Tagged: dipole antenna

Receiving Weather Images from NOAA Weather Satellites with an RTL-SDR Blog V4 and Multipurpose Dipole Antenna Kit

Over on YouTube Baltic Lab has uploaded a video showing how he was able to successfully use an RTL-SDR Blog V4 and the included multipurpose dipole antenna kit to receive images from polar-orbiting NOAA weather satellites.

In the video, Baltic Lab shows how to orient the dipole antenna in a "V-Dipole" shape which optimizes it for receiving from satellites. He also shows how to use a VNA to confirm that the telescopic elements on the dipole are extended to the correct length, noting that he was able to achieve a VSWR of less than 1.2 between the target frequencies of 135 to 138.1 MHz, with a near perfect match at 136.5 MHz.

He then demonstrates receiving the NOAA APT signals with his laptop, and successfully recovering the weather satellite image.

Images From Space: Receiving Weather Images Directly from NOAA Weather Satellites

Weatherproofing the RTL-SDR Blog Multipurpose Dipole Antenna

Thank you to YouTube user "ModernHam" for submitting his video that shows one way to weatherproof our 'RTL-SDR Blog Multipurpose Dipole Antenna'. This is the antenna we include as part of our RTL-SDR kit, and it is an excellent beginners antenna. Dipole antennas typically receive better than mag-whips, are easier to mount on windows, and can receive 137 MHz weather satellites too.

However, due to their portable telescopic collapsible design, our antennas are not designed for permanent outdoor use as dirt and grime can gum up the collapsing mechanism. In his video ModernHam decided to waterproof the dipole for permanent outdoor mounting. To do this he modified the plastic base by cutting it down, and then places the dipole inside a PVC pipe with some bubblewrap used to hold it in place. This keeps the elements out, and looks pretty good mounted up high too.

Weatherproofing a RTL-SDR Stock Dipole Antenna

RTL-SDR Blog V3 Units back in stock at Amazon

This is just an announcement post to say that the RTL-SDR Blog V3 is now back in stock at Amazon USA and should be ready for shipping from there soon.

These include our bundle that comes with the new multipurpose dipole antenna kit for $25.95 USD. Please go to rtl-sdr.com/DIPOLE for further information about the new dipole kit.

Click here to visit our store for the links

Our RTL-SDR Blog V3 with Multipurpose Dipole Kit.
Our RTL-SDR Blog V3 with Multipurpose Dipole Kit.