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Decoding NavTex with an SDRplay RSPDx, SDRUno and YanD

Over on YouTube TechMinds has uploaded a new video explaining NavTex and showing how to decode it with an HF capable SDR like the SDRplay RSPDx. NavTex is a marine digital data radio service designed for transmitting information like navigational and meteorological warnings, weather forecasts and maritime safety information. It is broadcast in either the MW frequency band at 490 kHz and 518 kHz or in the HF band at 4209.5 kHz.

In the video TechMinds uses a guide put out by Mike Ladd from SDRplay (pdf warning). The guide explains how to connect SDRuno to a NavTex decoder called YanD via a virtual audio cable. The rest of the video shows a NavTex message being decoded, some sample messages, and a closer look at YanD. 

Even if you don't use an SDRplay, the guide could be adapted for other SDRs too.

Decoding NavTex with Software Defined Radio - SDRuno RSPdx