RTLAMR: An RTL-SDR Receiver for 900MHz ISM Smart Meters
Smart meters are meters that monitor electricity usage and wirelessly transmit consumption data to the electricity company. They are a part of the “smart grid”, and allow for better electricity control and usage reporting.
Douglas recently wrote in to us to let us know about his work on RTLAMR, an RTL-SDR based Automatic Meter Reader (AMR) decoder. Currently Douglas has tested the decoder on his local Itron C1SR smart meters, but notes that it should work on any meter using the common AMR protocol known as Electronic Receiver Transmitter (ERT).
Over on his website Douglas has also done a neat writeup discussing the ERT protocol and showing how he decoded it, including the steps of preamble detection, matched filtering, bit slicing and error correction.
We would like to note that we also recently posted about a similar project about decoding Elster R2S smart meters.