GQRX and gr-osmosdr now with support for SpyServer
Thanks to the work of Lucas Teske, GQRX is now able to connect to SpyServer servers. SpyServer is the IQ streaming server software solution developed by the Airspy SDR developers. It can support Airspy and RTL-SDR devices, and can be used to access these SDRs remotely over a network connection. It is similar to rtl_tcp, but a lot more efficient in terms of network usage, meaning that it performs well over an internet connection. On a previous post we have a tutorial about setting up a SpyServer with an RTL-SDR.
The code modified by Lucas is the gr-osmosdr module, and Lucas' code can be downloaded from his GitHub at It doesn't yet appear to have been merged into the official osmocom branch. The gr-osmosdr module is a generic block used to access various SDR hardware, so any software that utilizes it (such as GNU Radio) should be able to connect to a SpyServer connection too.
#GQRX now working with #spyserver from @airspy_com ! Now I just need to see if #osmocom will accept the patch.
— Lucas Teske (@lucasteske) June 19, 2018