Visual Tuner Knob Plugin for SDR#
Thank you to Eddie MacDonald for submitting his new SDR# plugin to us via our forums. Eddie's plugin is called the 'Tuner Knob Plugin', and simply enables a visual tuner knob on the screen for adjusting the frequency. This plugin could be useful especially for those running SDR# on touchscreen tablets or laptops. To install the plugin copy the .dll file to the SDR# directory and copy and paste the magicline.txt into the plugins.xml file. We tested the plugin on our PC and found it to run well.
We have uploaded the plugin here for all to download. Note: Updated plugins now available at
Eddie writes about the plugin:
Programming the plugins is not so easy considering their is very little documentation and few examples on the net. There may be a few bugs I have not caught (but i hope i have caught them all.)
This DLL was compiled and tested on a Windows 7 x64 machine and the DLL is compiled for both x86 and x64 platforms. I have tested it on SDR# Version v1.0.0.1635
I am not certain which previous versions it may or may not run on. However, being built on the 4.6 .Net framework it should work with Win7 on.
I built this plugin because i got tired of holding down buttons and waiting for the frequency changes. I figured this was a simpler method (even though some people hate rotary style controls on windows) It works exceptionally well with a touch screen.
As previously mentioned in the forum post I created the 'remote' to test my programming for future plugins for DSP
While some may not find a use for the remote I made it this way for my wife who like to cruise the dial and just see what she can pick up.

I have the .dll file in my plugins, IIRC about 24.5mb, also have magicline in my plugins file, shows up as last line where I put it, and its saved. Opens sdr sharp, and no plug in in menu- does the dongle have to be in the pc, as I tried it without it as its packed away right now? eddie, your news page says you’ve stopped doing work on SDR sharrp, and the link to the last updated tuner is broken- is it still around? BTW you won’t get any negs from me, I appreciate your hard work pal! Buy you a beer if Icould….!
Can anyone tell me how I can see the full control panel shown in the image above? All I see on the latest version of SDR# is the knob only.
I no longer support that version. Since SDR# has migrated to .NET 5 I am in the process of creating new .NET 5 compatible versions of all my plugins. This one included. When completed I will post them on my website for download.
Thanks, Eddie. Very glad to hear that. Can’t wait.
Thanks, Eddie. Can’t wait to see it!
Cannot get magicline.txt into pluginsxml.file. Using windows 7. Copied the .txt but can’t copy to xml file. Any suggestions?
Right click .xml file and choose “open with” Notepad. copy and paste in required text. save changes when prompted.
I can access the plugins.xml file and open it in Notepad but it will not allow me to paste anything into it.??
You must closed, exit sdrsharp before editing the plugins file.
Hi Steve, I’ve gotten the same request from about 10 people, I am working on the changes and will post the new DLL version once tested and completed.
Thanks for your interest.
works great on my 10.1 inch RCA Cambio Win 10 home 32 bit tablet. would like to see more options for the tune step though. for example by .1Mhz for the fm broadcast band.
Eddie, many thanks for this new plugin and admin for publishing this item.
I will tested and used it for my Acer 8″ W10 Tablet and also on my desktop computer (W10/i7).
Looks great and works with the latest sdr#1637 on my desktop computer.