Modded SUP-2400 Downconverters now Available at for $25
Last week we posted about KD0CQ’s interest check on his ready to go modded SUP-2400 downconverter. Interest was strong so the unit is now available for sale on a store he’s just set up at The ready to go unit costs $25 USD including a 9V battery plug and F->SMA or MCX adapter.
Last year KD0CQ discovered that the SUP-2400 is a cheap $5 – $10 DirecTV (US satellite TV) module which can be hand modded into a downconverter for the RTL-SDR. A downconverter allows you to listen to frequencies above the maximum frequency range of the RTL-SDR by converting frequencies down into a range receivable by the RTL-SDR (or of course any other SDR). The modified SUP-2400 allows to you listen up to just over 4 GHz.
The SUP-2400 modification is moderately involved and requires soldering and desoldering SMD pieces, so this product is great for anyone who just wants a cheap and low cost downconverter which is ready to go. And at $25 USD it’s still very good value. Shipping within the USA is $7.75, and internationally it is about $13.50.

To all interested parties:
If you have not received your Downconverter please email me at either chris at kd0cq dot com or [email protected] with your order number. I will issue you a refund or send you a new unit at your discretion.
I’ve had major issues with the company who handled the fulfillment side of everything. They’ve closed shop on me without warning and apparently did not send out a number of units. They’re also sitting on the remainder of my initial inventory and all my shipping funds. I won’t see anything until after their bankruptcy hearings, if then.
That’s no excuse, but that’s where my situation stands
In the meantime I’ve been issuing refunds or sending units with newly acquired parts to those who still want it.
No new orders are being accepted.
I ordered a downconverter end of October last (2017), I’ve still not received the item despite numerous unanswered emails. Has anybody received what they paid for ?
I got mine, and i’ve seen a few people receive them. Did you get a tracking number from him?
I purchased a downconverter on 28 Oct last, two days later on the 30 Oct I got an email from USPS stating that the item had been sent (with my correct name and address etc.) by ‘priority mail flate rate’. Then, a few mins later I got an email from RXTXDX stating that my order had been shipped… Great!!
A month later, on 30 Nov I got an email from the RXTXDX guy stating it appeared that the company that was handling shipping for him had not in fact being sending orders out and he was terminating his relationship with them and he would from then on, be handling all packing and shipping himself….Also, if I had not received my order by that time, let him know and he would “personally ship your order immediately”. I contacted him to say I hadn’t received mine and so please ship immediately. I have not yet received the item despite numerous unanswered emails.
Meant to add… yes.. I got a tracking number on the 30 Oct. The USPS tracking site says…
“October 30, 2017
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to USPS, USPS Awaiting Item
The U.S. Postal Service was electronically notified by the shipper on October 30, 2017 to expect your package for mailing. This does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date. Delivery status information will be provided if/when available.”
That status has not changed since then.
Odd, i’ll see if I can contact him and point him to these comments. He’s fairly active on and active in the community so i’m sure it’s just an oversight.
Many thanks Carl, I (and others) would appreciate it.
Email me at chris at kd0cq dot com and I’ll issue you a refund or new unit at your discretion.
To other interested parties:
I’ve had major issues with the company who handled the fulfillment side of everything. They’ve closed shop on me without warning and apparently did not send out a number of units. They’re also sitting on the remainder of my initial inventory and all my shipping funds. I won’t see anything until after their bankruptcy hearings, if then.
That’s no excuse, but that’s where my situation stands
In the meantime I’ve been issuing refunds or sending units with newly acquired parts to those who still want it.
No new orders are being accepted.
Thank you for coming on here, however, you hadn’t replied to my and other’s numerous emails to the address you gave above. I will email you again tomorrow and update here.
Many thanks
Same here, asked the guy for a tracking number multiple times. No answer. No reply on [email protected] or [email protected].
Has anybody received what he or she ordered ?
He’s got a notice on his page explaining the shipping troubles he’s had to some countries. Also check your spam folder, he notes that a lot of his mail is ending up there.
Anybody received it? 2 months passed, but still not received, and nobody answers me from [email protected]