CubicSDR v0.1.4 Beta Released

CubicSDR is a new and upcoming multi platform open source SDR software package that is compatible with the RTL-SDR. It is similar to programs like SDR#, HDSDR and SDR-Radio. Recently the programmers have released version 0.0.4-beta which adds several new features which we have listed below:

  • Audio Spectrum visuals, drag the A/V visuals area to toggle between audio Scope and Spectrum
  • Waterfall speed can now be controlled between 1 and 1024 lines per second
  • Waterfall now continues to render while minimized or in background
  • Waterfall/Spectrum can now be zoomed to 30khz window with improved resolution
  • Spectrum averaging speed can now be controlled between 1% and 99%
  • I/Q mode for piping decimated I/Q to other applications at audio sample rate
  • Spectrum peak and floor decibels now displayed (can toggle off/on with ‘B’)
  • Can now mute demodulator with ‘M’ button or pressing ‘M” while hovering
  • Save and recall device Offset, I/Q swap, Direct sampling, Waterfall/Spectrum speed, Window state
  • Performance and UI responsiveness improvements
  • Can now use direct input for demod bandwidth
  • Direct input < 3000 now assumes Mhz
  • Additional device input sample rates
  • Improved waterfall keyboard controls via arrow keys
  • Can now specify alternate configuration name via -c (name) or -config (name) at command line
  • Automatically reduce unused buffer memory over time
  • Several crash fixes

CubicSDR is compatible with Windows, Linux and MacOS. It can be downloaded from

CubicSDR v0.1.4 Demonstration

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Just installed o.1.4-beta on Windows10 and its running perfect..
Only problem is the the very high Cpu-load of 80-90%
HDSDR uses 28%
SDR#Sharp uses 38%


I like it too, especially how the display is uncluttered – but functions are available with a click or key tap in the right place. Skywave Linux has beta 0.1.4, and it works like a charm. The CubicSDR devs still have some items posted on their to do list, and I’m looking fwd to seeing more features implemented.

I often listen from a location with strong out-of-band signals, and would be happy to see flexible device gain controls as in SDR# and Sdrangelove.


Looking forward to checking the program out like what I’ve read so far was going to try python script. This sounds easier to start up


Im using the mac version and i love it, LOVE IT. it is just works… works great.


VERY impressed with the performance of this software so far. I’m using the Mac version. Set my PPM, set my freq to the local paging tower and was in business. It might be a little limited on input devices, (no user selection that I could find for TCP/IP, and all the ones SDR# does) but it basically worked like a Mac app should. Open it, and it works. Gonna play around more, but so far I’m really impressed with the performance.