Airspy New Year Competition: Comment to win Airspy and SpyVerter Prizes!
The team behind the Airspy have given us permission to give away three Airspy related prizes for the New Year Holidays! The first prize is an Airspy R2 + Spyverter, the second prize is an Airspy Mini + Spyverter and the third prize is a Spyverter.
The Airspy is a high performance yet low cost software defined radio with a 12-bit ADC and tuning range between 24 – 1800 MHz. It is an attractive device as its dynamic range exceeds all other SDRs in a similar price range. Its performance begins to approach that of the very high end expensive SDRs. High dynamic range means that weak and strong signals can coexist in the received spectrum without any overload occurring. We have previously written reviews of the Airspy R2 and Airspy Mini on our blog.
The Spyverter is a high performance upconverter that allows the Airspy to tune to LF/MW/HF frequencies between DC – 30 MHz. The Spyverter perfectly compliments an Airspy device as it is also a very high dynamic range device. It also works perfectly with the bias tee on our V1/V2/V3 dongles. We previously reviewed the Spyverter here.
More information about these products can be found at
How to Enter
Competition is now finished. Winners will be announced and emailed shortly. Thanks to all who entered!
Larry (Airspy R2 + SV)
If I am going to win something from this one stuff, me build internet remote receiver on hill in central Europe (CZ) for all readers and fans of website, generally for all RTL SDR enthusiasts….. :-)))
Pour Felicitér 2017
Larry (Ladislav)
kevin (Airspy Mini + SV)
been a ham a couple years now. their are so many uses for sdr’s ! it’s so cool. just looking down the list of others comments, i was like ‘oh ya’ forgot about that idea. awhile back we did a demo at our ham club with a el cheapo sdr and it sparked some interest , would like to play around with some of the newest toys, worlds of diff in capabilities. ultimate goal is to find the right one for the clubs emergency trailer. seeing the bands and whats going on, is priceless 🙂
Josh (SpyVerter)
I’d love to finally get into the HF band!
The winners were randomly selected using, and all have now been emailed. If you’re a winner, please check your email and spam folder just in case.
Thank you all for participating! It’s really great to see all the variety in what projects people are doing. There were about 500 valid entries resulting in about a 0.6% chance of winning. Keep an eye out for future contests!
Simply make a comment on this post explaining what you’d do like to do with an Airspy or Spyverter if you won one.
The address will only be visible to us, and we promise not to use it for any other purpose.
Rules: The winners will be selected at random. One entry per person only. You must legally be allowed to receive the prize.
Draw closes in one week on 3 January 2017, 11:59PM UTC Time.
Looking for a new SDR to try out vivaldi antennas with
Would like to test combo in my HF station to compare with weak signals
I would use it for hf channalizer. And public transport radio receiving.
Would be great. I would continue my hobby to revere engineer data signals.
WIN AIR SPY = ((((( I WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD)))))) Muhahahahaha =0)
I would use the equipment for automated monitoring of satellite telemetry.
I would like to experiment with new digital modes and monitoring VHF and UHF transmissions. Also, I’m still a big fan of HF transmissions so this would be interesting too.
Main interest is image communications eg. Wefax (HF), SSTV & DSSTV (HF, VHF, Sat), & weather satellites (APT, LRPT & HRPT, both GEOS & POES). Unfortunately, no DATV near me.
I would spy on the air.
For learning more about GSM comms
I will listen to planets (some, ex. Jupiter…) – with a good antenna, and other celestial bodies on a wide range of different frequencies…
I would spend more time away from my wife, geeking out on RF research.
I would use my Airspy for ham radio, especially satellites. And I would definitely use the SpyVerter for short wave listening!
Hello . i would really wish to win this prize. im from mexico i live in cancun , and this kind of equipement is really out of what i can afford. im currently using a cheap sdr dongle that i managed to purchase . i was not able to afford an education so i teach myself reading tutorials and when i learn something new i upload a video on my youtube channel . if i only could earn this prize it will make me happy and more people in mexico that speaks spanish and follows my channel too. please vote for me and i will make my best to make the best of it and not only for me but for newbies like me , thank you and happy year to all that read this
I would like to have an SDR with which I can hear HF and make it available as WebSDR
I want to receive HF and ADS-B mainly.
I want to compare it with RTL-SDR.
The airspy would make a great FM TV receiver for Amateur TV
I would surely develop some nice utility to drive the sdr in Linux!
I think I would snoop on my smartmeter off the bat.
Great dynamic…high temperature ! Good to have a second to diversity try.
I’d listen to EVERYTHING! Insert evil laugh here – thanks for the chance and happy new year!!
I need an airspy mini !!!
I want to listen to the weird radio dramas on cri…
I’m currently using small SDR Dongle, it’s fun but I want enjoy more fun. 🙂
I now have the small sdr dongel, but the price you can win is much better.
Want use one for HF monitoring. Interesting airspy for high dynamic range.
i love radio, and i would like to use them for L-band reception
I love radio. I want to check any of the devices. I am interested in ads
I would love to try some satellite reception.
Raspberry + sdr passive and active radar experiments as well as general radiowaves scouting.
A great gadget for portable operation. Would love to test with my loops, mini and maxiwhips!
With the 12-bit ADC it will help to sift out the faint 435/437 satellite band downlinks from the local ISM 433.92 loud stuff.
So many things to do with this stuff. Crossing fingers!
There are very few low cost options to capture high resolution wideband spectrum plots with sweep widths greater than about 10MHz. Airspy with SpyVerter running Spectrum Spy can do this. I want to use it to monitor 0-30MHz propagation and detect local VDSL and other interference sources.
It’d be a great step forward from those already funny cheapest dongles for HF utility monitoring, wefax and general listening. Hope to win!
That seems a good way to start monitoring UHF satellites! Good luck!
There is no limit when it comes to testing radio stuff 😀
I’d like to compare airspy and its converter with other sdr dongles for generic swling. Thanks for the opportunity!
Will be a great opportunity to explore new frontiers, in a country where a satellite race is developing and integrating with other nations with equal capabilities.
Due to my nightmare radio listening location and antenna restrictions i would like to see if the airspy’s improved dynamic range would improve my overall experiance. Anything would help at this point. Thanks to the people running the contest and thanks rtlsdr blog for being such a great source of info.
This would be amazing!