Tagged: teensy

Teensy SDR Updates and User Interface Demo

Last year in April we posted about the Teensy SDR, which is a SDR project that involves running a SoftRock SDR on a Teensy 3.1 Microcontroller. The Teensy is a tiny microcontroller board that uses a 32-bit ARM processor and the SoftRock SDR is a HF only software defined radio kit that is capable of RX and TX. Back then the Teensy SDR has no enclosure and the user interface hadn’t been finished.

In his latest YouTube videos, creator of the Teensy SDR rheslip20 (aka VE3MKC) shows his latest improvements to the project and in the second video shows off the user interface. In the future he hopes to implement TX capability too.

Teensy SDR User Interface Demo - Tuning around the bands

TeensySDR: SoftRock SDR On a Teensy Microcontroller

Amateur Radio Hobbyist VE3MKC has been working on a project involving running a SoftRock SDR on a Teensy 3.1 Microcontroller. The Teensy is a tiny microcontroller board that uses a 32-bit ARM processor and the SoftRock SDR is a HF only software defined radio kit.

VE3MKC wrote code to first digitize then multiply the signal with a digital VFO before finally applying a low pass filter. He found that the Teensy’s microcontroller has sufficient CPU power to have an LCD RF spectrum display and process the audio output at the same time. Two videos of his project have been uploaded to YouTube.

TeensySDR - a Simple Software Defined Radio using the Teensy 3.1

Teensy SDR IQ Signal Processing