Mike from SDRplay Compares the RSPdx Against Other SDRs on MW/LW
Over on the SWLing post blog we've seen a post contributed by Mike Ladd who works with SDRplay. Mike has been comparing the new SDRplay RSPdx on medium wave and long wave reception against the Elad FDM-S2, Airspy HF+ Discovery and the Perseus. The RSPdx is SDRplay's latest product which sits at the top of their line as their highest performance single tuner receiver.
Each test consists of a video where he runs a comparison between the RSPdx and another receiver. All SDRs are run in SDRuno, the official application for SDRplay receivers. It is left for the listener to determine which SDR sounds better. From a listeners perspective, it appears that the RSPdx performs at least identically to the other SDRs.
1… I can’t see what is what on the video…2…the noise floor makes the comparison useless, the software is the same and all sDRs are limited by the same noise, so results are the same too.