Tech Minds Demonstrates Iridium Live on a Raspberry Pi

Over on YouTube Tech Minds has uploaded a video of him demonstrating Iridium Live plotting Iridium satellite tracks in real time. We just posted about Iridium Live yesterday. It is a new program by microp11, who is also the author of Scytale-C, a useful Inmarsat STD-C decoder. The software works with gr-iridium to visualize Iridium satellite tracks as they pass overhead.

In the video Tech Minds runs the software on a Raspberry Pi with an Airspy. The current video is only a demonstration, but in the near future he promises to upload a full tutorial

IridiumLIVE - Real Time Visualization Of Iridium Satellites - Raspberry Pi

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RF Guy

Iridium Decoder as a Plug-In for SDR-SHARP ( Windows)


Please author iridium decoder for windows !