Receiving VLF with a PC sound card, Miniwhip Antenna and SAQrx
Over on YouTube user Mile Kokotov has uploaded a video showing how he is able to receive Very Low Frequency (VLF) signals between 300 Hz to 30 kHz using just his PC, a Miniwhip antenna connected to his sound card input port and a program called SAQrx Panoramic VLF Receiver. This allows reception of signals between 0-48 kHz with a sound card that can sample at 96 kHz.
Using this set up he is able to receive the Alpha navigation system beacons which are at around 10-12 kHz and some other Navy navigation system beacons between 18 and 48 kHz from his home in Macedonia.
Can it be used in the video card scenario so you can look at things underwater in full video real life time.