Tagged: schmoocon

Schmoocon 18: Live Stream of Micheal Ossmann and Schuyler St. Leger on Psuedo-Doppler begins in 15 minutes

Micheal Ossmann @michaelossmann (famous for creating the HackRF SDR and various other projects) and Schuyler St. Leger @DocProfSky (a very talented young man) will soon be presenting their "Pseudo-Doppler Redux" talk at the Schmoocon 2018 conference at 3:30pm EST. The talk is available for all to watch live on Livestream.

Michael Ossmann and Schuyler St. Leger demonstrate their new take on Pseudo-Doppler direction finding techniques, using SDR to enhance direction finding capabilities.

Schyler's Poster on Pseudo Doppler from GNU Radio Con 17.
Schyler's Poster on Pseudo Doppler from GNU Radio Con 17.