Tagged: sdr4space

DragonOS: Automated Spectrum Analysis with SDR4Space.lite

Over on YouTube Aaron has uploaded a video showing how he is using the SDR4Space.lite package in DragonOS to do some interesting experiments with automated spectrum analysis using a PlutoSDR or RTL-SDR. As a reminder, Aaron is responsible for DragonOS which is a Linux OS with many SDR software programs preinstalled (including SDR4Space.lite).

This video shows how to use the RTLSDR/PlutoSDR with some of the prebuilt SDR4space.lite javascript examples preinstalled in DragonOS Focal.

I start out showing the new IQ recording script w/both the RTLSDR or the PlutoSDR. After a recording is triggered, the saved file can be looked at with inspectrum, SigDigger, etc. The javascript itself can be modified to produce desired results, but by default it's setup to record POCSAG.

The second half of the video shows how to use the wide spectrum analysis javascript to look at 88-108Mhz. The script produces a graphical representation of the RF spectrum along with a spreadsheet containing the corresponding RF information.

Any of these scripts can be modified, new ones can be built, and cron jobs or other scripts could call upon them as needed. I hope to do more videos once I figure out how to take the data and put it into some sort of database.

DragonOS Focal Automate Spectrum Analysis + IQ recording w/ SDR4space.lite (RTLSDR, PlutoSDR) part 1

SDR4Space: Software Tools for SDR Based Satellite Ground Stations

Over on Reddit we've seen that SDR4Space, a provider of a satellite ground station receiver hardware and software has released a free feature limited lite version of their embedded software over on their GitHub page. In the Reddit comments the software is explained as follows:

It's a command-line tool using scripts, for SDR users. You can write your own scripts to: record IQ samples, predict satellite passes, start a record for a specific satellite and correct doppler at the same time.

It's also useful to record narrow subband IQ streams ( example: 48kHz wide instead of 2.048 MHz on rtlsdr, a single signal on HF is only few kHz wide).

You can work on IQ files: cut, resample, merge, convert formats and so on.

Having said that you can recognize features from predict, rx_sdr/rtl_sdr ,rtl_power/rx_power.

Regarding installation, a Debian package is provided, installing application and some examples in /opt/vmbase directory. Most of dependencies are installed by the package. But you should install SoapySDR and Soapy drivers for your SDR device first by yourself if not yet done !

To understand how it works, the best is perhaps starting download TLE and print a passes list, using scripts in ./sat/ directory.

For the next SSTV event I'd try to run unattended reception of ISS (from ./sat/sat_receiver directory).

From the examples, it appears that you can script a fully automated doppler corrected satellite signal receiver with the SDR interface connecting through Soapy, and all the DSP handled by the SDR4lite library.

SDR4Space Logo