Decoding Oregon Scientific Weatherstation Messages using Gnuradio
Recently a reader of, DO2BJK wrote in to let us know about his project where he used GNU Radio to decode Oregon Scientific V1 and V2 weather station messages. To receive the weather station messages which are sent in the ISM band at 433 MHz, DO2BJK used a USRP B210, but he writes that other SDRs such as an RTL-SDR or HackRF will also work. To decode the signal, DO2BJK took the usual steps of recording the signal and looking at the audio waveform in Audacity. From the waveform he was able to determine the bit string and discover the preamble, sync and data parts of a packet. He then used GNU Radio and wrote a Python program to receive the signal and automatically detect the preamble and extract the temperate data. His code is available on GitHub at
For those interested, see the link below for details on how to decode other Oregon Scientific devices.