OpenEar Now Supports TETRA, DMR, POCSAG, ADS-B

Back in March we posted about "OpenEar" which was a newly released Windows TETRA decoder for RTL-SDR dongles. Back then the author "moneriomaa" noted that he planned to add several new modes. In the release that is currently available, OpenEar now supports TETRA, DMR, Pocsag, ADS-B as well as standard AM and NFM modes. We tested the software, and all modes appear to decode as advertised. In the future the author plans to add more modes such as MPT-1327 and AERO.

In the previous post we added an update noting that OpenEar appeared to be violating the GPL licence of OsmocomTETRA, and the author noted that he would remove the TETRA functionality until licencing was resolved. As TETRA decoding is back in the recent releases we assume these legal issues have been solved.

In the current release you also need to provide your own rtlsdr.dll file, which can be obtained from your SDR# folder, or directly from the Osmocom windows release (rename librtlsdr.dll to rtlsdr.dll).

Latest OpenEar Version
Latest OpenEar Version
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Greg Hefferon

Exemple reception airband am


To all who have error “this app can’t run on your pc” don’t download file by file and save it, that is common error. Download zip from github and extract it. BR


hackRF please!


Greg Hefferon
Bill McGrath

When I try to run I get missing MSVCR100.dll error twice. I have msvcr100.dll from SDRSharp as well as rtlsdr.dll in the same folder as openear. Windows 10, x64.

Bill McGrath

I meant MSVCR120.dll.


did you try install Visual C++ Redistributable Package (2013)?


Not working for me – This app can’t run, also tried in VirtualBox, same thing. Is Openear standalone or it need some other software? Maybe installation user guide about dependenies will be helpful, nothing is written in except “you can run software on windows operating system with no problem, i tested it on windows 10, windows 8.1 and windows 8 both x64 and x86 without problem.”


i think when you said “This app can’t run,” it is general senescence and i can’t help with zero info,
if you need help for running that it is better that describe with more information,
as you see below each person maybe has problem
but they ask with detail , as like MSVCR.dll missing or Some miss matching x64 rtlsdr dll with x86 or vice versa
if you look to your comment from my view there is no information for help, for your case you can said i double click on it and nothing happened!(that never happened before and maybe new case) it is more information from “This app can’t run,”

about dependencies: No, only need rtlsdr.dll (suitable x64 or x86 version)
and if i said “you can run software on windows ….” i only described what happened in my side
i run in new systems without dependencies!
and if some ones get MSVCR12.dll missing errors they can install Visual C++ Redistributable Package
(i think in some windows updates it exist and no needed)


Hello everyone
i invite anyone that have Hytera DMR radio to help me for decryption test
currently software under debugging and development, then you can’t directly test software
but you can help me by recording DSDplus raw input audio
(by pressing r key and then after traffic ends press again r)
or by recording baseband sdrsharp signal
currently i focused on basic privacy then it is better for me that BP is be used
e-mail : [email protected]


Tested with non-encrypted Tetra, all okay.

Some requests;

* Output audio to other sound input, eg, VB audio
* Quick access memory presets
* PPM frequency correction

Great work so far!


you’re welcome
currently there is no focus on GUI features,
after adding more protocols (when it reached decoding 10 protocols) with simple output like voice of report list
i focus on GUI improvement there is many basic and pro features can add to GUI in future


Any news about tetra encrypted voice?


currently I don’t have a document about TEA1, 2 , 3 ,4
then currently not

RF Guy

the folder is not working… wrong key


Pass, please


invalid key to acces to the file


Have tested with DMR so far and appears to be functional. ADSB is showing flights. Tetra syncs but the network I monitor is quiet.

Would it be possible to add memory presets?

Keep up the good work!


you’re welcome
currently there is no focus on GUI features,
after adding more protocols (when it reached decoding 10 protocols) with simple output like voice of report list
i focus on GUI improvement there is many basic and pro features can add to GUI in future

Chuck Waggon

Runs, tunes POCSAG signal but it will not decode, even tried tuning slightly above and below frequency. SDR# and PDW are working at 100% on this frequency.


please read note part on github and known issue for signal on center decoding
you must shift 50Kz or 100Khz right or left main frequency on edit box, then click on pocsag signal and decode this
it is known issue and try to solve it


Pocsag 512 and 1200 alpha working for me v1.5.4
Thank you for your awesome work


Are you sure that is Pocsag? maybe signal is Flex
cause PDW can Flex and pocsag at same time
but for openear Flex currently is not supported

Chuck Waggon

Yes it is POCSAG-3, bitrate 1200. I have been decoding this signal all week with PDW. The signal is consistent and doesn’t change. I’ve tried tuning it slightly above and below frequency, and adjusting gain.


Thank you very much – would definitely look forward to future functionalities (including TETRAPOL)!


you’re welcome
near future more protocols will be add, about Tetrapol i did some tries here, but vocoder is the main problem, maybe i try in near future

Ken Cechura

you might need to widen the bandwidth for POCSAG – I’ve had it parked on a channel all morning, and it has not displayed ANY packets. Both peaks are showing up as just BARELY red when the signal is alive (basically between the very peaks is red, but the outside skirts are white)


please read note part on github and known issue for signal on center decoding
you must shift 50Kz or 100Khz right or left main frequency on edit box, then click on pocsag signal and decode this
it is known issue and try to solve it

Ken Cechura

thanks for the help – i didn’t quite understand it at first. It works great now. Could you consider making the decode window the full height of the program window and/or allow text wrapping of the messages?

Additionally, could you consider an *.ini or similar file to save the last program state, so i could save the frequency and mode? This would allow me to either have multiple INIs for different sites that i could rename to use, or maybe even allow running multiple instances simultaneously (on different receivers)? I’m sure this would be a future build, but some thoughts. So far, this is awesome!


Thank you moneriomaa for answer but unfortunately same thing on fresh admin account, it does not work. Anyway, maybe in future it will work :). GL


you’re welocme
unfortunately, some times When the error is rare, the solution is rare too
but i check more for solution


I have error “This app can’t run on your pc” 64 bit Windows version 10 ver 1909 build 18363.752


i don’t know what happened on windows OS that leads to this error happened
but one solution is here that maybe help you:
create new “administrator account” and run program on this account, some times this is solution for this error for normal programs


Works great. Brings many decoders I needed together 🙂 dev really deserves a thumbs up. Rought start last month but all the best in future!


you’re welcome, thanks for your comment
more protocols will be added in near future ?

RF Guy

please add Tetrapol. No Voice Decoder for unencryptet Networks exists currently…


currently it only works with rtl-sdr (usb) hardware
in future on Pro version, multi hardware support will be added


Does it work with the Airspy R2?