Using Aisdecoder to decode both AIS channels simultaneously
Recently SV3EXP wrote in to let us know that he has been documenting his experiences with trying to get aisdecoder to decode both AIS channels simultaneously. AIS stands for Automatic Identification System, and is a system used to track the locations of marine vessels. With an RTL-SDR or other SDR radio, and appropriate decoder software you can plot ship positions on a map. As the AIS system uses two separate channels for redundancy, you can get a faster and more reliable update rate if you monitor and decode both channels.
On his blog SV3EXP shows how he uses Linux and the "demod" and "csdr" tools to demodulate multiple channels at the same time from IQ data generated by rtl_fm. The demodulated data is then fed to the aisdecoder software for decoding, and then fed to aisdispatcher for feeding the AIS data aggregation website.
Of course the easier solution to decode both AIS channels at once is to use decoding software that already supports this, such as AISdeco2 or AISrec which can be downloaded at, and respectively. But regardless SV3EXP's method does show an interesting way to demodulate multiple streams using only command line tools.
SV3EXP also wanted to point out that he is selling a bias tee powered PSA4-5043+ based LNA on eBay which is compatible with the bias tee on our RTL-SDR Blog SDR units.

Have not seen but this one is really a simple solution:
Are those particular code files? I don’t know any programming languages other than html and a bit of Javascript.
Is there any precompiled raspberry images out there with AIS support, likt it is for ADS-b from flightaware and flightradar24??
This just what I’m looking for, sort of a marine version of flightware.. I don’t mind feeding if I can use the local feed for my purposes ..