Using a LimeSDR / PlutoSDR to Transmit Digital Amateur Television with DATV Express

Over on YouTube Corrosive from channel SignalsEverywhere has uploaded a new video in his series on Digital Amateur Television (DATV). The new video shows us how to use a transmit capable SDR like a LimeSDR or PlutoSDR to transmit DATV with a free Windows program called DATV Express.

In the video he explains the various transmit and video encoding settings, and then demonstrates the signal being received on SDRAngel with an RTL-SDR (which he explained in his previous video)

DATV DVB-S Transmitter With a LimeSDR or Pluto SDR and DATV Express

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Unfortunately, the software only seems to work in Windows at the moment.

There is a version for Linux but it doesn’t seem to support anything but the Express proprietary hardware.

I tried running the Windows version in Wine and it didn’t work. =(

Corrosive of SignalsEverywhere

I was targeting Windows users in this one but I am working on how to do it with Raspberry pi and later in gnuradio.

There is a gr-dvbs block on GitHub that can be used to transmit in Linux with other SDR Hardware. it’s on my list of videos to make but that is becoming a very long list so I can’t say for sure when it will come out.


I was taking a look at that myself. I was able to get it transmitting with the dvb_s2 example on my Lime, but didn’t have a receiver handy (I don’t think you can use the Lime with both gr and sdrangel at the same time).

I’ve got a cheap chinese sat receiver in the garage somewhere I bought a couple years ago, been meaning to try modding it as you did in your video to receive DVB-S/S2.

btw good videos, very educational

Corrosive of SignalsEverywhere

Thanks! I really appreciate that. I’ve been working pretty hard to stay consistent and keep the content coming.