AFEDRI LAN-IQ: Standalone 12-bit 30 kHz to 1.7 GHz SDR with LCD Screen for $339
AFEDRI have recently begun shipping their new software defined radio called the "LAN-IQ". The LAN-IQ is a full standalone SDR with good advertised specifications and a very decent price of only US$339. The advertised specs from the Afedri LAN-IQ website are pasted below:
- 30 kHz to 1700.00MHz continuous frequency range
- Direct sampling
- DDC - Digital Down-Conversion
- 12- bit 76.8 MSPS A/D conversion
- Stand Alone mode (AM, CW, SSB, NFM, WFM stereo, BPSK, QPSK demodulators)
- Up to 2.2MHz recording and processing bandwidth
- Waterfall display functions, when used with appropriate software
- Recording and playback, when used with appropriate software
- Sensitivity - MDS -136 dBm at 500Hz bandwidth (0.03MHz-35MHz)
- Sensitivity - MDS -143.5 dBm at 500Hz bandwidth (50MHz-435Mhz)
- USB 2.0 (Full Speed) interface
- LAN interface for remote access
- Compatible with: Linrad, Winrad, HDSDR, Studio1, SDR Console (SDR-radio), CuteSDR, SdrDX, Quisk, PowerSDR_mrx
- Powered from USB or external power supply 7-10VDC
- Dimensions 120mm deep x 78mm wide x 27mm high
- Unit cost - $339

They go on to elaborate on the specs:
LAN-IQ SDR is stand-alone, direct sampling Software Defined Receiver (see picture above) it has ability to send it's received I/Q stream in three different modes:
- Stand-Alone (Digital processing, filtering , decoding is implemented inside SDR)
- Network (LAN)
LAN-IQ SDR has the following specification:
- Frequency Coverage: 0.03MHz-35MHz & 35MHz-1700MHz
- Noise Figure: ~11dB (for 1MHz-35Mhz range and maximum RF gain 35dB)*
*input VGA (Variable Gain Amplifier) has variable Gain from -10dB up to +35dB- Noise Figure: ~3.5dB (for 50MHz-435Mhz range and maximum LNA/MIX gain )
- MDS: -136 dBm at 500Hz bandwidth (0.03MHz-35MHz)
- MDS: -143.5 dBm at 500Hz bandwidth (50MHz-435Mhz)
Output data format: two 16-bit I/Q channels (audio stereo stream emulation)
Maximum Receiving Bandwidth:
- BW = up to 2200kHz (for 2400kHz sample rate) - using Network connection
- BW = up to 706kHz (for 768kHz sample rate) - instand-alone mode
- BW = up to 230kHz (for 250k samples/s sample rate) - using USB connection
RF ADC sampling rate: 76.800 MHz
Power Supply Voltage Requirements:
- 5V (supplied from the PC's USB bus or from external) or from external power supply able to provide 5VDC +/-0.2V).
- 7.0-10V DC to the DC power connector.
Power Supply Current Requirements:
- up to 850mA (max. LCD brightness, network cable connected, VHF/SHF band)
The LAN-IQ SDR is designed to be used in stand-alone mode , i.e. without need to use any additional computer and software.
In same time the SDR can be connected and used with Personal Computer (PC) by two interfaces:
1. Ethernet Network connection.
This can now provide up to 2400 kHz sample rate
2. Full Speed USB
From PC point of view, the SDR-Net can be used alternatively as:
1. Network device using two IP protocols: TCP and UDP.
- TCP protocol is used to control the SDR parameters.
- UDP protocol is used to send received I/Q stream from SDR to PC
2. Or exactly like the AFEDRI SDR-Net -USB Composite Device, that contains two USB functions:
- Generic USB Audio device - to transfer baseband I/Q signal, as an audio stereo stream
- USB HID device - used to control AFEDRI SDR-Net
From the Afedri forum we've learned that by default the unit will come without the tuning knob, but a knob can be requested if preferred, although it comes with some limitations.
Ordering of the LAN-IQ is done via email only, and the email address can be obtained at the end of their ordering page. They accept PayPal, and shipping costs anywhere from $18 - $32 depending on the country. Also regarding shipping they note that deliveries may be delayed due to COVID-19 which is of course the case for every global delivery right now.
From the SWLing Post blog post we've also learned of a short demonstration video created by Fenu-Radio which is shown below. We are also awaiting his full review which will be posted on
In a second video Fenu-Radio compares the LAN-IQ against the Malahit-DSP which is another similar low cost standalone SDR which we posted about back in November 2019.
More videos of the LAN-IQ in action can be found on the Afredi-SDR YouTube channel.
Looks like an optical encoder, not rheostat. Most digital systems don’t use rheostats as they can more easily read the digital systems from an encoder.
I would like to see a video or screen shots of the fine details in the waterfall’s resolution of CW signals. Can it distinguish the dots and dashes?: The point is, with any good waterfall it should be possible to see the fine details in a signal. That is also important for identification of digital signals. “Everebody’s” waterfall can easily show the signals from relatively broad SSB signals and even broader BC stations, but for useful signal identification, fine details are needed. None of that is tested here and the first video is taken with an almost useless camera angle.
am I the only one that thinks this is too expensive for what it is?
No. But those of us who are already familiar with SDR’s, how to use them, the software available, etc. etc. are not likely the intended audience? At least that’s what I’m thinking. I certainly have no interest in this.
Lookup the price of the 12-bit 80MSPS “ADC” chip used (AFEDRI8201 with integrated Digital Downconverter – Quadrature Mixer, NCO, CIC Decimation Filter, And FIR Filters; Mixer: 32-Bit Frequency and Phase ; Decimation Ratio: 32 to 4096) on digikey, it is not cheap.
The usual rule is ~30% margin for yourself, ~30% margin for your distributors and ~30% is the cost of the BOM, manufacturing and testing. Looking at that one part makes me guess that they are close to the right price. Companies who stray very far from the above rule usually do not stay in business very long. They can cut out distributors, but typically will sell less.
It has a touch screen front panel that can be operated standalone, or it can be accessed remotely via network or locally via USB. It is not fantastic unbelievable value for money but they are not price gouging either.
I wonder why there is a knob on the left side in both videos and there is nothing in the first pic of this post…
If you lookup the part they they used it looks suspiciously like a rheostat, which have a limited operating life of say 5000, 10,000 15,000 or 100,000 rotation cycles before they fail. It is not really a smart idea to ship a product with a part that will die before the warranty period is over. That would be my take on it anyhow.
Presently (March 2022) it’s an optical encoder with no mechanical action. Turns smooth as silk.
If you read the description the knob was initially an option. It is now it is standard equipment. I was also told that he found a better encoder than what has been described in various web postings that does not wear out quickly. I just bought one for hunting external noise sources on HF and so far it has been working well. Rugged and very sensitive with pretty much exactly the feature set that I was looking for.
hi this is a little off the subject but my question is can you (or maybe Nooelec) please make a version of this splitter:
with SMA connectors rather than BNCs to use one antenna with multiple SDRs. it would make comparing SDRs or dedicating an RTL-SDR to one task while using the antenna on another SDR much easier.
You misspelled Afedri.