Feeding Audio from SDR# To Multiple PCs over TCP

Thank you to M Khanfar for submitting his latest video that shows us how to use a launcher that he's created called "GUI SDR TCP STREAMER" (which is actually a combination of several freeware Windows programs including Advanced IP Scanner and TCP Streamer) to stream demodulated audio from SDR# to other PCs over a network connection.

TCP Streamer takes the audio from SDR# via VB-Cable, streams it over TCP to the client PC, then plays the audio on the client side speakers. We note that TCP Streamer should also work with any other SDR program that can output audio to VB-Cable.

SDR Audio TCP Streamer

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..wouldn’t it be quicker / easier / more up to date tech to just use Zello. Even the non comm home version allows 20 clients to one stream…I use it daily – I pop an audio cable into an old ‘droid phone (that has wifi only no sim installed) with Z installed and tune into the channel on whatever (PC, tablet or other phone) I want…wherever I want.


nice idea , now i can feeding audio to another pc in my home using tcp , thanks for sharing