Jeff Geerling Explores the CaribouLite Raspberry Pi Hat

The CaribouLite is a software-defined radio hat for the Raspberry Pi that was successfully funded on Crowd Supply in early 2022. Despite being a few years old, we've rarely heard news about the CaribouLite being used. However, Jeff Geerling, a popular YouTube maker, recently uploaded a video about CaribouLite.

In the video, Jeff explains that he uses a Raspberry Pi 4, noting that the newer Raspberry Pi 5 actually cannot be used, as they have changed the architecture by placing an RP1 chip in between the SMI memory interface used by the CaribouLite to transfer data. He goes on to show the installation procedure, referring to the instructions he's written on his blog post. Jeff goes on to demonstrate the CaribouLite operating in GQRX, and receiving some example signals.

Finally, Jeff shows how he powered the CaribouLite via the Raspberry Pi PoE (Power over Ethernet) hat, noting that he had to use GPIO and a custom 4-pin extender to support both hats at the same time. He then shows how he mounted the stack in his Raspberry Pi rack.

Radio Hacking 101: Raspberry Pi SDR with a CaribouLite

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