Tagged: rtl-sdr blog V4

Receiving Weather Images from NOAA Weather Satellites with an RTL-SDR Blog V4 and Multipurpose Dipole Antenna Kit

Over on YouTube Baltic Lab has uploaded a video showing how he was able to successfully use an RTL-SDR Blog V4 and the included multipurpose dipole antenna kit to receive images from polar-orbiting NOAA weather satellites.

In the video, Baltic Lab shows how to orient the dipole antenna in a "V-Dipole" shape which optimizes it for receiving from satellites. He also shows how to use a VNA to confirm that the telescopic elements on the dipole are extended to the correct length, noting that he was able to achieve a VSWR of less than 1.2 between the target frequencies of 135 to 138.1 MHz, with a near perfect match at 136.5 MHz.

He then demonstrates receiving the NOAA APT signals with his laptop, and successfully recovering the weather satellite image.

Images From Space: Receiving Weather Images Directly from NOAA Weather Satellites

Tech Minds: Reviewing the Raspberry Pi 5 For Radio Amateurs Book by Elektor

Over on the Tech Minds YouTube channel, Matt has uploaded a video where he reviews a new book by Elektor titled "Raspberry Pi 5 For Radio Amateurs" (€5 off coupon code "Techminds"). The book is all about projects for the Raspberry Pi 5 that can be done with RTL-SDR Blog V3 and V4 software defined radios.

In the video Matt explores the books contents, showing off the various possible projects. Matt also shows how to get started with the book by installing Raspbian, and the RTL-SDR drivers, and then goes on to show how examples of the various software programs mentioned in the book such as SDR++, flrig, chirp, dump1090, predict, HamClock, rtl_tcp, rtl_433, qsstv, fldigi, Xdx and more.

Raspberry Pi 5 For Radio Amateurs With The RTL-SDR V4

RTL-SDR Blog V4 now in stock at Amazon USA

Just a quick note for those waiting to confirm that the RTL-SDR Blog V4 is now in stock at Amazon USA. We have linked both the dongle + antenna set, and dongle only listings below. For customers outside of the USA please check our international purchasing links at www.rtl-sdr.com/store.

With the demand being high, if you were waiting please order soon as the next shipment most likely won't be in until January. To learn more about the RTL-SDR Blog V4, please see our product release post.

The RTL-SDR Blog V4 Dongle
The RTL-SDR Blog V4 Dongle

RTL-SDR Blog V4 Dongle + Antenna Set Back in Stock

This is just a quick post to let people who have been waiting know that the RTL-SDR Blog V4 Dongle with Multipurpose Dipole Antenna set is back in stock in our international store which ships from China.

Amazon stocking has been slightly delayed, but the ship with the stock should be on the way soon, and we expect it to be stocked within about four weeks. 

The V4 dongle can be ordered from our store at www.rtl-sdr.com/store.

Also see our release post and V4 users guide pages for more information about the RTL-SDR Blog V4.

Please remember that not all software is compatible with the RTL-SDR Blog V4 yet. The majority of programs on Windows and Linux are already compatible, or just require a simple driver swap, but some programs on MacOS will need more time to update because on these platforms the drivers are bundled with software. Android has recently seen the SDR Driver app updated to support the majority of Android apps.

Please consult the V4 users guide for the latest information about software compatibility and how to update the drivers.

Chris Reviews the RTL-SDR Blog V4 on the HF Bands

Thank you to Chris (NNN0BOC) for writing up a glowing review of the RTL-SDR Blog V4. In the review Chris covers the enhancements that the VB4 brings to the HF bands, the driver replacement, and tests it out on various signals such as STANAG S4285, HF FAX, HFDL, GMDSS, MilSpec 141A ALE and various SWL bands. In his tests he uses SDR-Console V3, of which there is now a beta version that has built in support for the RTL-SDR Blog V4 (scroll down the page to find the V3.3 beta download).

Chris makes note that the RTL-SDR Blog V4 does not have the Nyquist aliasing problem that occurs in the RTL-SDR Blog V3 and other RTL-SDRs that enable HF reception through direct sampling. Nyquist aliasing on the RTL-SDR means that signals will be folded around 14.4 MHz. So for example a real signal at 8 MHz would also show up on 14.4 + (14.8 - 8) = 20.8 MHz and vice versa. The lack of Nyquist aliasing makes for a much cleaner spectrum.

Chris summarizes with the following:

I must admit I spent _a lot_ of time just looking at the beauty of HF with the V4, watching all the crazy goings-on, the weird sweepers and random signals popping up and disapearing.

I didn't run into any dynamic range issues or stability issues stemming from the V4, I wondered if I would have to perhaps place the RTL SDR AMBC Filter in line to suppress the many AMBC signals always present, never had a prob. The 120+ foot horizontal loop antenna feeding the V4 only has a 30MHz lowpass filter in line to hinder any rf that impinges upon it.

For such an inexpensive and tiny device, and free-to-use software, the capabilities are really kinda amazing. I now want an RTL SDR embedded into a cheap phone to use as a spectrum display on non-sdr HF receivers!

The V4 seems to atone for some of the sins of the V3, especially on HF with specific regard to Nyquist aliasing, have no fear tuning above 14.4MHz dear friends, this thing won't be making aliases unless you are overloading it.

At this time I can't think of a better value for the money when shopping for an SDR to use with a pc or phone in the sub - $50 price range.

We note that the RTL-SDR Blog V4 dongle only is currently in stock on our store from our international shipping warehouse, and the V4 dongle + antenna set will be in stock in about a weeks time.

RTL-SDR Blog V4 Dongle Back in Stock!

The RTL-SDR Blog V4 dongle (dongle only), is back in stock for international shipping today! The V4 Dongle + Antenna set will be back in stock after about a week. Please note that shipping will be a few days delayed due to a multi-day public holiday in China this week. Amazon will be stocked with V4 dongles in about five weeks time.

The V4 dongle can be ordered from our store at www.rtl-sdr.com/store.

Also see our release post and V4 users guide pages for more information about the RTL-SDR Blog V4.

Please remember that not all software is compatible with the RTL-SDR Blog V4 yet. The majority of programs on Windows and Linux are already compatible, or just require a simple driver swap, but some programs on MacOS and Android will need more time to update because on these platforms the drivers are bundled with software.

Please consult the V4 users guide for the latest information about software compatibility and how to update the drivers.

We note that there have been some false rumors on various forums that the RTL-SDR Blog V4 is totally out of stock already as it is a limited edition product. We want everyone to know that that while it is a limited edition product, there should be enough stock for about a year.

Manuel Compares the RTL-SDR Blog V3 vs RTL-SDR Blog V4

Not too long ago we released our first batch of RTL-SDR Blog V4 dongles, and most have been received by customers now. The next batch is coming soon, and we should be able to start sales again within the next 1-2 weeks from this post. It is incorrect rumors that they are totally sold out forever already. There should be sufficient stock for at least a year, so everyone who wants one will can get one.

In his latest YouTube video Manuel Lausmann compares the performance of the RTL-SDR Blog V3 and the RTL-SDR Blog V4. The video is narrated in German, however YouTube's autotranslate + captions feature works well.

In the video he first compares the performance on HF, noting that there are significantly less interference signals in the HF spectrum due to the lack of Nyquist folding around 14.4 MHz, which is a known problem with the direct sampling mode. He later also compares performance in the VHF and UHF bands, notably finding an improvement in the 145 MHz region where the V3 has a pumping noise floor from out of band interference, whereas the V4 does not thanks to it's additional filtering.


TechMinds: Testing the RTL-SDR Blog V4

Over on his TechMinds YouTube channel Matt has uploaded a new video showing him testing out the new RTL-SDR Blog V4 dongle that we released a couple of weeks ago. In the video Matt explains the differences between the RTL-SDR Blog V3 and V4 dongles, and then goes on to show the Blog V4 dongle in action. He finishes by comparing reception between the V3 and V4, noting the reduced interference on the HF bands due to the lack of Nyquist folding from direct sampling.

We note that the first batch of the RTL-SDR Blog has currently sold out, but a new larger batch will be ready to go on sale around the end of September. So please keep an eye on the blog's main page and store if you are interested in picking one up.

RTL SDR V4 - Now with Built-In HF Upconverter + More Features