New Raspberry Pi image preloaded with software available for the SDRplay
Over on their forums the SDRplay team have just released a new Raspberry Pi image which comes preloaded with the drivers and a bunch of ready to use software. They write
We have released a Raspberry Pi 3 image that has a number of SDR applications pre-built and tested that support the RSP. Periodically, we will update the image with software updates and new software.
The current list of software included on the image is:
SoapySDR/SoapySDRPlay, SoapyRemote, ADS-B (dump1090), CubicSDR and SDR-J DAB receiver
Please note: This is a complete OS with software image. Writing the image to a micro SD card will wipe the micro SD card of any other data that is on there, so we recommend you make sure you have backed up any data on your existing micro SD card or you use a new micro SD card.
1. Download image. There are two downloads provided, the 7zip version is just a smaller download but not everyone has 7zip which is why we also provide a zip download. The links are here: (2.7 GB) … 0.1.img.7z (2.0 GB)
2. Extract the contents of the compressed file. This will extract to a .img file which will be about 7.2 GB
3. Use an image writer such as Win32DiskImager ( to put the image onto the micro SD card.
WARNING: Please make sure that you use the correct drive letter for the micro SD card. The image writing software will completely remove any data that is on the destination media.That’s it – put the micro SD card into the Raspberry Pi 3 micro SD card slot and boot the system. Allow the system to fully boot and you will see a GUI that will allow you to run each of the applications or read further information.
We also recommend that you use an active cooling system on your Raspberry Pi 3 to avoid any issues with over heating. In our tests, we have used heatsinks and a fan in a case. The CPU speed will be throttled if the temperature gets too hot, so for optimum use this is really recommended. These cases are available at reasonable prices from many Raspberry Pi stores.
If you are a developer of software that supports the RSP and you would like to be included on the image that we will release periodically, please contact us at [email protected] – currently we’re aiming to update the image every quarter, this will largely depend on software availability and what the demand is.
We are aware of other software that we are looking to get onto the next release such as Pothos and more SDR-J software. We will work with developers on any issues we’ve seen during this process so that we can get them onto future images.
Best regards,
SDRplay Support
Last week we posted about Kevin Loughin’s video where he showed how to get CubicSDR and an SDRplay running on a Raspberry Pi 3. This new ready to go image saves you from needing to perform the install process.
new version is out so the above is an old link.
Not available. 404. Bummer. And this page was the first in a Google search.
Shame it doesn’t work (like everything else on the raspberry pi) Doesn’t even see my rtl-sdr dongle
if nothing works on your PI, you are using the wrong power supply. Use minimum of 5.2v 2a.
enabled fake KMS and set GPU mem to 256 MiB for a nice fps boost.
sample rate limited to 2MHz, bigger and the audio gets choppy.
pi temperature is 61’c and 94% cpu usage with 7 modems running.
****** >>>>>> WARNING <<<<<< ******
– by default the above image allows trivial MITM ssh interception, because the private ssh keys (/etc/ssh/ssh_host_*) of the system are published and exactly the same on every system installed. For security they should be unique on every system installed. This is usually achieved by a startup script ( /lib/systemd/system/regenerate_ssh_host_keys.service ) that runs on the first boot and deletes itself.
I've contacted the above email address, I personally would avoid using the image until they issue an updated version.
I really like the idea of a Image filr for the Raspberry Pi complete with Software defined radio programs.’
Could do a Raspberry Pi Image for their RTL Dongles (RTL2832U) ?
Maybe, i’m not an expert on licencing though. As far as i’m aware the RTL-SDR drivers, and some software can’t be distributed, it needs to be downloaded directly from the source. So only something like a script would be legal. Any one have any insight?
Tried CubicSDR before on my pi3 and found it too slow, but i’ve ordered a fan case as they recommend and i’ll give it another go.
shame CubicSDR can’t record audio would be nice to leave it running overnight and while at work then listen later.
currently using RTL_airband to record Marine band which uses very little cpu on the pi3.