Uni-SDR Link: Control SDR Console V2 with Unitrunker
A new program called Uni-SDR Link has just been released. This software allows Unitrunker to control SDR-Console V2.
Unitrunker is software that allows you to follow trunked voice conversations, and SDR-Console V2 is a general purpose receiver, similar to other software such as SDR#. The authors write:
This applications sole purpose is to allow Universal Trunker (aka Unitrunker) to control the tuning frequency of individual VFO’s in SDR Console v2. This is achieved by translating Unitrunker Receiver Control commands into a format accepted by SDR Console. Communication occurs over virtual com / serial ports.
Uni-SDR Link has been tested on Windows 7 & Windows 8 and requires .NET Framework version 4.0 or greater.
Just download & launch. No installation required.
The Uni-SDR-Link.chm file contains help for the application should be placed in the same directory as the Uni-SDR-Link.exe.