KiwiSDR Massdrop: $50 Saving on the Retail Price
The KiwiSDR is a wideband HF software defined radio that is designed to receive the entire 10 kHz – 30 MHz spectrum all at once. It works together with a BeagleBone single board computer and uploads it’s wideband radio data to the internet via the OpenWebRX SDR web interface and control software. Examples of KiwiSDRs shared publicly on the web with OpenWebRX can be found at
Back in April of last year the KiwiSDR was successfully crowd funded on Kickstarter, and was later released for general ordering in October from SeeedStudio. Normally the KiwiSDR kit including KiwiSDR, BeagleBone, enclsoure, GPS antenna and SD card costs $299 USD.
Currently a Massdrop is underway for KiwiSDR (it seems that the link only works for logged in users). If you didn’t already know, a Massdrop is an organized group buy effort. Buy grouping several individual orders together and making a bulk order, the manufacturer is likely to give a discount. Currently the price for the KiwiSDR kit on the Massdrop is $249.99 USD ($50 saving on the regular price), with only 2 days remaining to join in. Once finished, the estimated shipping date is April 24, 2017.

$250 seems very expensive for me still if I can listen to them free online (