Simple DMR Plugin for SDR# Now Available
Vasili from has recently released a simple DMR decoder plugin for SDR# to go along with his simple dPMR and TETRA decoders that we posted about earlier.
Simple DMR decoder. No external dependencies, no settings, uses SDR # audio path. Designed for listening to unencrypted DMR channels. The voice from both slots is mixed into one channel.
To install the plugin simply copy the dll's from the zip file into the SDR# folder, then copy the line from the magline.txt text file into the plugins.xml file which can be opened with any text editor.
onde que faz o dowload?
Eu estalei simples dmr, mas não aparece na lista de plugin do sdr , alguém pode me ajudar
This plugin no longer works on version 1919
Eu tentei estalar também não consegui, sabe onde eu consigo a versão antiga do sdr
How to download?
Anyone know if this software works with version 1.76 of sdr# ? Don’t seem to be able to tick on the checkbox ? Also what does the slider control do ?
seems not to work, voice not able to understand, using version 1784
whats next ? a all In-one Version (dPMR,DMR,APCO,TETRA, with auto selector) or more protocols like System Fusion, D-Star, Tetrapol ?