Introduction to Signal Analysis Baltimore-DC Course Live Stream and Recorded Videos

Earlier in the month we posted about the “Unallocated Space” free four week class on signal analysis taking place in the Baltimore-DC area. The course has now started and they are live streaming the lectures and saving them on YouTube. The first two classes have already passed, and two videos are uploaded.

The first class went over installing the RTL-SDR as well as showing a few examples of decoding some signals. The second class covers various modulation types and digital encoding schemes. They show how to learn how to identify various digital signals by listening to them and viewing them on the waterfall. The class slides are also available on links placed in the video description.

The third and fourth classes have not yet streamed. The third class will be live streamed on October 4, 7PM local time. Visit their YouTube channel for the videos. 

Introduction to Signal Analysis Week 1

Introduction to Signal Analysis Week 2

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