TETRA Decoding on Windows with Telive
TETRA is a type of digital voice and trunked radio communications system that stands for “Terrestrial Trunked Radio”. It is used heavily in many parts of the world, except for the USA. Telive is a decoder for TETRA which is compatible with RTL-SDR dongles, and has been around and in use for almost 2 years now. If you have unencrypted TETRA signals available in your area it can be used to listen in on them.
Telive is dependent on GNU Radio, so it is normally installed and used on a Linux system. Previously we wrote a tutorial on it’s installation and use, and other users have also made bootable Linux images of telive available.
However, now a TETRA experimenter by the handle of “cURLy bOi” has released a new prototype of a telive modification that works on Windows systems. It makes use of the GNU Radio for Windows development. The telive Windows file can be downloaded from curly’s webserver. His reademe file shows how to install and use the software and it reads:
This has been put together as lowest-effort configuration
to run telive on Windows system. I have also optimized to process (for example adding the CQPSK block to GRC since the python code in the original telive package is IN FACT some unused part of GNU Radio)Warning:
This package contains pre-compiled binaries that work on my 64-bit system. I have compiled them inside the M-SYS2 package. If you don’t trust me, you can follow the installation guide from telive docs, just be prepared you are going to need a lot of packages for the M-SYS2 (pacman -S gcc automake git wget, etc.)Install:
1) Download GNU Radio for Windows from http://www.gcndevelopment.com/gnuradio/downloads.htm
and install
2) Copy contents of gnuradio_mod to c:\Program Files\GNURadio-3.7\
3) Download and install M-SYS2 from https://sourceforge.net/projects/msys2/ and install
4) Copy contents of msys_root to your M-SYS2 installation directory
5) Download FFmpeg for Windows (64-bit Shared) from https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/
and extract everything from bin to usr\bin in your M-SYS2 installation directory
6) In M-SYS2 shell execute “pacman -S socat”
7) Get GNU Radio Companion (GRC) projects from original telive package at
(only udp or xmlrpc, pipes won’t work)
8) Open whatever GRC project you want to use and edit it:
– Delete the link between (all) Fractional Resampler and UDP Sink
– From the modules on the right (ctrl-f to search) drag CQPSK Demod to project
(If you don’t see CQPSK Demod then you have messed up #2)
– Connect Fractional Resampler -> CQPSK Demod -> UDP Sink
– Change UDP Sink Input Type to Float in its properties
– SaveUse:
1) Open GRC project of your choice (already with the CQPSK Demod box)
2) Use the Project/Execute to run the project from the GRC
– OR –
If you had headless (without GUI) project, use Project/Generate option
to generate top_block.py file in the GRC project directory.
Then open GNURadio Command Prompt from Start menu, the use this command
c:\Program Files\GNURadio-3.7\gr-python27\python.exe -u c:\path\to\grc\project\top_block.py
This will enhance performance.
3) Open new M-SYS2 shell for every channel in that project and execute
command “receiver1udp X” where X is the number of each channel in GRC project
4) Open new M-SYS2 shell, resize it to 203×60 and execute:
– cd /tetra/bin
– ./rxx OR ./rxx_xmlrpc (if you are using XMLRPC GRC project)
You can edit these files to match your preferences
5) That’s it, should work.
Note that we have not tested this out ourselves yet and can’t guarantee the file safety or that it works, but we have no reason to believe that it wouldn’t be safe or not work.
no files in the directory and the web site said error 404
when I execute
c:\Program Files\GNURadio-3.7\gr-python27\python.exe -u c:\path\to\grc\project\top_block.py
there is messege
‘c:\program’ is not recognized as an internal or external command
how to solve this
you need to enclose program Files between ” program Files because any file or folder name with a blank in it will cause windows to “think” that’s the first part of the command line. A good practice is to enclose the entire path between ” so just to avoid any problem. So your command line becomes:
“c:\Program Files\GNURadio-3.7\gr-python27\python.exe” -u c:\path\to\grc\project\top_block.py
This should work
Hi! I´ve installed, and everything is OK, but when I execute the project in GNU, I only can see Chanel 1, but not Full Spectrum. What can we do? Thanks!
Fixed, just hace to use Spectrum Scanner. The problem right now is that I can´t listen anything… I don´t if I have to use GQRX or another program as Mixer in Linux. Thanks for your help
I encounter the following error when opening wintelive_10channels.grc would you have a solution?
Block paths:
C:\Program Files\GNURadio-3.7\share\gnuradio\grc\blocks
Loading: “C:\msys64\tetra\projet landry\telive_1ch_simple_gr37_udp cqpsk brubru06.grc”
>>> Done
Generating: ‘C:\\msys64\\tetra\\projet landry\\top_block.py’
Executing: C:\Program Files\GNURadio-3.7\gr-python27\python.exe -u C:\msys64\tetra\projet landry\top_block.py
Win32; Microsoft Visual C++ version 14.0; Boost_106000; UHD_003.009.003-0-unknown
gr-osmosdr 164a09fc (0.1.5git) gnuradio
built-in source types: file osmosdr fcd rtl rtl_tcp uhd hackrf bladerf airspy redpitaya
Using device #0 Realtek RTL2838UHIDIR SN: jenda_F_-25
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
[R82XX] PLL not locked!
Exact sample rate is: 2000000.052982 Hz
[R82XX] PLL not locked!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\msys64\tetra\projet landry\top_block.py”, line 384, in
File “C:\msys64\tetra\projet landry\top_block.py”, line 378, in main
tb = top_block_cls()
File “C:\msys64\tetra\projet landry\top_block.py”, line 232, in __init__
self.digital_cqpsk_demod_0 = digital.cqpsk_demod(
AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘cqpsk_demod’
>>> Done
Generating: ‘C:\\msys64\\tetra\\projet landry\\top_block.py’
Executing: C:\Program Files\GNURadio-3.7\gr-python27\python.exe -u C:\msys64\tetra\projet landry\top_block.py
Win32; Microsoft Visual C++ version 14.0; Boost_106000; UHD_003.009.003-0-unknown
gr-osmosdr 164a09fc (0.1.5git) gnuradio
built-in source types: file osmosdr fcd rtl rtl_tcp uhd hackrf bladerf airspy redpitaya
Using device #0 Realtek RTL2838UHIDIR SN: jenda_F_-25
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
[R82XX] PLL not locked!
Exact sample rate is: 2000000.052982 Hz
[R82XX] PLL not locked!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\msys64\tetra\projet landry\top_block.py”, line 384, in
File “C:\msys64\tetra\projet landry\top_block.py”, line 378, in main
tb = top_block_cls()
File “C:\msys64\tetra\projet landry\top_block.py”, line 232, in __init__
self.digital_cqpsk_demod_0 = digital.cqpsk_demod(
AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘cqpsk_demod’
>>> Done
Generating: ‘C:\\msys64\\tetra\\projet landry\\top_block.py’
Generating: ‘C:\\msys64\\tetra\\projet landry\\top_block.py’
Executing: C:\Program Files\GNURadio-3.7\gr-python27\python.exe -u C:\msys64\tetra\projet landry\top_block.py
Win32; Microsoft Visual C++ version 14.0; Boost_106000; UHD_003.009.003-0-unknown
gr-osmosdr 164a09fc (0.1.5git) gnuradio
built-in source types: file osmosdr fcd rtl rtl_tcp uhd hackrf bladerf airspy redpitaya
Using device #0 Realtek RTL2838UHIDIR SN: jenda_F_-25
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
[R82XX] PLL not locked!
Exact sample rate is: 2000000.052982 Hz
[R82XX] PLL not locked!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\msys64\tetra\projet landry\top_block.py”, line 384, in
File “C:\msys64\tetra\projet landry\top_block.py”, line 378, in main
tb = top_block_cls()
File “C:\msys64\tetra\projet landry\top_block.py”, line 232, in __init__
self.digital_cqpsk_demod_0 = digital.cqpsk_demod(
AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘cqpsk_demod’
>>> Done
Hi guys again. In my area i receive two kinds of tetra. At 426 Mhz there are netherlands tetra repeater that i receive and decode with success. But here in Germany the tetra most on 390 up to 395 mhz. But they have a bandwith about 25 khz instead of 12,5 khz (426 mhz). I know, they are encrypted, but wintelive shall stop at active channels. Or does it not? Mine never stops at that frequencies. Must i have a change at GRC? I tried, but with no effects. Has anyone an idea?
In one of the Comments Curly told to turn off AGC, which in my understanding means Automatic Gain Control. However all AGC blocks are allready gone in the GRC project provided.
The xlate_offset1 to xlate_offset10 variables are set to sample_rate, which is 2MHz. Sebastien suggested to turn it from 500 to 0.
Like you mentioned, I think the problem lies more in the fact that the signals in Germany/Austria are encrypted. So maybe they are not detected by WinTelive?
Hi I’m getting an error when I try execute “cd /tetra/bin”
I get “-bash: cd: /tetra/: No such file or directory”
Hi. Same error i got at start. You only must change to root directory and after that change to tetra directory.
Thanks Jochen, the thing is where can I find tetra directory? If I run
ls /
I dont see any tetra directory.
You never work with the command window? So you must learn something about, hehehe. type in “dir” and search it by changing the folders with “cd”. Its nearly the same as the windows command-line input.
Hi Guys! I installed all under Windows 8.1. Gnuradio works fine. Also muxrec starts I try it with only one receiver for begin. But when I start WinTelive, the connect window appears, but i cannot connect! “cannot connect remoteserver” is the message with nearly following Text “gnuradio not alowded” Whats going wrong? I am german and i cannot correctly translate the error message from wintelive. What shall i do now?
are you using the right gnu file ? i posted a one channel file in the wintelive post
try this project file i posted
Thank you Phil. Now it is working. Found only one tetra repeater in this area, its from Netherlands. but i don’t know, if this is an issue: It tunes the active repeater. when scan stops I tuned to this repeater but after a few seconds status is off and frequency is missing in listing down. Has ist stopped? or does the receiving on this channel goes on?
I also have the issue with not being allowed to connect to port 42000 on localhost (and I have no local firewall enabled). It could be some sort of permission issue in Win10. Any hints in the right direction are much appreciated.
Issue solved. I was simly using the wrong grc file.
telive works but no sounds ! it shows OK play but i cant hear everything! can you tell whats wrong?
same mine problem…no audio
I’m getting “PLL Not Locked” when execute flow graph.
I do know what it measn, but does anyone know why is that?
Hmm, whatever the reason for this mistake is it does not affect normal working. It says that actual frequency is 2000000.005324 but I can tune it whatever frequency I want
When I load the Telive tells me the green window: File tetra.xml was not read succesfully.
In principle it is because it is not in the computer, I download it from here: https://github.com/sq5bpf/telive/blob/master/tetra.xml
I put it in several folders of msys64 but still with the same message. Does anyone where you have to copy it or to do something else know?
Edit the original file tetra.xml (to do cleaning), and leave only the parameters of your country and your networks. It has to be on this path: msys64/tetra/bin/tetra.xml
Hi all,
Thank you very much for the help, it works fine on my x64 computer.
It seems needing a lot of CPU’s but I can work it as well.
I have a major problem, I do not have audio output of decoded channel in ./rxx.
OK PLAY is displayed on channel, but I don’t know how can set up the audio output on this program. Maybe I kneed to install the TETRA CODEC in directory, but while??
I thank you as well if someone can help me to fix it 🙂
Have a nice day!!
Same issue here! I have the “OK PLAY” but no audio. I hope someone can help us. Thanks in advance!
Thank you Gustavo, I hope a kindly Radioham will help us to find the issue to setup the audio with m-sys 🙂 !
I’ll be very helpfull for us!
Many thanks
Is it possible to run this Program with Windows and SDRplay ? It shows device not found.
Hi, Im wonder if SDRPLAY works with this software?
I am preparing a brand new windows-based software for TETRA decoding, completely from scratch. Stay tuned.
Excellent. I would be willing to BETA test 🙂
If I can be of any assistance, let me know. Lots of Tetra networks where I live.
Have tried getting in contact with curly boi but almost impossible 🙂
If you read this, is it possible to get sdrplay implemented in your next update? (So its pre built with sdrplay support in source (gr)
I have done steps 1-7 without any issues but, on opening any of the GRC files (I am using the UDP ones) I get lots of errors withing GnuRadio Companion similar to the following:
file:/C:/users/John/Downloads/telive_1ch_simple_gr37_slow_udp.grc:10471:1:FATAL:PARSER:ERR_TAG_NOT_FINISHED: Premature end of data in tag meta line 35
file:/C:/users/John/Downloads/telive_1ch_simple_gr37_slow_udp.grc:10471:1:FATAL:PARSER:ERR_TAG_NOT_FINISHED: Premature end of data in tag link line 34
file:/C:/users/John/Downloads/telive_1ch_simple_gr37_slow_udp.grc:10471:1:FATAL:PARSER:ERR_TAG_NOT_FINISHED: Premature end of data in tag link line 33
file:/C:/users/John/Downloads/telive_1ch_simple_gr37_slow_udp.grc:10471:1:FATAL:PARSER:ERR_TAG_NOT_FINISHED: Premature end of data in tag link line 32
file:/C:/users/John/Downloads/telive_1ch_simple_gr37_slow_udp.grc:10471:1:FATAL:PARSER:ERR_TAG_NOT_FINISHED: Premature end of data in tag link line 31
file:/C:/users/John/Downloads/telive_1ch_simple_gr37_slow_udp.grc:10471:1:FATAL:PARSER:ERR_TAG_NOT_FINISHED: Premature end of data in tag link line 30
file:/C:/users/John/Downloads/telive_1ch_simple_gr37_slow_udp.grc:10471:1:FATAL:PARSER:ERR_TAG_NOT_FINISHED: Premature end of data in tag link line 29
file:/C:/users/John/Downloads/telive_1ch_simple_gr37_slow_udp.grc:10471:1:FATAL:PARSER:ERR_TAG_NOT_FINISHED: Premature end of data in tag link line 28
file:/C:/users/John/Downloads/telive_1ch_simple_gr37_slow_udp.grc:10471:1:FATAL:PARSER:ERR_TAG_NOT_FINISHED: Premature end of data in tag link line 27
file:/C:/users/John/Downloads/telive_1ch_simple_gr37_slow_udp.grc:10471:1:FATAL:PARSER:ERR_TAG_NOT_FINISHED: Premature end of data in tag link line 26
file:/C:/users/John/Downloads/telive_1ch_simple_gr37_slow_udp.grc:10471:1:FATAL:PARSER:ERR_TAG_NOT_FINISHED: Premature end of data in tag link line 25
file:/C:/users/John/Downloads/telive_1ch_simple_gr37_slow_udp.grc:10471:1:FATAL:PARSER:ERR_TAG_NOT_FINISHED: Premature end of data in tag link line 24
file:/C:/users/John/Downloads/telive_1ch_simple_gr37_slow_udp.grc:10471:1:FATAL:PARSER:ERR_TAG_NOT_FINISHED: Premature end of data in tag link line 23
file:/C:/users/John/Downloads/telive_1ch_simple_gr37_slow_udp.grc:10471:1:FATAL:PARSER:ERR_TAG_NOT_FINISHED: Premature end of data in tag meta line 20
file:/C:/users/John/Downloads/telive_1ch_simple_gr37_slow_udp.grc:10471:1:FATAL:PARSER:ERR_TAG_NOT_FINISHED: Premature end of data in tag meta line 19
file:/C:/users/John/Downloads/telive_1ch_simple_gr37_slow_udp.grc:10471:1:FATAL:PARSER:ERR_TAG_NOT_FINISHED: Premature end of data in tag meta line 18
file:/C:/users/John/Downloads/telive_1ch_simple_gr37_slow_udp.grc:10471:1:FATAL:PARSER:ERR_TAG_NOT_FINISHED: Premature end of data in tag meta line 8
file:/C:/users/John/Downloads/telive_1ch_simple_gr37_slow_udp.grc:10471:1:FATAL:PARSER:ERR_TAG_NOT_FINISHED: Premature end of data in tag head line 7
file:/C:/users/John/Downloads/telive_1ch_simple_gr37_slow_udp.grc:10471:1:FATAL:PARSER:ERR_TAG_NOT_FINISHED: Premature end of data in tag html line 6
>>> Failure
The flowchart doesn’t appear so I cannot alter it. Any idea what might be going wrong here?
Make sure you downloaded the GRC correctly.
Thanks for the pointer. Bizzarely, copying and pasting the code direct from the webpage into a notepad file worked, somehow the formatting was corrupted downloading it.
Same issue here. And how do we make sure GRC is downloaded correctly?
GNURadio companion installed correctly and the program is working. But when loading the GRC project files (udp or xmlrpc) a whole list of errors popup and the flowchart doesn’t show.
Nevermind 🙂 Got it, thanks Far and EMM
The .grc files are in Linux text format. Linux just uses LF to end lines, DOS/Windows use CR/LF. You can convert them using a tool like Unix2Dos or, even simpler, do as I do and copy and paste the markup code into Notepad rather than directly downloading it.
Where to copy this folder “receiver_udp” ? Thanks
“I have a clear Tetra Signal in the GnuRadio FFT, but the receiver1udp window only shows ###AFC: and numbers.”
I had the same problem and I change the value of xlate_offset1 500 to 0 . keep informed if it works! for me is good !
try bypassing the AGC3 in the grc project.
I have a clear Tetra Signal in the GnuRadio FFT, but the receiver1udp window only shows ###AFC: and numbers.
It works with another grc project! With the “simple” grc projects with full spectrum click to tune functionality it doesn’t work.
sometimes, its better to bypass the AGC in the projects
Help. When I start “./rxx” comes this: “./rxx: Zeile 129: ./telive: No such file or directory”
Why? I have all downloaded and installed…
it works! I have copy the file telive.exe into /tetra/bin in the mysys directory, now it works!
sorry, my bad. the “./” shouldn’t be there, just “telive”. i will fix it
The program works fine but only one channel mode.
Unable to start multichannel.
What problem do you have?
Where can i find the content of gnuradio_mod? #2 Installation
I find it in the file from curly’s webserver !
I can’t find it anymore…can you provide the link or can you share in a Dropbox or other online sharing service? thanks
The link http://curly.100dola.eu/data/my-tools/telive_win/
Oh, it is inside the zip file…I was searching a separate file…thanks again !