DATV-Red: An Interface for Controlling PlutoSDR in Node-RED

Thank you to Ohan Smit (ZS1SCI) for submitting news that he has published his software called DATV-Red over on GitHub. The software is open source and is design to be an interface for controlling a PlutoSDR in Node-RED.

The PlutoSDR is a low cost RX/TX capable SDR with up to 56 MHz of bandwidth and 70 MHz to 6 GHz frequency range (with mods). Node-RED is a visual programming tool for creating JavaScript functions.

Ohan writes:

I've built an interface for controlling the plutosdr in Node-red.

It works on the latest PlutoDVB firmware.

It is cross platform since it is web based.

Currently the scope is focussed on QO-100 use, yet with the latest addition of the RX spectrum from the Pluto's onboard web socket, the focus would shift to a general spectrum analysis and RF operation with special operational DATV features

[It is] a work in progress.

DATV-Red: An interface for controlling the PlutoSDR in Node-RED
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