A RS41 and DFM09 Radiosonde Decoder Plugin for SDR++

A new decoder for RS41 and DFM09 radiosondes has been released as a plugin for SDR++ by dbDexter.  A radiosonde is a sensor package with RF transmitter that is attached to a weather balloon. Meteorological agencies around the world typically launch two per day in order to gather weather forecast data. With an RTL-SDR, appropriate antenna and a decoder it is possible to receive this data, and plot the GPS location on a map.

Installing a plugin for SDR++ requires adding the build options to the SDR++ source, and building SDR++, so it could be a little difficult for Windows, but relatively simple build instructions for Linux are provided in the Readme.

A Radiosonde Decoder for SDR++

Over on Twitter FelixTRG (@OK9UWU) has tested the plugin out and has found it to work well.

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What size has your “radiosonde_decoder_w64.dll” and where did you getit from?
Which sdrpp Version do You use (V1.0.4??)
sdrpp nightly V1.0.0 is OK (even has a scannermodule, meteordecoder, m17decoder and a working radiosonde_decoder (129kb)


I am using SDR++ Built at 15:49:12, Jan 9 2023 from Nightly Builds (https://github.com/AlexandreRouma/SDRPlusPlus/releases/download/nightly/sdrpp_windows_x64.zip) and plugin from https://github.com/dbdexter- dev/sdrpp_radiosonde/releases/download/v0.9-r1/radiosonde_decoder_w64.dll


Here is my zipped installation of SDR++, for Airspy, SDRPlay RSP1A and RTL-SDR: http://www.compoz.pl/sdrpp_windows_x64.rar


Thanks, this works for me as well.
sdrpp nightly V. 1.1.0 and radiosonde_decoder.dll (129kb)
Nice Bookmark collection! Though no scanner activated.

but sdrpp V.1.0.4 nogo! Version 1.1.0 is the newest!!


Hi, I´v installed the SDR++ 1.10… as well I´ve got the Radio Sonde dll file in the modules folder. After start sdr++ the module Radio Sonde does not appear!?!?!?! 🙁 What mistake I´m doing???
Cheers, Norbert


Open Modulemanager, select radiosonde_decoder, give a name in the left field , hit the + and you will find the decoder in the modules.


…I don´t find the radiosonde_decoder, not in the modul manager, not anywhere else…


Take this zipped installation of SDR++ V1.1.0 from kmp56 (thanks!)
http://www.compoz.pl/sdrpp_windows_x64.rar (ignore downloadrisk warning)
start: sdrpp.exe
Everything is already setup (radiosondy)


…no succes… error msg: sdrpp_core.dll not found… even this file is in the folder!!!???


…ok, success now; decode the rar-file with winrar; no I´v got RadioSondy, what to do else now in the modul manager?…
thanks for help a beginner… 😉


…it´s running now… one more question: when does the map with the track appears, only then when the first data is recieved. Or do I have to activated a map with the track???


…what can we do??? With the latest ersion of sdr++ the Plugin Radiosonde does not work!!!


Everything works fine, but the .dll must be in the \modules folder. And of course you have to manually add this module!!!
Tested 10 minutes ago….


GPX track file?
In the picture you can clearly see where the maps come from…


“In the video Matt first shows how to install the plugin, demonstrates it being used with an example RS-41 radiosonde, and then shows how to use the log file outputs like the GPX track file on a free GPX map plotting website.”


check \sdrpp_windows_x64\modules\radiosonde_decoder_w64.dll. It works for me…


In sdr++ nightly v1.0.0 wird radiosonde_decoder_w64.dll angenommen und kann im Modulmanager aktiviert werden.


I receive following message (Windows10) when adding “radiosonde_decoder_w64.dll” to the module directory:

der Prozedureinsprungpunkt ‘args’ wurde in der DLL” D:\sdrpp_windows_x64\radiosonde_decoder_w64.dll ” nicht gefunden


…same error msg here!!! ;-( Norbert