that?
Is there any other way to Tx/Rx DVB-s2 in software other than using bladeRF dvbs2_tx.grc gr-dtv examples?
I currently use a SDR (UHFSDR) that can cover to 1Ghz (starts to roll off at 650Mhz) and could cover to 3.5Ghz with some modification. (i need to replace its current mixers and I/Q transformer)
This would make and excellent DVB-S exciter for uplinking to Eshailsat/P4A when it goes up in Q1/2017.
The 8MHz wide transponder is there specially for wide band experiments.
The uplink freq is around 2406MHz.